Big kids, watermelon and missing Daddy #littleloves

Last updated on May 5th, 2024 at 02:07 pm

If you are in the UK it’s nearing bedtime for you all on Friday, but here in the states we are just getting going for the day. Today is exciting as we are taking the kids to the Rodeo for the first time ever. I can’t wait to see what they think of it all. It may be a little later than normal for their bedtime but sometimes on vacation it’s worth it. We are missing Daddy so very much, who had to return to the UK a few days ago to get back to work. I would have loved him to see a Rodeo here in my hometown with us but we will just have to take lots of photos for him to see later. 

We have had a slow week. I have been extremely lazy with I have felt a little guilty about but that’s what being home and on vacation is all about. I have so much I want to share from our adventures here but I also want to take more time out for the kids this summer too. It’s hard to find balance in work and life sometimes. Does anyone else ever feel like this? 

Welcome to my weekly #LittleLoves roundup.


It’s only appropriate to read a book called “The Vacationers” on vacation right? I have finished last week’s book, surprisingly. I have kept to my new rule of a slower paced life and either in the morning I enjoy thirty minutes of reading with this view or in the evenings I jump in the hot tub and read for a bit and both not only have me actually finishing books but really relaxed both body and mind. I am only on page twenty so verdict is still out on this book. 

Little Loves Missing Daddy Watermelon and a view


I have heard the sound of river rapids since the moment I got here. It’s the sound of home to me. When I was growing up I used to leave my window cracked all year long just to fall asleep to the sound of the river out front. It’s the most soothing sound in the world. Last year, the kids were a little young and scared to walk down and put their feet in the water but this year it’s been amazing getting them in the river more. B loves twinkling his toes in it on a hot day. You couldn’t get a more peaceful sound sitting on a rock while they splash about and listening to the river. 

Little Loves Missing Daddy Watermelon and big kids


Have you watched my latest Blogger’s Insight interview? After not being able to upload any of my video for the past three weeks in the states and six hours on the phone three days in a row with Apple I have finally got my Blogger’s Insight interview up interviewing Karen from Mini Travellers. She is the sweetest lady ever and full of fun knowledge about being a travel blogger. Would love you to pop over and let me know what you think.

For my other mini series My Expat Life, I am filming next week. If you have any questions for this Expat please leave them in the comment box below. I will add them to my list. Nothing is off limits so get creative would love to know what you want to know. 


I have been meaning to share a few of my new swimsuits but just enjoying vacation too much means they have been throw in a pile each day after I have worn them. But this week, I have opted for softer curls rather than my usual tight curls I always wear. They don’t last as long as my tight curls go but it’s a quick fix in the morning to do them. I end up swimming every day anyways so they always get wet eventually but I do love the softer look. Now if only I could learn a trick to get them to be soft without falling out??? 

Little Loves Missing Daddy Watermelon and big kids


With the extreme hot weather and temperature forever rising, we have been eating a lot of watermelon. I always think of home when I eat watermelon so its great that both my kids love it as much as I do. For Fourth of July I made this yummy Watermelon Cake to celebrate. 

4th of July Watermelon Cake America

And lastly…

How do I have such big kids all the sudden? It’s like a constant growth spurt between my two toddlers. The clothes I bought MM to wear here only weeks before we left no longer fit here already. I swear she will have no clothes in August to wear if I don’t do some shopping here in the states. *good excuse right?

When did they get so independent and stop needing Mommy so much? It seems like lately every time I blink they grow up just a little bit more. Lately, they are relying more and more on each other than me. It’s one of those catch 22 moments where you are excited for the peace as they play more independently but then get emotional that they don’t need you as much. I have heard when they start school it will only go that much faster and while I am excited for B to start come September, I am worried how empty the house will seem, and how it will seem like he is missing out during the day with our adventures with MM. I don’t know what it’s like really to just have one toddler in tow. It will definitely be a huge change. So this summer I am trying to capture every moment in mind and on camera. I am trying to look at this in their little moments together and take note of it. Listen a little more than I usually would, hug a lot more and spend as much quality time together when life isn’t demanding so much of us. 

Little Loves Missing Daddy Watermelon and big kids


Linking up to Butwhymummywhy for #LittleLoves


13 thoughts on “Big kids, watermelon and missing Daddy #littleloves”

    • It really has been a memorable trip. I only wish I had more time to stop and share more of it with everyone but I am attempting to do that on instagram as best I can. hahah Although I am sure my holiday spamming has had a few people leave me hahaha

  1. Agh i do love your picture by the river. Heavenly. More pics on IG please kid! They are growing up so quickly aren’t they. I’m delaying booking Lil G’s school uniform appt as it’s just another reminder. In terms of the soft curls, other than a bit of spray before you curl they won’t stay in, I much prefer a soft curl but they don’t last long. You should try a sea salt spray which gives you a beach look x x

    • Oh thanks for the advice I will look for some sea salt spray today while we are shopping. Oh I could flood IG but so afraid so many would start leaving me while I holiday spam the kids and the fun we are having. It’s been amazing being home.

  2. I am so impressed that you curl your hair every day!!! That is actually amazing! I love the sweet picture of toes in the river and love that they are getting more involved. My youngest is 18 months and is getting so independent. It is strange to suddenly look and they seem so much bigger and grown up. It’s incredible and beautiful! xx

    • Oh I don’t curl it every day. I am very fond of a ponytail or bun too hahaha It actually takes me less time to curl it than straightening it as I have big frizzy hair but thank you. Oh it really does go so fast doesn’t it? Our two are about the same age as each other. It really is incredible how fast they grow.

  3. Oh what an amazing view to have while you wake up! How fantastic you grew up there too and are able to show your children your roots.

    • I know Alice it is dreaming I promise you looks better in person too. I can’t believe I grew up here sometimes and never appreciating it as a kid until now.

  4. I’m adding that youtube video to my playlist to watch this week, I love your series! It looks like you’re having such a fab time, what a gorgeous place. Loving the photos especially the one of you three xx

    • Oh that would be fab please let me know what you think of it. I love interviewing bloggers I think we can learn so much from each other. It’s stunning here I am grateful to call it home for sure.


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