My Garden: Phase Two

Last updated on March 31st, 2024 at 10:59 am

There is something so magical about learning and doing something all by yourself. Not hiring someone else to do it, although when the work gets tough you wish you had, but at the end of it, there is no better feeling. Feelings of great pride, success, accomplishments and more love for something you created from nothing. This is how I am starting to feel as my garden slowly takes form in phase two!

It’s something that was a lot harder than I thought to tackle on alone but I stay positive by thinking about all the great exercise I am getting. Hoping that when I finish not only will I be satisfied with it but my momma will be proud that I have become just like her in some many ways!

After hours of cutting out turf around the edging and creating our blank canvas in phase one, I was geared up for materials to starting being delivered so I could get on with my garden project.

topsoilTopsoil arrived first! So while the kids took their afternoon nap, this Momma got her gloves on and started shovelling dirt as fast as possible. I had two hours to get 25 trips from the front driveway to the back yard laid out smooth. I laid a thick layer all the way around to even out the flower beds and prepare it for what I call tarping, that black mesh that you put down to keep those pesky weeds at bay.

IMG_1751While I measured and worked out what plants I wanted and where, my two lovely boys got down and dirty getting rid of all the turf we cut out and piled against the house in phase one. Buba has never been so happy to help out, anything to do with outdoors and getting dirty he is a happy chap. So was Mommy for their help.

layoutWe had a lovely bank holiday at the garden center near us, shopping around for what we wanted in our new space. It was a fun family day out,  picking out plants together and having a yummy lunch afterwards. Buba kept running up to the next set of plants, “this one and this one and this one”. He was keen to get involved.

When we got home I was excited to strategically place each plant where I wanted it to go. If you haven’t noticed in the picture my OCD really stands out, the left and right sides mirror each other and each side of the willow tree, mirrors each other as well as the two corners. Yes, I am that bad. But it made it easier after planning one side to match the other so I could get down to more dirty work. Planting!

beagardenerI never thought I would be excited to garden. I am not a pull weeds kinda girl, and it’s not even the getting dirty part that puts me off. It’s the aches and pains I feel after being hunched over for hours. I know, moaning already!

Mr P caught me in action to see if I looked like a pro, what do you think?

diylandscapingAfter hours of planting various shapes, sizes and colors of plants I got to thinking, yes it’s hard work but how rewarding to look around and know I did all this! (obviously with some help of Mr P and Buba above). And the best part about it, I was saving us a butt load of money not only on not paying someone else but on a gym membership too. Good thing I hadn’t signed up last month, I have had enough working out for a few months. Being funny aside, I have also learned a lot in the process which has been a great experience.

mygardenphasetwoAfter a long weekend of hard work I am coming to the end of phase two. I just have a few more bigger plants to plant when they arrive! Then the mulch and stones will be added for the final touches! Stay tune for the last phase of my garden mini series. If you missed my first instalment click below.

My Garden: Phase One  



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43 thoughts on “My Garden: Phase Two”

  1. Cool! and I totally agree – there’s something really rewarding about doing it yourself – although my back might not agree after the digging I’ve done this week!

    Your garden is looking fab! Thanks you for joining in and sharing x

    • Thanks for hosting and teaching me a few things along the way. I have so much to learn. I just hope I am doing everything right. lol Can’t wait to sit back and enjoy what I have created.

    • Thanks. I still have a lot to go yet. If only my back and energy could keep up with my motivation I would finish it all in one day! lol

  2. You’ve done so much already!!! It looks fab. We have a similar ‘garden’ to you. Our house is just two years old and the garden is basically grass … and grass that’s not all the great either. I really want to do something with it but as we only moved in in December (finally!), I’m still trying to get the house in the decent condition. Maybe the garden is a project for next year!

