A Circus birthday party – turning 2 & 4 years old

Last updated on January 2nd, 2025 at 10:43 am

Welcome to the Circus.

By circus, I mean my son and daughter’s double circus birthday party. We thought this year we would have a joint celebration near fourth of July while all the extend family was up visiting too. It was perfect timing half way between their two birthdays. Unlike last year, it was just for B as we were in the UK for MM’s birthday and this time Daddy was here for it too. I really wanted a casual but fun party for everyone to enjoy as the kids have a variety of aged cousins. I spent less time setting up and taking photos than I did last year because well, I wanted to sit back and enjoy it more. So here are a few snapshots that my mom, sister in law, or I snapped during the day to share with you all.  

A double circus birthday party  turning 2 and 4 years old

Now to the party…

There were circus animals, corndogs, cotton candy, balloons, games, windmill cupcakes, and even a popcorn machine that filled the air with amazing buttery popcorn aromas. While it doesn’t sound like the healthiest party, I wanted it to be things you get at the circus. My kids have never had a corndog before so it was a special treat. We had bucks of circus animal crackers everywhere which were my absolutely favorite thing to nibble when I was growing up. Don’t worry we had delicious mouth watering watermelon and fruit salads for afternoon snacks. 

As far as decorating go, I went with a simple white and red stripes from the circus tents around the tables and a few colorful bunting but kept it simple as it’s SO windy where my parents live most of the time. The balloons struggled a little bit towards the end. That’s the thing about planning a party you could do amazing decorations outdoors but always plan for the weather: be it rain or wind or both.

A double circus birthday party  turning 2 and 4 years old

I think B is now officially a popcorn fanatic. It’s save to say he could care less about cotton candy or punch or even the cupcakes and candy on the table. He only had eyes for the popcorn maker and Grandma caught him scooping it straight into his mouth. There really was no stopping him. The amount of popcorn he consumed, I dare to think about that day. A double circus birthday party  turning 2 and 4 years old

It was amazing to have all our cousins and their kids there to join in the fun. I asked everyone to not buy presents, of course, they didn’t listen. The kids were truly spoiled with new toys, games, dolls, treats, cars, outdoor bubble machines and more. I will have to have a stock here at my parents house for our summer visits. I was overwhelmed at the love they all showed my two and how much this year my kids really bonded with their older cousins. I think after this summer they will start to remember them more and more. I get so excited about that. Their older cousins just adore them and the eldest even asks when can she babysit for me someday… so cute. A double circus birthday party  turning 2 and 4 years old

B has always hated cake no matter how I bake it. It’s not just mine, but any egg-less cake he has ever ate he spits it out but boy does he go for the frosting, just like his momma. While MM took forever licking and nibbling her cake, B had the frosting off and the cake in the trash in seconds. A double circus birthday party  turning 2 and 4 years old

The games begin…

We had egg races with the cousins, and sack races that even the adults got in on. At one point, I think the adults took over. I would like to highlight and shout out, I beat Mr P when we went head to head. The kids thought we had all lost the plot. I love how much fun the kids all had having a friendly family competing session. There were prizes for all the winners and we celebrated with a bubble machine party, swimming and the kids taking turns driving each other up and down the driveway in B’s new electric police car, my parents got him. MM is still not sure about the car so she stays clear of it. 

A double circus birthday party  turning 2 and 4 years old

A double circus birthday party  turning 2 and 4 years old

A double circus birthday party  turning 2 and 4 years old

Each year, we use my kids birthday as an excuse to get us all together. I love these family photos taken from my parents deck. I think we have taken it in this very spot for the past five years and I hope it’s a long tradition we keep. This isn’t even half of my immediate family and the rest were there in spirit with us. 

On birthdays, the company of family members always makes people feel sweet. The group photos left can also make people recall the beauty and touching of the day. Why not try to put these photos on Custom Keychains and give them to family members as gifts.Β 

In addition, you can also engrave the names of family members and the date of birthday on the keychain. In this way, the keychain can not only be a birthday commemoration, but also a bond between family members. Every time you pick up or use the keychain, you will feel warm in your heart.

To mark the end of another year with both my kids, I take a moment in the evening when the sun is setting behind the mountains and reflect on how grateful I am for my loving family and friends and how blessed I am that I get to spend my summers here with them. I grab the kids balloons and I let them go over the river each year to mark another year for my beautiful children and hope this next year for them will be just as adventurous, fun, loving, and full of laughter for them until we are here again to celebrate their birthdays.A double circus birthday party  turning 2 and 4 years old

63 thoughts on “A Circus birthday party – turning 2 & 4 years old”

  1. Oh what a wonderful party, it sounds like the perfect way to celebrate with lovely family and amazing food. The popcorn machine it quite incredible, I’m not surprised B was cutting out the bucket stage!

    • I know it was hilarious I am so glad my mom caught him and took that photo. So funny. It’s nice sometimes to ask others to take some photos for me and just enjoy the moments and the day. It really was a lovely family day together to celebrate both kids.

    • So much fun was had by the whole family and we really had quality time together having other family members take a few photos for us. It’s nice to just sit and realize sometimes and not worry about that kind of stuff. Thank you so much.

    • No we we lucky to have a friend that owns this and she let me borrow it for the party. It was a huge hit with the kids they love popcorn. We had a great day with so much family.

  2. An amazing family gathering and a perfect spot for a birthday party. wow you were lucky with a wonderful sunny day making everything look so beautiful happy and fun. An outdoor party that certainly paid off.

