America: At the beach

Last updated on August 6th, 2024 at 09:00 am


Where I grew up, we have very hot summers. We mostly spent the three months of that blistering weather on the beaches that surrounded us, man made of course, but they are beautiful beaches nonetheless. Swimming in lakes and rivers was also a huge part of my childhood. 

Being home now with my kids a little older this visit, it has been a none stop adventure of showing them all the amazing places and things I used to do. My childhood memories turning into their own childhood memories which is so emotional and amazing to watch. 

One specific beach, Sandpoint Beach is where I spent the majority of my baby, toddler, childhood, teenage years in summer. It’s right in the heart of the town and two minutes walk to all the local boutiques and restaurants. It has been updated and cleaned up a lot since I was there too which was a great bonus. The jungle gym is all new and twice the size it used to be. There are kiddy pools, tennis courts, ice cream and food huts, and the white sand! Nothing beats good sand on a beach. Not mini pebbles but true soft sand between your toes. IMG_4053

Missy Moo was ever so excited for her bestie, Kinley to join her on the beach. Kinley is the daughter of my best friend R, who I have been close with my entire life, she is more like a sister to me. I have blogged about her before and how we had our daughters on the same exact day! What are the odds? Now, our daughters can become best friends as we did and neither of them need encouragement to love each other. It’s a friendship made in heaven right from the start just like their Mommas. IMG_4106

As usual it’s always hard to get the tots to be cooperative for a family photo. I would highly recommend recruiting extra hands when having a toddler and a baby at the beach. I was a lifeguard for five years and the skills they taught us never fade away nor does the caution. I was a nervous wreck watching Buba freely belly flop in and out of the deep water and Missy Moo trying to jump out of my arms to swim like her brother. I definitely will be bringing a life jacket with me next time and some help. IMG_4055

Buba was in heaven as much as his mother was to be at the beach on such a sunny summer’s day with his sand bucket and shovel in tow. The water was refreshing from the heat. I love how the sand slowly flows out into lake so the deep water is a bit further out. It allows Buba to be able to wade out to his waste without being too deep, too soon. 

I have so many special memories of me doing this very thing with all my cousins. We used to have contests to see who could build the biggest sandcastles and whose was the most creative. We would dig mini lakes along the shore line so water would come in and out of mini tunnels we created. Our creativity was endless and we never got bored of the beach. beach2

The views are stunning too. Normally on a beach you  look out into the ocean which is beautiful but this beach has gorgeous mountains all around it and sailboats everywhere. The houses along side this lake are to die for too. We are talking mansions galore looking over the lake. beach5

After a gorgeous morning building sand castles, swimming in the lake, and catching up with our friends it was picnic time. The kids love a good picnic but they were even more impressed with a beach picnic. Eating their lunch with sand still between their toes and looking out into the water. picnic2

We had a few more splashes in the water before it was nap time. Thank goodness for the snooze shade. Keeps the sun out and the air flowing. Something I would highly recommend to anyone traveling with kids especially in the sun.  IMG_4068IMG_4066IMG_4044

While the kids took their stroller naps, R and I decided to have a ladies lunch over looking the water. The food was great and we may have even enjoyed a nice icy glass of Silver Caddy Margaritas! It wasn’t long before the kids figured out their mommies were enjoying themselves and woke up to join in. 

After lunch we strolled around the town, checking out the little boutiques. There is a bridge you cross that now has steel trout figures swimming along it. They have really updated the town as much as they have the beach. There are corky, artist crafts all over like the arch you see below made completely out of old road signs. beachIt wasn’t long before it was time to hit the beach again and enjoy a nice ice cream cone for a perfect end to our amazing beach day. It was Buba’s first ever, whole ice cream cone and Missy Moo’s first few licks of ice cream along side Kinley. icecream2


I think it’s safe to say Buba was in heaven! beach4

Buba took to the jungle gym while the girls played in the sand one last time exploring the water edge. Overall it was a fantastic day at the beach with our best friends. A day trip that we will continue to take over and over while we are here in the states. There is nothing better then fun in the sun, at the beach, together as a family. Mr P gets here Sunday and we are so excited to take him to the beach with us. beach7What’s a beach visit without a baby being throw in the air? Missy Moo absolutely loved it as did Mommy listen to her squeal in delight! 

It’s safe to say my kids are beach babies just like their Momma!


54 thoughts on “America: At the beach”

  1. Sounds like an awesome place to hang out for the summer Jenny! Kids look like they’re having a blast, and your suntan is coming along very nicely 🙂 great photos as always!

  2. What a lovely post. The line about making your childhood memories, their childhood memories is just beautiful and so true. Just gorgeous. Glad you’re having such a lovely time 🙂

  3. Gorgeous post, some lovely photos and bucket loads of amazing memories here. So so lovely to be able to take bubba and missy moo to the beach you spent so much of your childhood at and they clearly had an amazing time too!! Love it that the kids loved the ice cream so much….Arthur is an Ice cream fiend haha! X

    • Yes it was an emotional but amazing time. We has so much fun. Probably be there once or twice a week!!! Lol my kids don’t get it often but man he ate it quick. Think he thought he wasn’t going to get it all. Hahahaha mean mommy. Lol

  4. Sounds like an amazing place to have grown up in & now you get to share it with your own kids. Here’s to making lots of special memories and having a great summer. Fabulous photos as always.

