Brother & sister giggles

Last updated on March 4th, 2024 at 08:19 pm

We are a loud family! There is never a quiet moment in this house even when the kids are sleeping, I may have the radio or tv on while I am working. I have never cared for silence. So I am pleased to see that neither of my two kids are quiet either. On a daily basis you can find us blaring music and dancing around the kitchen, or singing in the car and waving our arms in the air. Wherever we are, we make the most of it and at least you can always hear us laughing together. 

My favorite moments are those that I get to sit back and watch my two kids making each other belly laugh. I don’t join in, that’s their time together but I stay close to always make sure the older one doesn’t get too excited and hurt the little one by accident or these days more on purpose. These laughter moments they share, just between the two of them, are sacred and special and I never want to interfere with that. It’s good that they have their own time together to bond.

I was lucky that twice this week I have been able to capture their giggle time. Once in their paddling pools while the sun was shining just after one of our great picnics and the other after their nap time in the living room.  It’s great to see them get along so well and make each other so happy. They really care about each other which is such a blessing to watch. I know all too well how the bickering starts and little pushes and fights here and there I have plenty of siblings myself, but along with all that I hope that they are always there for each other and always have each other’s backs.

Buba loves to hug and kiss his sister, he has to know where she is at all times and what she is doing. Missy Moo is a more care free spirit and just goes along with the flow. I am ever so lucky that she doesn’t mind him in her bubble all the time, hugging, pulling, pushing, rolling, kissing her. I long though for the day she is big enough I don’t have to shout out for Buba to be gentle or careful with her. I think sometimes he thinks she is the same age and size as him and doesn’t understand and other times as soon as I say his name he finishes the sentence for me with, “I careful Mommy”.  Doesn’t look that way but ok child. 

I wish I could bottle up the sound of their laughter together, like a mixed tape, to open and listen to whenever I wanted. They are growing up so fast and I am trying to be ok with it but it’s hard when you want to experience more moments like these! Happy moments! Ordinary moments!


21 thoughts on “Brother & sister giggles”

  1. Oh those are such precious videos – they have such infectious giggles and it’s lovely that they take such pleasure in each other’s company!

  2. Awwwww so cute. There is nothing sweeter than the sound of giggles, how lovely you managed to record it. Watching my two giggling together is one of the best things about being a Mummy. Just gorgeous. x

    • Thanks Katie ! Completely agree. I could be having the worse day and hear them giggle just makes it all fade away. True happiness right there.

    • Thanks Mummy Bear so sweet of you!!! It truly is the best sound in the whole world I think. Even when it’s not your own children, that proper belly laughing is amazing.

    • Me too. I have been trying for a few weeks now to take more video of them but they always catch me and stop doing whatever it is I am trying to capture. Lol so glad I finally got it. Thanks Hun.

  3. The laughs of her! Man, is there a sweeter sound than the chuckles of a baby? Because I really don’t think there is. I could listen to it! Beautiful post hun and insanely cute videos! xx #ordinarymoments


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