Letters to him & her ~ #15

Last updated on March 4th, 2024 at 08:28 pm

Letters to my children #livingarrowshim

Buba, you never cease to perplex your father and I with your unique ways. We have accepted your ocd manner a long time ago and know you have to have things a certain way or you just can’t handle it. We know which way to point your pillow and fold your blankets to go to sleep. We know how to line your cars up all facing the same way. You look for patterns in things and once you find one you like you stick to that pattern like glue. Same goes for routines. You are a true routine child, you still want your naps at a certain time, and bedtime at the same time each day. You know it’s breakfast, lunch and dinner and when snack time is! Your memory is impeccable. But you have added a new factor to our plate this week. Each morning when I come into your room to wake you, I never know what I will find you wearing. We put you to bed in pjs and yet each morning for the past week you have woke up with layers upon layers of clothing over your pjs. If it was winter I would think you were just getting cold at night but this isn’t the case. Last night, when I took you to the bathroom around 11pm I wasn’t prepared to find you with four layers of sweatpants on and your hooded sweater on with the hood up! You were fast asleep with the duvet on too. You must have been boiling but your new found love for clothes is getting obsessive. You wearing four pairs of anything is just plain crazy. We have talked about how you only need to wear one layer, each day and each night. You all the sudden want to change your clothes three or four times a day. I swear I might have an “Alexander McQueen” on my hands. For now, we are just giggling it off as another one of your many toddler corks that make you, you! 

Letters to my children #livingarrowsher

Missy Moo, somewhere out of nowhere you became ill this week. I thought at first teething as you had a running nose, and fever but by day three your fevers are coming and going still and you woke up with a big blister on your lip. It took me by surprise and then made me sad that you might have had such a tough night in fevers and cold sweats to get a fever blister. I felt bad that you didn’t cry out for me to come snuggle you. I would have. I hate when you are not well. You are happy in yourself for most of the day and I give you props you are such a strong cookie when you are ill. I hope you are all better for our trip to France this week. May those teeth, if it’s teeth come out already and if it’s illness may it pass us all by so we can have a great family weekend abroad. You are also really starting to talk more these days. I love your little baby voice where it hasn’t quite turned into a little girl’s voice. I can’t wait to hear you say a whole sentence or two but at the same time that means I definitely have no more baby milestones to pass in this house and you truly would be a toddler then. Somehow it seems your baby days went faster than your brothers. I have been wanting more and more for it to slow down but also excited to see the next stage too. Parenting really is a catch-22 you will see, someday (a long, long time from now). 

I hope I say it enough that I love you both so very much with every inch of my being. You both have already enriched my life so much and I can’t wait for the many, many more family adventures to experience together. 

Linking up to Shutterflies for #LivingArrows


20 thoughts on “Letters to him & her ~ #15”

  1. Sweet… That’s hilarious about the layers of clothes. You need one of those baby monitors with a camera to watch how he does it! Perhaps he’s sleep walking?!

  2. Wow the clothes bit really made me chuckle. G has a few weird and wonderful ways but not this one. This is unique to your little one. Missy Moo looks so cheeky and oh so grown up on this pic. I hope you are all well for Friday x #livingarrows

  3. What a beautiful post Jenny. Your Buba seems such a charming chap. and that did make me giggle about the clothes, My Yve’s does the same too, the other morning she had her clothes, plus a huge handmade Elsa dress tutu, plus a huge black tutu on top. bonkers! but experimenting their own style i guess. 🙂 sorry to hear MM was poorly, it’s awful when they are and we feel so helpless and just wish it gone already. catch 22 is a pain! 😉 xx

  4. Um Mummy thinks I have a little bit of OCD – i have to line everything up. And certain toys have to be in a very specific position! I hope Missy Moo is better now #livingarrows

  5. Oh I love both of these photos. Missy Moo looks so cheeky here, and Buba so grown up, he looks like he’s about to tell you something. So funny about his layering. N is very prescriptive about when he wants to choose what he’s wearing, but apart from 2 layers of pants, that’s as far as he’s gone.

    • Hahah I think Buba is a one off on the six layers of clothes. Hahaha I still can’t get over it. Mr P and I laughed so hard. I should have ran and took a photo! Lol but we couldn’t believe it. Buba is looking so very grown up indeed. Makes me think where has the time gone!

    • It makes them each special doesn’t it. Hahaha oh yes Buba loves his joggers to my dismay too. Haha glad for summer and that it’s too hot for them soon. Hahaha thanks hunny.

  6. Aww you have to love their unique ways, at least you will get plenty of use out of all of his clothes 😉
    We have had illnesses too but sore throats, and Harry and Declan’s temperature was going up and down 🙁 Hope you all stay well for your weekend away x

    • Thanks hunny. Yeah we Had that with Buba where his fevers just kept soaring but nothing else wrong with him for days. He still isn’t well. But nice weather to make up for it. They are unique indeed!! Lol


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