Last updated on November 19th, 2023 at 12:28 am
It’s the last day of school for the holidays. I feel like I am a kid again all excited for school to break up and the magic of the festive season read to come alive with train rides to see Santa, dropping off presents to friends and Christmas cards, all before we make our way to Ireland for the big day and new years. I had thought I was all ready and somehow my to do list this week just doubled in terms of packing and organizing. We wrote our letters to Santa to tell him we won’t be home for Christmas and a little map of where he can find us in the outskirts of southern Ireland this year.
I am so excited to be spending Christmas in the house my kid’s great grandmother decorated, cooked Christmas dinner and raised her five children in. It’s a house they kept in the family after my hubby’s grandparents died and now my kids get to see all their old photos and put their family decorations up. I get really emotional when it’s a family generation tradition passed down through the family to my kids. It means the world to me that we get to spend Christmas there this year just as Mr P’s grandmother wanted her extended family to do.
I am back to really working on my Spanish with the kids so most nights if I am not working, I am now studying verbs in textbooks or listening to audio cds. But I have read some great posts this week in the blogosphere. Having It All from the lovely Mummy Adventure is a great insight into what we perceive as having it all and what the fantasy of having it all is that we see on social media. Another one was from our lovely host of #Littleloves – When You Want to Tip Everything Out of your Head and Sort It. Not alone in the slightest here Morgana, I am the same at the moment. I have six different calendars, to do lists taped on the fridge, post-its on my desk, to try and keep on top of it all.
Have you heard we are featured over on Little & Fierce Blog too with an easy Christmas recipe that the kids can do with you. It makes for an excellent afternoon project if it’s rainy. The kids love playing with melted chocolate and sprinkles too. Be careful these Dipped White Chocolate Holly Shortbread bites are highly addictive, best put them out for Santa.
Have you seen us over on Mumsnet’s YouTube Channel we took over it yesterday with our family tree decorating from Homebase. We went for a vintage white Christmas theme which we absolutely love. You must check out our video and please give us a thumbs up!
I finally have bought a “school mom coat”. Yes, I broke down and went for one of those oversized, puffer, faux fur hooded numbers that you see so many about with. It has to be done when you become a school mom. I have to say it’s the best coat I have ever had ever. It’s comfortable. I don’t have to deal with umbrellas and the hood isn’t too big I can’t see. It doesn’t look too bad either so I am very pleased with it as it was in the sale – bonus! It’s been a whole lot of grey and white clothes this week which is normally what my wardrobe looks like. I don’t know why but I swear between my fashion style and home style, I clearly have a lack of love for color. If you asked me I would say the opposite but my actions speak louder for words. The funniest part is I love the most vibrant loud colors I can find for both my kids especially my daughter. I don’t often put her in pastel anything either. Either way, it’s been a week of casual and fancy dressing this week.
This week I have put together our Christmas Tablescape which came out so glittery and bright. I just love the white and grey features together with reindeers and pine trees & pine cones. It feels magical. Even though we aren’t here for Christmas we have had it set up for dinner with Granddad and then dinner with Granny to celebrate before we go.
I have also made a whole year’s worth of festive drinks and baking treats this week. It’s no wonder the waistline is expanding and not liking my clothes at the minute. We got sent these amazing Nespresso capatible pods for coffee, hot chocolate and even sugar-free milkshakes for the kids. I am telling you they are to die for so delicious. I am hosting a giveaway to WIN a large Christmas Hamper full of these poddies, ENTER HERE. Of course, it was the perfect excuse to through a donut party too!
Do you ever ponder the far future? I am the worse at worrying what lies ahead of me and my little family. I worry over things that I shouldn’t even give the time of day. Things that shouldn’t even form a thought in my busy little brain. I have enough going on right in the here and now to always be wondering about the tomorrows. I know it’s a little early for New Year’s resolutions but I really want to try to live in the moment more and not let so much of life speed passed me. My momma always said while I was growing up, I was trying to live life as fast as possible. I completely get why she said this now as an adult, I recognize it. I am constantly packing every day full with things to do, planning, organizing and then checking things off a list and moving to the next list. It does get exhausting. I look at others and wonder what it would feel like to just live life with no lists for a week. I don’t think I could do it but I am going to give it a test go while we are in Ireland. I am taking…hold your breathe…two whole weeks off blogging. (so don’t think I am leaving you hanging) I will still poke in and out of social media but I am not allowed on my blog. It will be the first time since I started two years and three months ago that I took so many days in a row off. I am not sure I will make it but it’s a challenge I am setting for myself. Wish me luck.

Wow Jenny I thought I was busy and you’ve just blown me out the water!! It all looks beautiful you’ve done an amazing job Lists are my saviour, I have a ton and never seem to get to the end! 2 weeks without blogging-will miss reading but definitely think you deserve a break. have a wonderful Christmas X
Thank you so much Gemma. I just hope no one will forget me while I am away. haha I might have a few things scheduled if I ever catch up on my to do list before we go too. 🙂
Very excited to see you in 10 days sweet lady! If ever there was anywhere to switch off from everything, Ireland is definitely it! 🙂 I hope all your planning and preparations for your trip are going well pet. See you soon!! Xx
Oh yes I know the countdown begins!! I can’t wait to catch up with you properly hun. It’s going to be amazing. I am looking forward to the slower pace of life and family time too. Happy Holidays.
