Strawberry Peppermint Fudge Recipe

Last updated on May 6th, 2024 at 10:25 am

I have always made fudge at Christmas time for as long as I can remember. Funny thing is it’s not something my own mother does but just something I have always associated with Christmas time. I usually don’t even eat fudge at any other time of the year either. I think it might have all began when I first moved out of the house at 18 years old and couldn’t afford buying presents so I used to make batches of fudge and wrap them up for people as gifts. I actually still love giving fudge out at Christmas time! It’s become my trademark. There is nothing that says Merry Christmas than baked goods.

Christmas Fudge Strawberry Peppermint Fudge Recipe
This recipe was made up by accident too. I have always made regular fudge and for years I couldn’t add walnuts on top due to Buba’s allergies so for the last three years it was a bit boring. This year I spiced it up with some peppermint extract and added the walnuts back on top as Buba just passed his yearly allergy test and is no longer at risk with walnuts. Hurray!

The accidental part was I bought strawberry flavored marshmallow fluff which I didn’t realize until I was literally pouring it in the pan. I thought, well it’s either going to be gaggy sweet or the best flavor combination ever. Luckily for me and the neighbors it was the latter. They all received a lovely package of delicious Christmas fudge.
Christmas Fudge Strawberry Peppermint Fudge Recipe
Christmas Fudge Strawberry Peppermint Fudge RecipeChristmas Fudge Strawberry Peppermint Fudge Recipe

Strawberry Peppermint Fudge

a Christmas fudge that you will make year after year.
Course Dessert
Cuisine dessert
Keyword fudge
Servings 12
Author Let's Talk Mommy


  • 3 cups sugar
  • 3/4 cup butter
  • 2/3 cup evaporated milk
  • 12 oz. milk chocolate chips or chunks
  • 1 jar Strawberry Marshmallow Fluff
  • 1 cup chopped Walnuts for topping
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 3 tsp American peppermint extract


  1. Cover a deep sided, rectangle baking sheet with foil, leaving the ends of foil overhanging the edges to pull fudge out later.
  2. Boil sugar, butter and evaporated milk saucepan on medium heat, stirring constantly
  3. Cook 3 1/2 min. stirring constantly
  4. Remove from heat.
  5. Add chocolate and strawberry marshmallow fluff, stir until melted
  6. Add vanilla and peppermint extracts, mix well
  7. Pour into foiled pan and spread with spatula for an even surface
  8. Sprinkle chopped walnuts on top immediately before it cools.
  9. Cool completely on the countertop or faster in the fridge or even the freezer
  10. Use foil edges to lift the fudge from the pan before cutting into squares

Recipe Notes

You can use regular Marshallow Fluff if you prefer and use any extract flavoring you want in place of the peppermint. This is my favorite combination for Christmas but there are endless options for any special occasion.

Christmas Fudge Strawberry Peppermint Fudge Recipe
Accidents are really how most of my recipes on my blog came about – an accidental purchase or running out of a key ingredient and throwing whatever is leftover in the fridge or cupboard in. I think it’s the best way to find new combinations or alternatives to the things we cook or bake over and over again.

As with all my recipes here on LTM, this is so easy and fast. You can whip up a batch and have it cooling in the freezer in no time. Need a last minute gift or be the hostess with the mostess, yes, that’s a word! You won’t be disappointed.
Christmas Fudge Strawberry Peppermint Fudge RecipeChristmas Fudge Strawberry Peppermint Fudge Recipe
There are many alternatives you can do too if you don’t care for strawberry or peppermint flavors. Why not try it with white chocolate chips instead? Or regular marshmallow fluff? The options are endless. What will you come up with?

If you try my Christmas fudge out, I would love to see a photo on instagram or twitter! Don’t forget to let me know if you share it and I will share it too!

69 thoughts on “Strawberry Peppermint Fudge Recipe”

  1. Wow, that looks amazing! I love the photos. I have just made some Christmas fudge for the teachers. Mine only has 3 basic ingredients (milk, butter and sugar) and I added ginger and cinnamon to make gingerbread fudge!

  2. It’s a lovely Christmas tradition that you make fudge! I love the flavours that you have used, and the walnuts make it all the more yummy. Thanks for sharing, I’m pinning this!

