Last updated on November 19th, 2023 at 12:57 pm
Chit-chat, is what these two do best together. Lately, I catch them discussing all kinds of real life matters together and it really makes me laugh. Sometimes they are talking silly characters and games and other times they are discussing their baby brother’s arrival and all that’s to come for us as a family. Even though at 4 and 6 years old, they are so small still they really seem grown up at the same time.
The weather hasn’t been the best during our Easter spring break but we had one sunny morning in the garden where it was actually warm enough to get our bare legs out and run around. It felt good to get back outside in our garden. I have been missing taking them to the park and on days out due to not being able to drive so I am forever grateful we have a back yard that’s a little oasis to play in when I can’t get away from the house. The kids have a ball out back together.
This month has slowed down tremendously for us. I think that always happens when you are about to have a baby. I can officially say it could be here any day or any week. I had MM about this time when I was pregnant with her so we are on standby but I could easily go over my due date next month too. It’s a running family bet when I will pop. Both kids have been in overwhelming ecstasy each day, “will you have baby brother today”. They are not grasping the concept that I don’t know these things so it’s made the start of April the longest start ever for me.
Helping Mommy with the nursery.
Washing all baby’s clothes and organizing them into sizes.
Playing in the garden with bare feet. (hooray).
Two kid’s parties on the same day.
Easter spring break.
Going back to school. (may this long last).
Getting back to routines and sports activities.
Watching the movie, Peter Rabbit with the whole family.
I love how much they have grown and changed lately. Holding those newborn clothes just shows you how fast it really goes. MM has new personality traits popping out every week at the moment. She now scrunches her nose up when she smiles almost in a growl smile and its so funny. Whereas B has become the ultimate giggler when I snap their photos. They are blossoming into older children. Where have my babies gone? I know the moment they hold their baby brother they will change in that instant forever. I am trying to take these last few days/weeks that I have pregnant to soak up these two just as they are now. An inseparable duo and soak up my baby bump too. It’s my last baby and I know the beginning goes so fast and with each milestone it will be my last.
I am most excited for these two siblings to become three siblings. Watch the bonding and dynamics of our family grow and change. This could be the last siblings post with only two siblings in it. WOW, that’s crazy to think about. I am already trying to imagine how I will photograph three together, it’s hard enough to get these two to sit still for a snap or two. Any tips, I am all ears.
Soon we will be a family of five!
Gosh they really are looking like mini versions of you and your husband! Such an exciting time for you all and I bet them asking you everyday is making it feel like you are waiting even longer for him to arrive. Good luck and I can’t wait to hear all about the arrival of the new sibling to join this duo x #thesiblingsproject
Such lovely photos and it is definitely something when I know what day of the month you are talking about, the 1 light in the month where it was outside weather So much excitement ahead for all of you and it sure seems they are ready for it x #siblingsproject
Aw Jenny so exciting that next month there could be a baby in your photos 🙂 MM is so cute with her nose scrunching #siblingsproject
I know I can’t believe it myself. It’s gone so, so fast.
I love these too. (and I have garden envy too) They are adorable together. I am sure they are super excited to meet their new sibling soon. All the best. x #siblingsproject