February cabin fever

Last updated on November 19th, 2023 at 12:18 am

February has to be the crappiest month of all the year for me. We are not huge into Valentine’s day so we are always in a hurry to say goodbye to it. I know it’s only just started but I am sick of the cold, frosty days and the dark gloomy days. We tend to hibernate a bit in the winter and our four walls are too much for us any longer, cabin fever has set in. I can tell by my patience levels and the kids attitude when they need to get out and do something. After a really tough morning full of grumpy toddlers and at my wits end with the two of them pushing, shoving, and fighting over toys, I had had it. Yes, my toddlers are just like the rest with tantrums and craziness and this particular day I thought we need to get out of this house!

As parents I know you all know this feeling where the kids are just too much, they won’t listen and you want to cry as nothing is getting done. The dishes were left unwashed along with the forever piling laundry. I just couldn’t do anything but play referee and think is it bedtime yet? It’s never a good sign when you are begging for bedtime already at 10am!

I was racking my brain to get creative and do something fun. That was my problem though I didn’t need to plan something extravagant or even go do something special. I was thinking too much into it to entertain the kids ALL they needed was to have a change of scenery.

I pulled the cars off the driveway and the kids played with their bikes, their ball, and just had a good giggle playing against the garage door outside our front door. They just needed fresh air! They just needed a simple change that didn’t cost anything. No soft play area to entertain them just them using their imagination in the great outdoors like I used to when I was growing up. It also got me thinking there are never any kids playing outside anymore.

I used to have to go play out until dinner was ready! Where are the kids kicking balls against the side of the house? Where are the kids playing hockey in the streets or riding their bikes on the sidewalks? It just doesn’t seem to happen as much anymore. February Cabin fever

It’s times like this I think why do I overthink it all? It’s simple to have fun and have a laugh with the kids. I think in this day and age we are pressured to make things happen and provide big adventures regularly. No fault but our own of the busy social lives we lead these days but I asked myself what makes a great childhood? It’s not constant music or messy play classes it’s not numerous visits to Disneyland. It’s more simple than all that – its fun! All my happy childhood memories are of me playing outside with my cousins or on the beach with my mom and with my siblings in the woods behind our house. It’s all about simple fun. I want that for my kids and lately we haven’t got out enough to just have simple outdoor fun.

After our driveway ‘play’ we took a little stroll to get Buba’s glasses tightened and instead of going back home like we normally do we kept on strolling. We didn’t have any plans but to enjoy the fresh air. We came home in such a better mood than we left that morning. February cabin feverIt’s the simple things in life that we should be grateful for and remember. The little ordinary moments that really make the best childhood memories. I vowed this year I would do more simple fun things with the kids and get them out walking, exploring and being outdoors more. Nature can be the best medicine to two grumpy cabin fever children and one stressful cabin fever mommy, I promise you!

33 thoughts on “February cabin fever”

    • Oh yes we can’t forget pancake day! Lol we keep having plans to go to the beach or family days out and its either cold frost or too windy for little tots. Frustrating.

  1. Oh getting outside is pretty much the cure for everything in our house, even if it’s just five minutes running around the back garden! I’m just holding on for the summer when it doesn’t take half an hour to get them all dressed up to go out! We used to play outside all the time as children and now as a Mum I wonder how on earth my Mum could be happy letting us go – perhaps we’re a generation who worry more?

    • Maybe. I am the same my mom used to just open the door and out we all went. I couldn’t do that. Takes forever to get the kids ready doesn’t it? Hehe roll on spring.

  2. Sorry to hear February has been a bit crap for you, I hope it picks up soon. I know what you mean about the cold, it’s horrible, I wish it would go away now. Summer is great for getting outdoors and in the fresh air, which as a family, we love to do. I can’t wait until it’s warmer again! xx

    • Me too. The weather just keeps ruining our plans on the weekends like today which leaves us all cabin fevered and grumpy. Lol roll on spring even and the days getting longer too helps. Lol

  3. You’re so right Jenny, I often wonder where are the kiddies, I ,like you, spent most of my childhood outdoors. I can’t wait until weather gets warmer! February is such a gloomy month! Thank goodness it’s a pretty short one! xx

  4. I’m with you on the cabin fever… I feel like it’s been forever since we were out and about just for the sake of it. In fact, the weather’s beautiful right now so maybe we’ll go for a walk this afternooon. And I know what you mean about never seeing kids out playing anymore – even in our new neighbourhood of family homes I barely ever see anyone!

