Danish living, New Work Days and a Giveaway #littleloves

Last updated on May 6th, 2024 at 10:26 am

Happy Friday!

It’s Friday morning, I have just dropped off the kid’s at school and avoided the rain that came shortly after. I was back to the doctor’s office, suffering horrific ear infections in both ears which is causing my vertigo, I had to get something stronger. I swear I should have a named slot at the walk-in clinic at the moment. Then it was a mad dash to get B new soccer shin guards for tomorrow, order MM’s gymnastics uniform for Sunday and do the grocery shop. What a morning but I loved it.

It was SOOOO good to get out the house. My driving has been hit or miss lately so I felt good enough to run some errands but didn’t want to push it. It was great to finally get things done in the space of an hour or two what lately has taken me days to do. But I am NOT complaining, I love being busy. I am probably the worse person in the world to get vertigo because I can’t stand to sit still and do nothing. I have to be driving myself around and running here and there, everywhere. I am lucky to have some amazing school moms that have really helped me out too. I don’t know what I would have done while Mr P was in America without them. If you have school kids get to know the other moms if you haven’t done so especially if you are an expat or don’t have family nearby you never know when you will need them. So I am moving into the weekend positive that I am having more good days than bad ones ahead.

I am working on a new work day for myself. I got the kid’s activities all sorts on the same days so we aren’t running in different directions everyday. Now, I just need to set work times, house chore times during the week so I have some guidance. Isn’t it funny how much more you get done when you have less time to do it? Sounds silly, but it’s true. You know you can’t tell yourself, I will do it later. I been working on how much time I work on client stuff, personal stuff, which social media on what days. Last week, was my first officially whole week of working during the day and I found I didn’t know where to start. I have truly dived my teeth in it this week and have a better idea of how I want my work days to pan out. Verdict still out….. The only now is needing to get back in the gym when the dizzy spells stop. I miss it!

watermelon circle beach towel


#littleloves titles

I finished The Little Book of Lykke in a day. I was ill and couldn’t stand and do much so curdle up in bed and read, took notes and really tried to understand how the Danish live. It’s such a great eye opener of the difference between cultures. I know more than most how different being an expat. The America culture is the polar opposite of the English culture and even after ten years sometimes still is hard. But I like the thought of learning from other cultures like the Nordic cultures. They seem to have a lot to say about the right way of living when it comes to happiness. It’s a great, easy read. I am trying to apply a few things to our life here. No one says you have to live there to live by the principals. Next read is Lie With Me… I bought it for America and then forgot it. It’s reading catch up time.

#littleloves titles

Have you ever heard the song, The Greatest Love Song by Lanco. Well, hubby came home raving about it from his spotify and I had a listen and it’s just the best country love song ever. Sorry, I am a country girl which is partly why I don’t share playlists with you all but it’s definitely to check out on youtube, spotify or itunes if you are in a romantic kind of mood.

#littleloves titles

We are getting to the end of my summer sharing and holiday spamming don’t worry. I just have the video of my hometown tour and house I grew up in to share and than it’s full Autumn, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas celebrations coming your way. Would love you to check out the amazing four days we had in Seattle below and leave a comment or thumbs up for me please!!! I am trying to do one vlog a week working my way up to Vlogmas.

#littleloves titles

I haven’t had a chance to get my dslr out and take some new Autumn fashion shots. But IĀ  am please to see, we are still getting some sunny days in between the rainy cold days. This means though that our wardrobes are all over the place. One day we might be in flip flops and skirts to the park and boots the next day. It’s always a funny time of year for outfits. But I loved this outfit MM dressed herself in after school this week. I wouldn’t have put these items together but I love them. They suit her personality perfectly. The striped leggings and skirt are from Mini Boden and the Pineapple top is Next. It is bursting with color as much as she is.

Mini Boden kid's clothes

The only snap I got this week because most of it I have been in leggings and sweats for the school run and hiding in bed feeling crappy. Ā I love and hate this top. Love it for it’s pink floral print and gorgeous long bow details on both elbows. Hate it because I get the long bows caught in the car door, the house door, hooked on things when I walk by with the loops of them. It’s a hazardous top. I paired it with matching nails and toenail polish. Ignore my stubby fingers I bite off my acrylics and I am in healing mode. These are navy skinny jeans but they look black here but the butterflies on the top are navy. Photo doesn’t do it justice.

#littleloves titles

This week I got a good day and tested out my new The Big Family Cooking Showdown cookbook in the attempt to find a potato recipe that my kids actually like. My kids are not that keen on potatoes of any kind or pizza. So what better way to over come their food phobias than making a potato pizza also known as Rosti. I also am hosting a lovely giveaway for TWO LUCKY WINNERS to received their very own copy so don’t forget to get your entries in. It would make a great Christmas present if you aren’t the cooking type. It’s inspired by the BBC TWO series.

The Big Family Cooking Showdown Cookbook giveaway BBC TWO series
a Rafflecopter giveaway

#littleloves titles

I am hoping with all the changes rolling out #lifecloseup wont’ be affected but one thing that I have noticed is that I can’t like every photo all in one go or I get blocked for 24 hours. So if you think I have stopped liking and engaging I haven’t. I am trying to schedule to do it a little everyday so I can keep up. It’s a wonderful group of instagrammers and as it grows I have hundreds joining in everyday and I do my best to keep up. But I will continue to feature my favorite instagrammers each week, here and on my feed so others can follow you too. Join us here #LIFECLOSEUP on instagram. Or click the instagram button below to follow me! Happy weekend ahead.

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16 thoughts on “Danish living, New Work Days and a Giveaway #littleloves”

    • Yes I must sit down and make a proper schedule to follow. I feel so far behind with my illness to things are piling up and stressing me out so I run in circles trying to play catch up. My kids even hate chips/fries!!

  1. I’ve been reading the Little Look of Lykke too (fell asleep with it on my head in the bath last night) must have been you I’d seen it on Instagram with. Loving it! Never tried Rosti-should give it a go.
    Glad to hear you’re feeling a bit better-I’m not very good at sitting still either though I have found recently I simply have to just to get through the week. #LittleLoves

    • Oh I know that’s all I am doing is surviving at this point. It’s a great read I saw it on instagram too numerous times so I picked it up. Rosti is delicious.

  2. Sounds like you had a busy week Jenny, but sorry to hear about your vertigo, that sounds really hard! I hope things get a bit better in that area. And don’t worry about not sharing playlists – I love country music too! šŸ™‚ x

  3. Gosh Jenny, still so poorly! Poor you šŸ™ Love your little girl’s outfit, it looks so cute on her. I’ve got a few tops with the long frilly sleeves that make for awkward eating and doing anything much! Totally with you on being focussed and planning my time out. I’m really struggling with that right now tbh. Probably my biggest challenge as I also have a couple of clients that I do work for. xx

    • That’s amazing you have a few clients to work for I totally get the need a schedule routine thing. I am working on it. Hahaha I am just trying to get used to both kids at school. Feels so weird still. Yes hate those lovely tops I end up not wearing because I always get them in my food or stuck in a door. Lol Happy week ahead.


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