Letters to him & her ~ #1

Last updated on March 4th, 2024 at 08:24 pm

Last year, I wrote a weekly update and shared a weekly capture of the many milestones of my son and daughter. They are so close in age it was a nice way to record their achievements, milestones, and growth together. At this age so many things change so quickly and I have loved looking back at all the photos to see how much they have changed each week so I decided to continue it this year.

Whilst last year I also included “them” as it was their first whole year of being siblings this year I won’t. Things changed and occurred on a weekly basis, it was easy to share so much. This year I am saving their special sibling moments for the “Siblings” project that I join in with DearBeautifuleach month instead.

I welcome a new year and a new way of thinking… I am all about balance this year in all that I do. Taking things slower and one step at a time. I was very ill the end of last year and I cannot afford to ever go back there nor do I want to. We are also about making Buba’s last months before starting school the best to remember. I am making lists of adventures for us to go on as we speak.

Without further ado…. milestones of him & her week one! 

a weekly capture

Buba, at 40 months old you are too old to be counted in months but until you start school it’s makes me keep you that little bit younger as I think you are growing up too fast. I am in denial about school but trying to mentally prepare myself that you won’t be home with me and your sister so soon. (September isn’t far off). Eeek. I wonder how much school will change you? I worry have I provided you with all the skills you need as you will be the youngest or should I be working hard daily to prepare you for what lies ahead? Your naps are still underway and this is something I need to slowly cut out? But do you really still need them or am I being selfish by putting you down with your sister everyday still? These are the things that flood Mommy’s mind at the moment. Things I worry and ponder over searching for the right answers. You have really changed over Christmas. I watch you play and chat with your friends and I am no longer worried you won’t cope at school. The things I worried about above have nothing to do with you being ready for school and more to do with me being ready to send you there. I know you will take it all in stride and adapt. I know you will sit and listen to your teachers and squeal when you see your friends at the gate waiting for you. I know you, too well, that you won’t bat an eye that things are about to change majorly. That makes me more settled than anything. It’s me, I am worried about. The tears that will come with my first born going off to school at such a young age. An age that if you were back home in the states with me, wouldn’t be happening. Four years old is so little to have homework, and structured classes and yet when I have seen other four year olds doing it they seem to cope and do amazing. A cultural difference but I think they have it right here. You are ready and eager to learn already!

a weekly capture

Missy Moo, at 18 months old you are changing still every week. You are constantly learning something new, saying something new and your personality is forming right in front of our eyes. You are intriguing to watch as you catch on to things quickly by watching your brother and his friends. You are still a little diva and think you down right own your brother and sadly he is too happy to let you own him and boss him around. You know how to play Daddy and Granny too. Mommy has caught on to you and at Christmas you were spoiled with Daddy being home with so much attention on you 24/7 that I fear this week and next will be a continual boot camp back to reality. You are getting more words in your vocabulary and it was great to hear you have an American accent for now just as your brother did before he started making friends outside the family and going to nursery more. People go “awe” everytime you shout, “Momma!” at the store. I secret do too. Its the one thing I feel awkward about when you and your brother say things with an english accent. Not in a bad way but more in a you don’t sound like mommy way. I will soon get used to it when you both start school so for now I try to make you say everything like Mommy does and smile. This year will be big for you too. A second birthday will come in the summer while we are away again in the states and then you will have to wrap your head around your brother leaving you every morning for school. It’s as much of a change for him as it will be for you too! I am excited to have time with just me and you now like I did when your brother was first born. We will have many adventures together I promise!

I am so excited for another year of sharing our lives on this very blog and with all of you amazing readers. Thank you for the continual support. I hope this year will be even more exciting than last year for you all here on Let’s Talk Mommy.

29 thoughts on “Letters to him & her ~ #1”

    • Thank you so much. I did it for a whole year last year and i always write to the kids and make a book of each year for them to keep. Such a lovely project.

  1. Lovely post. How old is your boy? G is 3.5 and will be 4 in June. He will be one of the youngest in his year which worries me a little. He has attended nursery and now kindergarten since he was 8 months old so I don’t have the same worry as you as G has adapted to classroom style settings. Although I do still think, how will school change him? Will he pair up with nice children or fall into a wrong crowd. The downside of parenting – the worry!

    • Buba is 3 and a bit too. He will be the very youngest in his class he doesn’t turn 4 until August. EEEK! But I know he will be better prepared then me. lol Didn’t realize our little ones were so close. We both can weep together as they start their first year! lol

    • Thanks hunny. So sweet of you. I thought so too. You wouldn’t believe the height and shoe size. it’s crazy. They will both be taller than me in no time at all.

  2. I think your son is almost exactly the same age as Theo, I can’t believe I didn’t realise this before! He must be an early August birthday? I love the idea of an adventure list before school starts. Are you going to share it? You might inspire me!

    • Oh I should really write it down on my blog shouldn’t I. Might have to think about a few more to add to it and really get creative but making it up each week as we go.

  3. Ah Jenny I love the little updates of them, especially as Buba and Lucas are so close in age, I have all the same worries you do. I do think you worry more when they are going to be one of the youngest, I’ve been keeping myself awake at night wondering if pre-school is too much for him never mind school, it is always at the back of my mind. If it makes you feel any better your children always look so happy, they are obviously very secure little ones xx

    • Thank you so much Hayley. No I didn’t realize how exact age our little ones were at all. That’s fantastic. We can weep together as they both start school. I know he will be fine its’ me I am worried about. With all his ailments and allergies and problems I get stressed anyone else looking at him.

    • Thanks Katie. I have no doubt he will be great it’s me I am worried about. Without my little first born at home where he is safe and I can watch out for all his ailments. Putting that in someone else hands scares me to death!

  4. I’d swear they’ve both grown a foot over Christmas – Missy Moo especially! And I’ll admit I’ve always been a little curious as to whether they sounded English or American – I guess school might cement their accent but it’s lovely that they sound like you right now – H and I have fun with our trio because of our north/south divide – Kitty says bath like Daddy but ballet class like me – no prizes for guessing who does what around here! – and Elma just sounds welsh at the moment!

    • Accents are funny aren’t they? Buba will say trash like me but ball like his Daddy! Guess who does what chores. hahaha But he knows too to say soccer to me and football to Daddy. They are so smart. I often wonder what they will sound like as adults when they can choose and mold it themselves. My hubby doesn’t sound anything like any of his family because as an adult he changed it and never went back to a thick broad accent. Funny how we can do that. Everyone back home thinks we all sound completely english even me! lol

  5. It is utterly frightening how quick they grow and how fleeting moments become. My oldest son is now taller than me. I can definitely identify with wanting to have some lovely adventures before school begins. Xx

    • Thanks Amy. Yes I need to sit down and make an adventure list one we can do and check off before he starts school! I cant imagine my kids taller than me but it’s not hard and I am sure it will happen with both of them.

    • I think there are really a huge group of us that will all be experiencing, weeping, or cheering or both all together. HURRAY! Thanks I did a whole year last year of little notes under the photos to each of them. Want to make a book out of it for them to keep. It’s my way of doing their updates and milestones together.

  6. Oh Jenny, they both have the most gorgeous colour eyes. What an adorable pair! My eldest is a summer baby too and started school a week after his 4th birthday. He seemed so much smaller than the others at first and struggled with writing especially but he loved it! (I was a basket case that first week but was also 30 something weeks pregnant so I’m blaming it on that) x

    • Ahhh glad to know he settled in. Thanks hunny. Its the one good thing i can say its definitely from me and not daddy is their eyes. Ya buba struggles with writing already. When does your littlest start? Thanks for hosting.


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