A creative moment

Last updated on November 19th, 2023 at 12:17 am

creative ordinary moment sunday photo

One thing I am known for is my lack of creative crafts with the kids. I have long used the excuse they are still too young for crafts or crafts are too messy for indoors. But these are all just that, excuses. They are only hindering my children because I am being selfish so this year I vowed I would attempt to do more creative crafts with my two tots. Even if it’s just coloring in a coloring book more or buying some washable paint and paint a box for the fun of it. 

It’s also no secret how crappy the weather has been lately and with sniffles in our household at an all time high we have been snuggled in one too many dark, cold days hibernating. I am dying for spring to arrive and get back to park hopping, bike riding and playing in our back yard. 

Buba has long been obsessed with Disney Cars movies and figures. You can often hear him muttering Lighting McQueen in his sleep these days. So as I was gathering unwanted brown paper packing in the garage the other day and a thought came to me. Why throw all this out? Then I thought well I made a promise to the kids and a promise is a promise. I was smart enough to vow my new year’s resolution of craft time out loud to them. You can always count on toddlers to never forget it, just in case you do! I went to pull out the crayon box so they both could just color and draw to their hearts content on the brown paper but I saw the black sharpie first. ” ding, the light bulb went on!”

creative ordinary moment sunday photoI decided my son needed his very own Radiator Springs to drive his cars on. It only took me about two minutes to quickly draw out each building and Buba was sat right next to me, cheering me on. He told me which building were called what and where they went, clearly having seen the movie one two many gazillion times. 

Oh the hours he continued to play with his new town for his cars. I can’t believe I never got the sharpie out before this. It’s been the best bargaining tool all week when I want him to do something and he is being less than willing to do.  

Missy Moo was puzzled why Mommy was drawing on brown paper out of the recycling bin but it was great paper to draw on and roll up to store for playing later. I have tons of this packing paper from products I have reviewed or things I order off the internet, why not recycle it, and get our craft on too. Missy Moo eventually joined in racing cars up and down the main street of Radiator Springs. Buba was quick to tell her what she was supposed to be doing and where each car was supposed to live! It was so funny to listen to them. 

It was just a boring, gloomy day and you should have seen Buba’s face when he saw what I was doing. I was his hero for a moment, now that’s priceless. That is enough to motivate me to do more creative and fun crafts with my kids now. I hope it will become part of our ordinary moments where we think outside the box with the things we have around the house. I will never be one with tubs full of actual crafts supplies but drawing on paper, coloring or even cutting up a box or two are all great starter crafts for us with minimal mess which is my kind of crafts! 

Linking up #SundayPhoto, #OrdinaryMoments & #WhatsTheStory


31 thoughts on “A creative moment”

  1. Clever you! What a lovely idea!! I don’t think you need to be amazingly arty to keep little ones entertained when crafting. They have HUGE imaginations and the smallest idea can go such a long way!!

    Well done petal – it looks amazing! You may not think you’re too crafty but I bet Buba thinks his mama is the best artist in the world!! X

  2. That is such a cute, fun idea for time at home – so simple and yet something that kids will love. You also don’t have to be the best artist as kids are so great at using their imaginations! x
    PS, loving the little tweaks to your blog, the font, header etc

    • Thanks Donna, I know I love that kids don’t judge or at least not at this young of an age. They think my stick figures and square buildings rock!!!! lol Thanks for the loving comment I am liking my blog more and more. Just waiting for my logo to be finished and complete the look. I like simple. Worried no one else liked it but glad you do thanks.

  3. Oh I love doing this – we’ve got a big roll of paper from Ikea and on a really rainy day there’s nothing better than putting paper down the length of the hall and making a road for the girls to drive cars and Duplo trains up and down. I’m not sure we’ve seen Cars more than once so no requests for that yet, but I’m tempted to try something out of one of their favourites next time – I wonder if I can draw Frozen!

  4. This is such a cute idea. I’ve never watched the Cars movies, but I suppose it’s only a matter of time. 🙂

  5. Awwww he looks so content! Well done you & I am deffs doing this for my kids this week on our huge roll of craft paper! We have a craft box but truth be told I despise getting it out. They will love this cleaner crafty option as will I haha I may let them colour the buildings as a treat 😉

    • I said that to Buba the other day he could color in the buildings as a treat when his sister was napping. Its a great project, little mess, and lots of hours of play time. 🙂 Thanks hun for stopping by.

  6. I absolutely love this and what a great piece of craft right there. Don’t beat yourself up honey. It’s the simple things and sometimes allowing them just to experiment. I tend to set up an activity and then sit with G to try and prevent the mess as it can get crazy. You should pop this on to pinterest as it looks so easy and so much fun. Love the new look on your blog too x #TheOrdinaryMoments

    • Thank you. I do try to keep it all simple. I don’t do well with mess lol but I am embracing it with baby steps. lol They loved this. And today they are coloring in the buildings. So it’s a continual project. lol Thanks hunny I was scared to change it but I love it so much more me. Plain and simple. hahaha

  7. That is such a creative idea. My boys would love it. I remember when I was a child my mum had some left over rolls of wallpaper which she gave us and I think me and my brother were quite for days!

    • Thank you. The tots are easily entertained by it and now they are coloring the buildings in so it’s an ongoing project. lol Wallpaper is great to play with too. Great idea.

  8. Jenny this is an absolutely gorgeous idea- how creative and cute. I bet Buba loved it- so simple and yet so fun, it’s one of those kind of ideas that I reckon will stay with them until they are grown up- I know i remember this kind of thing that my Mum used to do for me when I was little. xx

    • Thanks katie. I don’t do much kids crafts but it was no mess and easy my kind of thing and the kids loved it. I am making MM a princess one for her as they now are fighting over who’s town it is. hahahaa Typical.

    • Thanks hunny. I know he was directing me where everything went the whole way. Today I am letting him color in all the buildings too. He can’t wait. It’s been the cheapest and fastest toy I have ever created and yet he has already spend hours on it. lol

  9. Looks like a cool place to drive! My son loves to do this too. Creating his own road network is his pastime. Don’t you just love it when they are playing what they love! #mysundayphoto

    • Thank you Esther. Whilst I would love to take credit the Cozy Cone Motel is actually from the movie but all together still a great name for a car motel don’t you thinK? My son is obsessed with disney cars and any car for that matter. So funny. This has given him hours of play time. 🙂 Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting.

  10. I have to say…that’s pretty ingenious! I did something similar with a pic of a grassy hill and gave Munch a book of 1000 horses. Oh the fun she had!! Sometimes the best ideas are the cheapest! x


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