Chill Insurance have put together this fab new DIY e-book that will get you motivated to updating and changing your home interiors yourself. It is now harder than ever to find a handyman that isn’t booked out until 2022 with so many renovating their homes. People are wanting to spruce their homes up and add more space because more are working from home now and at home more too.
I have been renovating our house for the past two years and we are almost finished. With smaller projects, I love a good DIY project and tip too.
The Chill Insurance e-book has tips on making sure you update your home insurance. We added a whole new floor to our house and had to do just this! Some might not think they need to.
They also share what trends are soaring in 2020 for you to find some amazing interior inspiration if you don’t know quite what to do with your space.

From kitchens to bedroom makeovers and renovations, the e-book has you covered. Sometimes you might just cross a DIY project that inspires you and doesn’t cost a fortune. Research and read up on the project you are wanting to do is a huge bonus. My recommendations, never go in blind.
The Chill Insurance E-book also shares how to add value to your home. It’s a booming house mark right now. This would be extremely helpful.
My biggest advice if you are wanting to start a DIY project yourself is do your research. See what other people have had problems and issues with on similar projects so you can be prepared. They might have some valueable tips and advice to add too. Contact them. Most people are willing to help others out.
So check the DIY project e-book out and see what you come up with?
Are you renovating anytime soon or perhaps a smaller DIY project you have in mind? You might just find the answers you are looking for here. Don’t forget to be prepared for DIY catastrophes too.
Also check out my home section of my blog. Where I share more tips and advice and a whole lot of room makeovers too.