  3. Ah Jenny, it’s so lovely that you can celebrate birthdays with your family when you’re back home. This party looks AMAZING! Loving the pic of B at the popcorn maker – so funny! Fab photos too πŸ™‚

  4. Being surrounded by family – the best thing ever! Great photos showing how much fun you all had at an amazing party. Love the cup cakes! #Sharewithme

    • Oh thank you so much. It was a lovely day and I really stepped back and took only a few photos and didn’t worry about presentation and decorations as much as I did previous years. It was so much more fun to be having fun and not worrying about the little things. lol It’s how it should be. We loved it.

  5. It is such an amazing place to be able to celebrate your little one’s birthdays each year and I love that you took the time to just take it all in and enjoy. Sometimes we drive ourselves mad trying to get the perfect photo when the memory can be just as good. It looks like such a fun day and I just love the photo of him scooping the popcorn into his mouth! Why not, is is his birthday afterall!! So glad you had a lovely celebration for them xx

  6. Looks like you had such a great family day. I love getting together with my family. They are the best kind of days. Your party theme puts every party I’ve ever done to shame and I want one of those popcorn machines for my home!!!
    Thanks for hosting xxx #ShareWithMe

  7. Wow what a lovely post and an amazing party! I love the pic of your son shovelling the popcorn into his mouth so funny! Happy birthday to the little ones! #sharewithme

  8. What a great idea for a theme! And how lovely that your kids get to celebrate their birthdays with their whole family! That’s a really amazing present in itself! Thank you for hosting #sharewithme this week — lovely posts all around!

    • It’s great because we come to the states for summer every year and so all my extended family can all come together for a little reunion for the kids bday party. I love it. We had so much fun. Circus theme is always a hit with the little ones.

  9. I think joint birthday parties are a great idea. Gwenn doesn’t have anyone with a birthday close to her, but if she did I would be very receptive to the idea. x


    • It’s cheaper, easier and we can have all the family come together rather than twice a few weeks apart since the kids bdays are so close together. (they were actually due the same day but one was late and the other early) too weird. Its great they can share their parties with family together.

  10. Another lovely celebration, Jenny! Must be hard to believe that your kiddos are another year older. Time goes by so fast. I love this circus theme party, and am seriously considering getting one of those popcorn machines in the house (I’m a popcorn fanatic too!) What a great tradition you have with the balloons. That’s such a lovely way to commemorate another year with your kids. Thanks for sharing and for hosting us this week, Jenny! #sharewithme

    • I really can’t believe I have a 2 and 4 year old on my hands already. It really is flying and I felt like I had babies not too long ago and now one is starting school and the other running and talking. How does this happen? lol The popcorn machine was a huge hit.

    • I am very grateful call it home for sure it’s stunning here. I only wish I appreciated it more when I was a kid. But what do kids know about nature and natural beauty outdoors at a young age? lol Thank you.

  11. Wow, what an amazing party, the popcorn machine looks fab! How lovely that you got to spend it with so many family members, perfect!
    Thank you for hosting #Sharewithme
    Becky x

  12. What a wonderful party! I bet they both loved it! And the photo of him eating popcorn off the scoop is brilliant! Thanks for hosting #sharewithme

    • We had so much fun and it was great to get the whole family together. I love that we get to do more games at parties now that my kids are older and I do think the adults took over the kids games for a bit too which was fun. lol πŸ™‚

    • I was huge for the circus animals but as you see there were no clowns allowed I am petrified of them. I hate them so it was the only rule of the party. lol But we had a time and even the adults had the sack race too. πŸ™‚

    • Thank you Kirsten so much. Have you had a look at pinterest. If it’s later in the Fall maybe do like a wagon theme with beautiful colorful leaves everywhere to jump in and not sure how old but a mini wagon to ride in and you can do cowboy hats if he/she is young if there older pinterest is great for ideas I could list thousands here but not sure you will see my reply. lol Need any ideas let me know on twitter what age for your sons? A nautical boat theme perhaps?

  13. What an amazing party! So lovely to have all the family together. And it looks like that popcorn and the cakes went down a treat! Such special times for you all Jenny, I love seeing these little insights to your family life. Thank you for sharing them with us xxx

    • It’s been so awesome having all the extended family each year that I have the kids here for their birthdays. It’s lovely that they can always celebrate in America with them. We had a great time. Thank you.

  14. Job well done mama. Everything looked perfect. There’s nothing like seeing the smiles on our kids faces when they are truly happy. I just always want to seize that moment and savor it forever. Thanks so much for hosting #sharewithme.

    • Thank you so sweet of you to say. It really was chilled out and fun and I love that about family gatherings. The kids had a blast all together too. Bittersweet to see them with their cousins so happy.

    • Sometimes the best parties are the ones you don’t put much effort in and just relax about. That’s just what we all did with lots of family to join in the fun.

    • I am not a huge fan of corndogs but my family loves them. lol Sorry for giving you a craving for them. Sending one virtually. lol Thanks it was a lovely birthday for both kids.

  15. Jenny, this looks absolutely amazing! What a great theme and so much fun. i love the popcorn machine! so cute! What a great idea. Lovely pictures what a special day! Lovely to see. x

  16. Wow, that looks amazing and live the fact that adults also enjoyed them selves. Happy birthday to your children X

  17. As you can tell I’m having a bit of a blog catch up πŸ™‚ This looks like a wonderful party and it looks like you have so much family, it must be lovely for them to have you guys home for the summer x

    • Yes it looks that way, I love it. Thank you so much for all the blog support, means the world to me. Haha That’s only one aunt and uncle and one brother’s family. I have six brothers all married with kids and a sister with children too. My family is beyond large!!! lol That’s why I love home so much.

  18. Have you had a look at pinterest. If it’s later in the Fall maybe do like a wagon theme with beautiful colorful leaves everywhere to jump in and not sure how old but a mini wagon to ride in and you can do cowboy hats if he/she is young if there older pinterest is great for ideas I could list thousands here but not sure you will see my reply. lol Need any ideas let me know on twitter what age for your sons


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