    • Thanks. Hope you got out and enjoyed the nice weather. Wish we had some here today ruined our plans. Boo I know where are all the kids ? When I was growing up the streets were flooded with kids playing after school. Crazy.

  5. I can totally relate to this hon, I am the worst for over thinking things and trying to do something fun, when all Monkey needs is to step outside to have fun! I make life way too hard for myself sometimes. Glad you got out and all of your moods improved! xx

    • Thanks Caroline!! I am glad I am not the only one. Phew! I over think the simplest things sometimes. Lol such a parent thing to do. Hahah they really just need fresh air. Lol simple!

  6. Your garage door makes me think you have a beautiful home – it looks so much nicer than other garage doors!
    It really is all about the simple things, the kids love playing in the garden here or just going for a walk x

    • Hahaha you can have a peak I have done numerous home tours as well as filming my YouTube videos here. Lol not sure about nice garage doors tho. Hahahah yes just fresh air really is the key. I need to stop over thinking it. Lol

  7. This is so lovely Jenny, and I agree wholeheartedly. Kids just like to explore and have a change of scenery, and some fresh air is always a bonus (although not always so easy this time of year.) We are loving out little 52 adventures mission, but I’m determined to make it a mixture of big and small adventures, because kids don’t care how much it cost or how elaborate it was, but how much fun they had doing it. x

    • Exactly. I should have started 52 adventures too. What a great idea and it at least gets you out doing both big and small things together. I love your post each week. They are amazing. I was envious of the donuts. lol

  8. I can’t wait for the summer just to throw open my patios doors and enjoy watching the kids play! My hubby and I were commenting earlier about not seeing kids play out, maybe its the time of year but I’ll definitely be encouraging my kids to go out! 😉

  9. I am exactly the same, I always want to do something exciting, but they would happily run around the park at the end of the road every single day – fresh air does absolute wonders and when we are having one of those days I make sure we get outside as quick as we can!

    • Most definitely fresh air and open spaces seems to cure them for the most part. Lol . I really need to get out more with them. I can’t wait till it warms up a bit more tho. Hate the cold and having to bundle them up.

  10. What a brilliant post – you are exactly right, sometimes we just need a change of scenery and it doesn’t have to be anything big – just a run around outside brushes off those cobwebs and livens us up a little. I’d never even thought of clearing off the drive for the kids to play when it makes an ideal space. I’m going to try to get outdoors more this week while the rain holds off!

    • I know it was great as we have a double drive and I don’t know why I hadn’t thought of it before. They can kick the ball against the garage doors and ride their bikes etc. Great space for them to play safely. Thanks hunny.

  11. It really is the simplest things sometimes that give them fun. I always try and get H outside every day for a little walk as it tires him out. Plus when he’s acting up I always remember what my mum once said to me when he was newborn – they don’t seem as loud when you’re walking in the open air!

  12. I couldn’t agree with this more Jenny- sometimes the most happy of our days are spent just pottering about, getting out the house for a bit, and having a change of scenery. While we so lucky that we get to do some really fun stuff, both my children actually thrive the most on those days you describe above. xx

    • Thanks Katie. I think sometimes I try to over think it and think it has to be planned special days out when really its just fresh air and getting out of the house that does the trick.

  13. I’m not a fan of February here either and it’s only thoughts of spring that keep me inspired to keep going. As a child I always spent most of my time outside too – I used to climb trees and build dens in the woods at the bottom of the garden. These are my fondest memories of childhood and when I had my own daughters, time outside was always time well spent. Here’s hoping Bubba and Missy Moo love the great outdoors as much as you x

    • Thanks Izzie. Oh yes I think they really do. I just wish it would warm up so they could stop having coughs and sniffles and we could play outdoors more in the fresh air.

  14. I feel like I’ve spent SO much time indoors this winter. Today was actually the first time I’ve enjoyed being outside in months as the sun was shining and it actually felt warm. We started sorting out our garden too ready for the first spring days! x

    • Oh garden duties are screaming at me too. Glad you got to get out babes and enjoy it. You have been blogging lots of sunny photos lately. So jealous. Wish we had more sun shine and time in the day to enjoy it. Lol

  15. I so agree, sometimes a bit of fresh air makes everything feel a whole heap better. My girls just love playing outside.
    In the winter months I sometimes find it hard to motivate myself to leave the house when the weather is so cold and dull. I will be so pleased to feel the suns warmth and know that Summer is just around the corner. Although I am feeling uplifted to see the bulbs we planted in the Autumn are starting to poke their heads up through the soil.


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