Last updated on November 19th, 2023 at 01:09 pm

We are late this month sharing our 8 month update and what we have been up to. Well, we couldn’t skip this month as we really have so much to share with you. So many changes have happened this month for baby boy. We just got back from Mexico so it was a bit of challenge getting back onto UK time again and catch up with you all.
Here we are celebrating this gorgeous boy and yet another month has been and gone. Between new teeth, new routines, traveling, and finally getting rid of that horrific binky/dummy it’s made our lives SO much better.
Baby boy who now gets called Bobo instead of Grizzle is fully sitting up now. I think his grizzling days are over thankfully. He might just be one of those babies that gets re-nicknamed every year.
He is definitely on the move rolling from across the room now trying to catch up with his siblings. While he can’t hold his body weight he is attempting to pull himself up on everything too. It won’t be long now until he is motoring about. I really need to get the house baby proofed quick!
Check out our video on how we got rid of it? Why we got rid of it? Some new routine changes including naps and feeding updates too!
I hope you will subscribe to my channel, it’s been quiet the last few months but we have some fun content coming up you don’t want to miss! Don’t have time to watch videos catch us daily on ig stories and IGTV too!

those eyes are so dreamy!!
Aww I love that you have nicknames, and defiitely love his new one. He’s growing up so fast Jenny. I bet he’s changed so much since I saw you at the beginning of the year
Bobo suits him perfectly – he’s such a cheeky and happy boy. And yes, 8/9 months onwards is definitely where it gets interesting with crawling, rolling, pulling up and starting to try and walk!
You have a beautiful baby boy there Jenny and always so happy!! Goodness me, he’ll be one before we know it. Great catching up xx