    • Ya I was the same when we moved in here only a few weeks before I gave birth with Buba then Missy Moo so it was all about getting the house inside done. Now that it is I am working my way outdoors! lol

  3. We are going to start working on our outdoor living area! I am hoping to have a garden by next season 🙂 Good work mama

    • Let’s just hope the next is the last instalment. I am so tired and want to enjoy it. All this nice weather just been working on it. Bet it will rain nonstop until I leave for American when I finish. lol

  4. Well done, it’s looking fab! I’ve got serious garden envy as ours is a bit of a state at the moment. I’d love to start from scratch with it but as we’re renting at the moment it always feels less worthwhile making any major changes as we may well end up moving. Looking forward to seeing your finished little piece of paradise soon.

    • Oh I hope I make it to the end. It’s hard work. And seems to be taking forever. More day light hours and warmer weather would help too. lol Ya it’s hard to put work into something you know you will leave soon.

    • oh no tidying the house is before they wake up or after bedtime hahaha I have little windows and various chores scheduled in each one. a breather what’s that? joking my mother in law says I don’t know how to sit down and relax. lol

  5. Marvellous work lovely, sounds like you’re getting a real kick out of it too. Learning a new skill is one thing, but being able to see in action each day is truly awesome. Go you!!!

    • I hope so. Seems bare still but I don’t want to plant too much and not give them all room to blossom. Its been a hard project but glad to get to the end soon.

    • Thank you. Good old ocd coming to the rescue. I am sure over time I will add things here and there and it won’t be so matchy matchy but made it easy to buy two of everything and I am done. hahaha

    • It’s hard to get started but then it comes and I get so involved now I just want to rush to finish so I can enjoy it! lol No patience here.

    • Thanks Debra. I can’t either. I am so excited to finish it this weekend and start to enjoy it. Let’s hope it doesn’t rain too hard so I can.

  6. It’s looking really lovely Jenny! Well done you for getting it all done yourself, it’s so rewarding isn’t it! We kinds hated hating over the reins to the landscaper to do the patio, but there was no way we would have done a good enough job of that. Loving having the control back now to do planting etc. Garden centres are great places to go with the kids too aren’t they? Monkey loves them! xx #hdygg

    • Yes Buba loves them so much he screamed because he didn’t want to leave. lol Yes I wanted a patio done but it wasn’t in our budget but when it does fit in I will get one and no way will I attempt that on my own. Somethings are always better to have someone else to and someone else to blame when they go wrong. lol

  7. i think your garden will look very perfect by the time your done so great to have all the family involved

    • Thanks Helen. I know it’s been great. Even the baby has been crawling around me helping out and playing in the dirt with us all. So fun. Family project.

  8. Wow, that’s alot of top soil! Your garden is looking great and it you’ve chosen some lovely plants. Looking at your finished garden will make up for the stiff muscles next day! 🙂

    • It’s actually only a thin layer but does look like a lot. There is clay underneath so i thought it would help my plants grow. Yes the sore muscles will definitely be worth it. Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

  9. Looking brilliant and the sense of satisfaction will only intensify as the plants grow. Looking forward to seeing it

    • I really hope so. It does look so bare at first but I need to be patient with it and give them time to get bigger and more full. NO patience.

    • Yes but still a lot of work to do this weekend to finish. I hope by Sunday phase three will be done and I will have a drink in hand to celebrate!!!

  10. Oh wow Jenny you have done the most amazing job, your garden is looking amazing. Such a contrast compared to last week. Wowsers! Well done! You deserve much wine. Thank you so much for sharing and apologies for being slower to comment this week #whatsthestory

    • Never apologize hunny I know you are busy. Life is busy. Glad you like it. I am hoping to finish by Wednesday phase three and finale done!!! Then it’s patio furniture shopping. I bet it will rain 40 days straight after I finish and I won’t get to enjoy it. hahaha

  11. I love the look of that. In its infancy but looks like it’s going to be so pretty once you’re all done. I like the little features, that’s what makes it so personal.

    • Ahhh thank you. I am hoping to finish it this week and have my third and final phase of my garden done so I can start shopping for garden furniture next. 😉

    • Thank you we finally laid the bark last night, I am exhausted. It’s done not just need the garden furniture to complete it. Shopping spree!!!


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