  5. This looks such a beautiful place. We are off on holiday next week and really hoping the weather is kind to us so the girls can play on the sand x

    • I know me neither. We still laugh about it all the time. It’s amazing. Even more funny that because of the eight hour time difference in the uk, even though Missy Moo was born three hours before Kinely, Kinley’s birth certificiate says the 25th and MM’s is the 26th. lol

  6. Gorgeous photos Jenny and it looks like a beautiful day out to the beach. I am definitely a beach babe, I would live by the sea if I could. There’s something so peaceful about the sea. I love going on day’s out with my girls but our nearest one is about an hour and a half away so not that near unfortunately! It’s lovely that you are able to show your kids all these special places from your childhood. x

    • Thanks Katie. I know me too, I don’t know of one close to me in Manchester either. Boo. Living by the sea would be amazing. I have always lived near water. My parents house sits on a river so it was always amazing to listen to the water out the window while I slept. Makes us all great swimmers too! lol It’s been a great adventure already back home and so many things upcoming next week. Mr P and my five siblings are all flying in for a family reunion. I can’t wait.

    • Thanks Lucy! Yes there is always plenty of sunshine here all summer that’s the beauty of staying so long during the summer months it’s guarantee weather. One of the reasons we got married here among a million emotional ones too! lol It’s been such a great trip already and so many amazing things to come. I have all my siblings and their families and Mr P flying in Sunday so next week is going to be busy but absolutely amazing. I am so excited.

  7. What amazing photographs Jenny! I cannot believe that you and your bestie had girls on the exact same day. How amazing! And they even look alike! Happy days 🙂

    • I know everyone from back home is always talking about it as they know how inseparable we have been our whole lives and not only the same day but 3 hours a part to the minute and both girls! lol Fate. Thanks we are having a great time here and it’s so great to be home.

  8. What a stunning place and sounds like a fantastically lovely day. Kids just love the beach and sounds like yours really enjoyed it, though I can understand the slight fear of one of you with 2 kids near the water! Sounds like you are loving your time at home and it must be amazing to share your childhood memories and make them your children’s memories too 🙂 xx

    • Thanks Caroline for your beautiful comment. Yes it’s been so amazing and I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family and a beautiful place to call home and share it all with my kids now. I hope you are feeling good and all is going well. Thanks for linking up and the continual blog support.

  9. Since most of my stuff is still in boxes I’m wondering if I shouldn’t just ship it all over there, and buy myself one of those mansions! Or more practically, save up for holiday in retirement! Ha …it looks lovely and you all look so happy – so glad you have this opportunity as it must be hard not having your family close x

    • Yes do you wouldn’t regret it. Its amazing here. So beautiful, so fun, and so many amazing things to do with families. I had a great childhood here too. I only wish I could do the same and move back. Maybe someday. It is extremely hard not having any family around for my kids but I am grateful I get to come home for two months each summer with them.

  10. Firstly, wowza. You look awesome in your bikini!

    It’s so spooky and lovely that your bestie had her baby on the very same day. Their friendship is meant to be, just like yours!

    Some great pics and it must be so nice to see your little ones doing what you did as children too x

    • Yes it was almost emotional but absolutely amazing. We are off to the beach again. Oh thank you you are too sweet. I have worked hard to get rid of that baby weight. Two babies back to back weren’t kind to me. lol I know it was crazy as she was two weeks late and I was three weeks early. We should have never had our babies near each other let alone on the same day! lol

  11. Such lovely pics Jenny and so lovely for you to be making wonderful memories! There are few things better in life as a parent than when your little one ‘clicks’ with a close friend’s child. I have that too 🙂 They weren’t born on the same day but only 2 days apart!

    • Thanks Louisa. It truly is priceless. I am so grateful I get to have them here for the entire summer, in my hometown, in my culture soaking it all up!!! It’s already been amazing and we have lots more coming up!

    • hahaha I will send some back with Mr P in a jar for you! lol Yes it’s been absolutely amazing and we have so many grand adventures still to come!!!

    • Thank you Fiona. Yes of course, we taking many many outdoor adventures I hope to share if I can keep up with it all on vacation. lol It’s a stunning place to make memories.

    • Thank you Keitha. It’s been amazing sharing such great memories with them where they are now making their own memories in the same place. It’s a stunning place to grow up and I wish I had the opportunity to bring them home more.

  12. Looks like you all had a brilliant day out and such a lovely place to make memories, a trip to the breach isn’t complete without an ice-cream in our family! hope you have a wonderful summer x

  13. Love the photos Jenny. Your babies are so cute and I would just love to live by a beach like that.

    Love the bikini shot, not only is it a nice bikini but you look bloody gorgeous in it 🙂

    I love going back to places that mean a lot to me from my childhood, you have gone quite far to see yours though! x

    • Thanks Sonia. So sweet of you to say. I wouldn’t go as far as gorgeous you are too kind. We had a blast and can’t wait to go again next week.


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