Laundry Hacks for Large Families: Simplifying the Never-Ending Pile

Last updated on October 6th, 2024 at 07:08 pm

Laundry is one of those jobs that just never feels done. No matter how efficient you are with your processes, there’s always more to do. And this issue is only compounded for larger families.

So, how do you simplify your laundry to at least make it feel manageable? Luckily there are some strategies you can use, which we’ll cover below.

Laundry Hacks for Large Families:

1. Don’t Be too Fussy About Sorting Colours

Provided you’re not mixing whites with darks, there’s no need to be particularly attentive with your colour sorting. It’s not very common for modern clothes to be non-colour fast, and older items certainly won’t leech colours into the water.

So, don’t worry too much about throwing some black clothes in with some brighter colours. As long as you’ve got enough clothes to put a load of washing on, do so!

2. Don’t Overload Your Machine

This might sound counter-intuitive if we’re talking about simplifying washing. However, overloading your machine can cause things to not be washed properly and can even make things more creased, leading to more post-washing processing. To avoid this, try to only fill your machine two-thirds full.

While this might result in you needing to use your washing machine more, it’ll cut out most of the ironing needed to get clothes looking nice once they’re dry.

3. Delegate

Try to delegate as much of the laundry process as possible. Start by having family members sort their own washing into colours. Even if it’s just that kids throw a pile of washing onto the landing for you to pick up, it’s easier than you having to sort everything yourself.

Similarly, get them to put away their washing once it’s dry. You might need a rewards system to ensure they’re motivated, but it’s better than you having to do it all!

4. Make Sure Clothes are Getting Worn Enough

While things like underwear should be washed after every wear, you can often get more than a day out of things like school uniforms. Make sure clothes actually need washing when they’re put in the basket and this’ll help cut down on the amount of laundry you do.

Of course, everyone has different standards for this. Things like jeans and outerwear don’t need washing very often (once a month for example). T-shirts can often be worn twice depending on the material and your level of activity. You’ll likely have a good idea of your family’s tolerance for re-wearing clothes, so make sure you maximise the efficiency of each item!

5. Make Sure the Washing Machine is Running When You’re Not Around

Make use of your time by putting a load of washing on overnight, and another one during the day. How you dry your clothes will have an impact on how often you can wash them, of course. If you have a tumble dryer, the previous night’s load can go in while you’re out for the day. Then just repeat this in the evening with the day’s load.

If you have to hang your clothes to dry, there might be a bit more of a delay between loads. Consider getting yourself a heated airer and cover, and you should find your clothes will be dry in a couple of hours.

6. Set Up a Schedule

Having a laundry schedule helps other family members know when you need their washing. For example, school uniforms can be washed on a Saturday, weekend clothes on a Monday, etc.

Figure out what works for you and ensure everyone knows when they need to give you their dirty washing. Make sure you fit in things like bedding and towels depending on when your changing/cleaning days are.

7. Fold Clothes When Wet

After you take your clothes out of the washing machine, give each item a flick and then fold it. Leave them in a pile for an hour or so before drying them, and you should find they’re far less creased.

The weight of the damp clothes helps to press out creases before they can set while the clothes are drying. While you might still have to iron some things, you should find this works well for t-shirts, trousers, skirts and more. You’d be amazed how much time this can save.

Final Thoughts

Streamlining your laundry can take a bit of thought. Hopefully the tips above will help you figure out some strategies that’ll work for your family to relieve a bit of the never-ending laundry stress. You can also hire a cleaner in North London to help you with your laundry, which will save you loads of time.

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