8 Great Ways To Create A Home Kinder To The Planet

Last updated on May 5th, 2024 at 03:14 pm

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Adopting greener lifestyles has become a priority for all in recent years. Given that you spend more time at home than anywhere else, it makes sense to start the process of making your home kinder to the planet, big or small, it all helps.

The great news is that creating an eco-friendly home is easier than most people think. However, you will need a clear strategy to make it happen. Here are eight ideas that you can focus on over the months to come.

Add New Doors & Windows

When looking to build a greener home, improved insulation should be at the top of your agenda. Older properties made from inferior building materials don’t keep the heat in. Sadly, this means you’ll require more energy to warm them. It’s costly and increases emissions.

New UPVC windows and doors will transform the home. Aside from reducing carbon emissions due to less heat loss, they allow more natural light into the home. So, the home will become greener. Better still, it’ll be a happier place to live.

There are many different styles available too. Therefore, they are the perfect upgrade for enhancing the look of your home. When added to the increased security features, the benefits are clear. While it does require an outlay, this project boosts property values too.

Treat The Walls, Floor, & Loft

Heat loss doesn’t only occur through the doors and windows, though. The roof is another common culprit. Inspecting the roof for broken tiles is a great starting point. Meanwhile, adding loft insulation is another fantastic choice to reduce energy waste.

Energy efficiency should influence your decisions when selecting floors too. If you do choose an option that encourages heat loss, rugs and other items can be used to combat the problem. It can be a cheaper choice that also prevents the need for disposing of materials.

Finally, you want to stop heat from leaving rooms. Adding insulation to the walls can work wonders. Likewise, draught excluders around internal doors are ideal. Keep heating sources unobstructed too, and you should notice the impact in no time.

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Upgrade To LED Lighting

For most people, the thought of “going green” also revolves around renewable energy. There are several ways to improve your home’s situation. The list includes roof solar panels, ground source heat pumps, and biomass boilers. LEDs are the easier upgrade by far.

A quick look at the energy use of LEDS vs incandescent bulbs is eye-opening. Moreover, they provide greater flexibility in intensity, colours, and patterns. In short, they are the best option for the home. From a practical perspective as well as a responsible one.

One of the best things about this upgrade is that it’s cheap and easy. The entire home can be upgraded in a single day. And the bulbs last for many years too. This is another reason why they are an eco-friendly, affordable, and practical solution.

Fix Faults

We live in a world where it becomes very easy to simply replace faulty items. Now is the time to learn a thing or two from previous generations. Fixing a faulty boiler, repairing a leak, or changing an appliance part can save a fortune. Better still, it helps save the planet.

When it comes to appliance repairs, hiring a handyman is an option. Alternatively, you can find plenty of tutorials online. Whether it’s stopping a costly leak or improving the efficiency of your washing machine doesn’t matter. The upgrades will translate to financial savings.

As well as fixing faults, you could turn your hand to upcycling. Turning old pallets into garden planters is a great example. Or you can breathe new life into old clothes. Aside from being great for the planet and your pocket, it will deliver a sense of satisfaction.

Grow Fruit & Veg

Spending more time in the garden is an ideal way to adopt a greener lifestyle. Growing fruit and veg gives you the ideal excuse to get outside more often. Better still, it will allow you to truly embrace nature. The fresh produce will also aid your diet and reduce your grocery bills.

There is a long list of foods you could grow. With the right fruit seeds and soil, you will have the perfect starting point. Meanwhile, growing flowers can beautify the home while also boosting the air quality. This is especially true if you introduce house plants.

This is also a great opportunity to address your food waste. It is one of the biggest problems facing households today. It harms the environment and your bank balance. Frankly, it is an issue that can be corrected with instant results. For that reason, you’d be a fool to miss it.

Choose The Right Materials

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One of the best ways to reduce any negative impact on the planet is to choose sustainable materials. Aside from the materials themselves, it’s likely that ethical manufacturing was used too. So, you are directly and indirectly making a difference.

Sustainable materials can be selected for virtually all home features. From stone worktops to wooden furniture, they can add luxury vibes. Even the external cladding can be made from greener materials, thus making the home greener too.

In many cases, natural materials outlast inferior alternatives. So, you will find that this supports your long-term finances. When combined with the improved aesthetic vibes and reduced emissions, this is the best choice for your home. 

Embrace Modern Tech

Many people wrongly assume that modern tech features are the cause of environmental problems. It’s true that an excessive use of features that use lots of energy is problematic. However, many modern home features can actively reduce your carbon emissions.

A smart thermostat is the perfect example. Thanks to machine learning, it can regulate itself to match your needs in an efficient manner. A host of additional automated tech tools can be used to add comfort while also saving energy and money.

Some of the luxuries can include instant boiling water taps and better showerheads. When a product improves daily activities while reducing carbon emissions, it has to be a great option. With a little research, you’ll find many great options for your needs.

Use Chemical-Free Cleaners

Finally, it’s important to make habitual changes too. Chemical-free cleaners are better for the home as well as the planet. This should be combined with ideas like turning appliances off at night. 

And once you’ve mastered green living at home, you can focus on changing other parts of your world too. You’ve got this!


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