Last updated on September 24th, 2020 at 01:28 pm

Having had three children I have tested out my share of nappies otherwise known in my language as diapers. With each child, I find a favorite and stick to them throughout potty training. Call me loyal, I guess. Or just a person that knows what she likes and sticks with it.
We have teamed up with Aldi to test out their Mamia range from food, snacks, wipes to nappies. I immediately fell in love with how soft their nappies are. It’s like having a fleece blanket pad to put on your baby’s bottom. They don’t feel plastic-y or stiff as others have in the past. Maybe it’s modern technology but they are less bulky too but with the same great absorbency if not better. I remember my first two babies having “accidents” where it went all over their clothes and needing a bath from exploding nappies. So far, with the Aldi Mamia nappies we haven’t had this situation.

I am not just saying this as a brand ambassador either, I always tell the truth about a product and the other day I actually made a friend feel them and said, “feel how soft these are”. She reads this blog so she can vouch for me.

We want soft nappies for our babies. It’s uncomfortable enough having to wear a nappy/diaper in the first place then a vest on top and then their outfits on top of that. Then we go and swaddle them too. I can imagine a little baby’s voice in their head going, “stop putting so much on us”.
We put Aldi’s nappies and wipes to the ultimate test on holiday in Mexico where it was hot. I always think you can get a real feel for how absorbent, how fragrant, and how soft they are on the skin when baby is sweating while in a hot climate. Baby boy didn’t get any rashes from sweat or the nappy rubbing as they were so soft. We even had him dipped in the sea a few times and the nappy stayed together so well. (not recommending these as swim nappies just testing out absorbency). In the heat, baby going number two can get smelly and on days out where you have to carry them all day, make sure you get nappy sacks.
to the ultimate test on holiday in Mexico where it was hot. I always think you can get a real feel for how absorbent, how fragrant, and how soft they are on the skin when baby is sweating while in a hot climate. Baby boy didn’t get any rashes from sweat or the nappy rubbing as they were so soft. We even had him dipped in the sea a few times and the nappy stayed together so well. (not recommending these as swim nappies just testing out absorbency). In the heat, baby going number two can get smelly and on days out where you have to carry them all day, make sure you get nappy sacks.

We noticed that the nappy themselves made it hard to tell if baby did a number two or not because they smelled so fresh when we would do the sniff test. Come on, everyone knows the sniff test when you raise your baby in the air and put your nose to it’s bum. I see so many parents do it on a daily basis not just me. Admit it!

We use Aldi’s Mamia extra sensitive wipes too. From weaning to potty training they are mild as water on that precious face and tushy. Now, I use them on my other kids too and around the house. I like the smaller packs to carry with me wherever I go.
We shop at Aldi for food all the time but I wouldn’t have guessed how much they have in their Mamia baby range for your little ones from birth to toddler, go check them out. Don’t forge the best bit about Aldi is their prices. They have quality at low prices every day.

- In collaboration with Aldi
Oh Jenny what gorgeous photos of your boy and the products. The photography alone would make me buy these if I had a little one. They sound brilliant and a great partnership x
I remember the nappy days so well! When my littlest was born I had all three of my girls in nappies for six months before we potty trained the eldest – that’s a lot of nappies on a daily basis! We switched brands quite a lot (mostly because of money-saving offers on different ones at different times – nappies are expensive!). We didn’t have an Aldi near us at the time otherwise I’d definitely have tried them out – the budget brands can be just as good as the more well-known brands for sure. Gorgeous photos of your happy boy too.