How Busy Parents Can Plan a Dream Wedding

Last updated on May 5th, 2024 at 09:22 pm

While plenty of people get married before they have children, not everyone does. Some might choose to never marry their partner, while others later marry their child’s other parent or get married to someone else. Planning a wedding as a parent can be a very different experience from doing it as someone who doesn’t have any children. You need to think about what role your child or children might play in the wedding, do your planning around your parenting, and even consider what you’re doing for your honeymoon. If you’re a parent planning your wedding, try these tips to arrange the wedding of your dreams.

Plan a dream wedding with these four top tips:

Photo by from Pexels

1. Get Help

As a busy parent, finding the time and energy to plan your wedding can be tough. By the time the kids are in bed, you might not feel much like making decisions about your big day. That’s why it’s important to get help, so the two of you aren’t planning on your own. Hiring a wedding planner is one option to help things go smoothly. They can handle weddings of all types, including when you want to include your children. You can also ask friends and family to help you. But make sure you’re not asking too much of them.

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2. Give Children a Role

You might want to incorporate your children into the wedding in some way, both at the ceremony and reception. If you give them a role in the ceremony, it might be as a bridesmaid, pageboy, ring bearer, flower girl, or even something that you make up for them to do. It’s a good idea to practice this and perhaps have some help on the day. Being realistic is also important. You might want your flower girl to skip down the aisle, but in reality, she might cry or even decide that she doesn’t want to do it.

3. Plan Your Child’s Day

When you’re planning the order of the day for your wedding, it’s also a good idea to think about how the day will go for your children. While you might want to stay up late dancing, little ones will probably start to flag long before then. It makes sense to plan their schedule and know what their day is going to look like. On top of this, it’s a good idea to have a babysitter. A guest might be willing to fill the role, but everyone might also prefer to focus on enjoying the wedding, so hiring someone could be your best bet.

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4. Plan a Honeymoon That Works for You

When it comes to your honeymoon, having children can make things trickier. Leaving straight after the wedding might not be practical, so booking your honeymoon for a later date could be the best thing to do. Of course, you also need to decide whether the kids are going to come along. It’s up to you whether you make it a family holiday, but there’s no shame in grabbing the opportunity to take one trip as a couple, without the kids.

Planning a wedding around your children can be hectic, but they can become part of the wedding and the formation of your family.


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