    • Me too, thanks hunny. All my recipes are super easy and fast as I don’t have time with two little ones to be baking hard things in the kitchen all day. Check out my recipe page for more easy fast recipes too! These turned out great. Happy Holidays.

    • I know it’s super SUPER easy. I promise. I never share recipes that are complicated or take forever. I am no chef! lol They make great gifts. Happy Holidays.

  3. I’m not a big fan of fudge, I always find it too sweet but the Mr LOVES it. I highly recommend Fudgeridoo website for some really nice flavour inspiration. I often have to make peanut butter and chocolate marshmallow fudge for him and the Mini Mes.

    This looks really nice and is an interesting flavour combo x

    • Thanks Emma. Ya I am the same on store bought fudge WAY TOO SWEET. I dont find using the marshmallow fluff that sweet so if you keep the peppermint out and use original instead of strawberry it keeps the sweetness down. I would love peanut butter ones but my son is deadly allergic unfortunately. Thanks for stopping by though! 🙂 Happy Holidays.

  4. It looks delicious and the photos are beautiful. Great idea for Christmas presents; home baked goods. Great post 🙂 #sharewithme

  5. Lucas says – Yum! Yum! Get in my tum……… These look really yummy.
    Grace says – What a lovely idea to give away home made food as Christmas presents xx #sharewithme

  6. That sounds totally gorgeous. I am a bit partial to a bit of fudge and seeing as it is Christmas I might just make a batch and eat it all myself haha x

    • I practically ate all of this fudge and had to make more for friends and family. So delicious. This is a really simple way to make various flavors too! Let me know if you like it. Happy Holidays!

  7. Dreamy recipe and love the styling as always, especially the shot taken of the fudge in front of the tree. Thanks for linking up to #tastytuesdays and I’m popping over from your fab linky #sharewithme x

  8. It looks gorgeous Jenny! Perfect for homemade Christmas gifts! I tried to make fudge one year for teacher pressies, but it was disastrous and I totally ruined our Le Crueset pan. The effort to save some money on gifts didn’t really work out so well! 🙁 xx

    • Oh bless you. I never make normal fudge it’s a messy job using marshmallow fluff is SOOO MUCH easier and less time. I could do many many batches of various flavors in no time with this recipe. Promise. Thanks hun.

    • No you aren’t being thick it’s a jar of marshmallows all melted together called fluff. You can get it at Tesco!!! I think Sainburys google it for an image! It’s yummy. My niece spreads it on bread with bananas.

  9. They look lovely! Reminds me of my year that I spent in America. I was always impressed by the cooking and baking by host mom did. So tasty and so quick!! It takes me ages to bake our traditional German cookies… I’ve never seen Marshmallow Fluff in the UK but will have to check out Tesco or Sainsbury’s if you say they have it!

    • I always thought it would be really hard to make. But this recipe is the easiest way I think and mistake proof (sort of) hahaha You can make any flavor with it too.

    • It’s REALLY REALLY easy I promise and if you don’t like my flavor combination you can make any you like. I have wrote down how to alter it! So yummy though this way too!

    • Oh no I promise this recipe is a NO FAIL proof recipe. I am no chef. Try it you can make any flavor with my recipe I tell you how to change to what you like. It was so yummy though this way.

  10. Hello there, this looks amazing, I’ve always wanted to try the Fluff but wasn’t sure what to do with it (other than eat it from the jar of course!) I wanted to make peppermint creams this weekend with little man but think we should give this a go instead-thank you! x #sharewithme

    • Yes do and let me know. Its fail proof and a great one to do with the kids. Love fluff. Tweet me and photo and i will reshare it too ! Love seeing others make my recipes. You can make any flavor with my recipe too if you dont like peppermint and strawberry. Happy holidays.

  11. My favourite recipes come from ‘sooo, what’s in the fridge?’ and ‘ooops’ moments.
    I love booking, but baking never worked for me so I rarely attempt. I’ve never made fudge, but this seems easy enough 🙂

  12. I love fudge so I’ll definitely use your recipe, just don’t know yet will it be exactly for Christmas or any day after but it will be soon 🙂


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