Love that photo of you at the end, so natural and thoughtful. My favourite part of your posts is always your clothes pics. You dress so beautifully – even on a dress down day. Love your Christmas table too – this is something I haven’t even thought of for Christmas and I’m hosting again this year. have a wonderful pre-Christmas weekend lovely x
Oh that’s lovely of you to say Donna, got to have that pensive look on the face for the future planning. lol Or worrying if you prefer. hahaha I love sharing my crazy, wardrobe and the things I put together it’s fun. Glad someone likes it I have been told I dress funny so it’s always intriguing to otherwise. Happy Christmas.
As always, you look gorgeous, and all your decorations look just LOVELY.
I am now craving milkshakes and donuts. x
Thanks Aimee you are too sweet. The milkshakes kind of made themselves gorgeous hahahah So yummy. Happy Holidays.
Looks like you’ve got everything under control and are nearly ready for Christmas! We love your style! #PoCoLo Merry Christmas!
Thank you ever so much darling, yes, I think our ‘to do’ list is getting shorter and shorter which feels great. Happy Holidays.
Enjoy your two weeks off! Have a wonderful time 🙂
Thank you so much and happy holidays to you too. Thanks for being so support of my blog this year lovely.
As always you look beautiful! I love the coat, the faux fur gives it some glamour lady and your outfits are stunning. Serious wardrobe envy here!
Have a wonderful break from blogging and enjoy Ireland. I can imagine how emotional and special it must be for you to be there.
Merry Christmas! x
Oh thank you ever so much Kate you are so sweet. I hope you have a truly magical Christmas too and a Happy New Year. Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting.
Beautiful photos and I’m in awe of all your preparations, now I have the Business there I might be able to turn my attention to the family side of Christmas. Have a lovely holiday. #PoCoLo
Oh have a lovely Christmas darling and a happy new Year.
Hope you have a great time in Ireland! And, you’re right, we live right next to the local primary school and it seems like all the mums have one of those coats. I expect I will get one myself when I graduate to school mum 😀 #pocolo
Thanks lovely. I always thought I would rebel and not have one now I see it’s not a fashion statement it really is helpful to have a fur hood and not have to have an umbrella and the puffer layers hahaha I caved. Embracing the motherhood of school mom.
Ooh Jenny your table settings look amazing. Your food styling is so professional looking nowadays too. Hope your blogging break leaves you feeling refreshed and ready for a whole new year online 🙂 Happy Christmas to you and all your family Xx #littleloves
Happy Christmas to you Sam, thank you ever so much. I am trying to work on my photography and styling more hope it’s showing. I am looking forward to our Christmas break and having the kids all to me.
So excited to hear you are coming over to our part of the island and I know you will have a ball with Emma (we live about 35 mins away). Enjoy our countryside, the banter and the slow pace, I really hope the weather is kind and I will definitely look out for you should we wonder over for our usual forrest walk nearby. Safe travels and have a ball xx
Ahhh thank you lovely. I can’t wait. I need slow pace of life and some much family concentrated time together. No wifi will do me good. lol I can’t wait to see Emma be so good to catch up and get the families together. Happy holidays lovely.
There is no such thing as a life without a to-do list. Even the most disorganised people have them, I’m one of those people. I try to view having a to do list as a positive thing, it means you have things you’d like to achieve. I love Ireland, I’m a bit (1/4) Irish, but then you’d probably struggle to find an English person that isn’t even the slightest bit Irish. Have a wonderful time there xxx also fudge looks amazing, I’ve tried to make it once and it was awful, I clearly don’t have the knack. I hope you and your family have a brilliant Christmas and looking forward to keeping up with your blog in the new year xxx
Oh thank you so much Kerry, I bet if you try my easy recipe for fudge you couldn’t go wrong with it. lol Hope you have a happy, happy holiday lovely and a great new year. Thanks for all your blog support this year.
Lovely round-up this week Jenny.. Love your table layout! Looks amazing! The faux-fur hooded coat really suits you! {from what I can see!} Have a wonderful time in Ireland and have a very merry christmas! I look forward to a new year of gorgeous filled blog posts from you!
I get very emotional over new year, and I find myself pondering a lot. I have had such a hellish year with the skin cancer diagnosis, and operations and constant hospital trips this new year will be no different! I am hoping 2016 is a better year for us all!
Oh bless you darling. I hope the new year holds so much positive, happy adventures for you and we can say goodbye to a hellish year. Thanks for commenting, stopping by and reading. Happy holidays.
Oh man I am seriously loving all of the festive treats you have been baking recently and your trip sounds gorgeous..its so nice to be with family isnt it? Have a lovely Christmas x
Thank you glad someone else does too as much as I do. Love baking and cooking up a storm only to food style it. Haha Can’t wait to be in Ireland for Christmas. Happy holidays lovely.
All of your baking is fabulous Jenny, I love baking too. We’ve done quite a bit over the last few weeks, maybe its the weather making us want to indulge in them! or my bump… ha. How exciting about your Christmas in Ireland this year. My partner is half irish and we’d love to go visit his family there one year as its so huge. Those last words from you here I couldn’t relate to anymore, I know exactly how you feel and I’m going to make a point of slowing down in the form of a more simplistic life (as much as possible with three littles and one on the way along with everything else!) but I think its just in your mind that slowing down can really help in the areas you need to most so like you say not stressing about the little things, in fact enjoy the little things all the more.
have a lovely Christmas x x x x
OH I bet hunny you are going to have your hands full which I know is the worse thing you are supposed to say to someone that has more than two. I would love a third. I am from a big family of eight though it’s the best dynamic ever to be in a large family and I am so excited for you. The kids will all love having another sibling. I find big families always seem to be so close and I love that. Happy Christmas lovely.
Such a beautiful table Jenny.
Hope you are having a wonderful time away in Ireland and you’re getting a break away from all things bloggy.
I look forward to hearing about your Christmas trip when you get back next week xx