Finding childcare from outside the family

Last updated on May 6th, 2024 at 10:22 am

One of the hard things about being an expat is when you have children of your own, far away from other family members. We miss the every day life sharing that other families that live near each other get to enjoy. Birthdays and holidays are always through technology to keep us close and share our big moments. It’s just not the same. We live in a country that is not my own and therefore when it comes down to someone else having our children, we are usually stuck. It’s not easy entrusting a stranger to babysit your child, if you want to go out with your partner or need continual everyday childcare after school or before.

Going out as adults and sharing adult experiences is so important for us as individuals. We sometimes forget to even be our own person because we are so wrapped up into being parents and doing everything for our children and with our children. While I love doing things with my kids, it’s also good to just be out with friends or my husband and be an adult too. It’s so nice to have help when you need someone to care for your children because you can’t whether it’s work commitments or illnesses.

As an expat, we watch as other families around us constantly gather together for a weekend meals with grandparents, aunts and uncles and cousins too. It can be quite lonely not having that constant connection for your own kids all the time, it also means you don’t get a break even if you are sick. There isn’t a family member to just swoop over and take care while you recuperate. We find we don’t plan things away without the kids because we don’t have someone on our doorstep to step in for us if we want to go somewhere. We also don’t have grandparents that can take on our kids a few days a week while we work so childminding and nanny services are like a needle in a haystack to find on our own.

So who do you trust to babysit or nanny your child? 

Finding childcare outside of family

Do you ask the neighbor’s daughter who just turned 18? What if she doesn’t really watch them? What if there is  problem and she doesn’t know first aid? How can you entrust someone you don’t really know to babysit without being vetted for you? 

All these questions and many more are common in every parent’s mind when thinking about someone else being in charge of their little ones. It’s only natural to feel anxiety about leaving them especially if it’s the first time. 

Wouldn’t it be great if there was a community for parents to gain information about babysitters, childminders, nannies, nurseries and more? 

We have been introduced to Childcare which allows you to search for and connect with all of the above and schools. It also allows childcare providers to advertise their services. The site has more than 1.5 million users nationwide and is the largest online community for parents in the UK. 

A community just for parents… what a genius idea. People vetted for and research done for you. No more worrying about finding that perfect person to care for your children whether you are looking for a babysitter for the weekend or a bigger decision like a nanny or childminder. 

It helps expats and those that need a little more help from outsiders, find what they need and feel safe and secure about leaving their children in care of someone outside the family.



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