Milestones of him, her, them ~ living arrows 20/52

Last updated on November 16th, 2023 at 05:43 pm



Buba, your facial expression says it all! You love the great outdoors and the sun on your back. The sun springs you to life and makes you act silly and fun. I love watching you explore outside and play make believe up on your imaginary castle here. You wave at your sister from high above, acting like you are on top of the world. I am sure from that height to you it is. You love playing on your slide, whether it’s driving your disney cars down each side at a rapid speed or bird and plane watching from above, it is definitely something that keeps you occupied for hours. You keep asking for your sister to join you on the slide but she is a still too little for this. So sweet of you to want to share it with her.



Missy Moo your face say it all too! You may be shy and cuddly most of the time but your personality has really sprang to life this week. You are understanding more things when we talk to you. If we say clap, or wave you do it on cue now. You also are learning hi and bye, bye and somehow when Buba says hurray you throw your hands up in the air and make this silly face! It is hilarious. I am not sure if you decided to do this on your own or if he secretly taught you. Either way, it’s funny. Your teeth are coming in fast and furious. You now have six on top and two on bottom and continue to chew everything in sight. You now want to hold my hands and walk around everywhere, seeing the world from a different height. Maybe you will walk sooner than I think, but honestly I am in no hurry for that. Stay my baby for as long as you like!


Both of you are much happier when the sun is shining, aren’t we all? This week we have had many picnics and morning and afternoon snacks outside, basking in the warmth for as long as we can. I am so glad neither of you burn easily just like your momma. You both now have a gentle glow on your little otherwise pale bodies. Summer time is here and I can’t wait to do all the fun, amazing summer time adventures, I have planned for us all this year!

21 thoughts on “Milestones of him, her, them ~ living arrows 20/52”

  1. That’s so sweet he wants to share the slide with little Missy Moo. It’s lovely they can get outside and enjoy the sun. The sun makes everyone so cheerful. I love it! #Livingarrows x

  2. Oh that expression on her face is absolutely priceless. And them sat together having their food is the cutest thing, so sweet. It’s definitely true that everyone is happier when the sun is shining. When we are stuck at home my two play pretty independently, but when we are out in the big wild world they become so much more of a team. x

    • Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting. Means alot Lucy. Yes so true they are a much better team out and about against the world!! Which I love. Thank you so much for hosting!!!

  3. I LOVE this time of year, there’s something about the warmth of summer that puts a spring in my step! So pleased you and your beautiful babies have been enjoying the sunshine, totally jealous of their little picnic, they look so sweet sat with each other! Looks like you’re raising best friends there Mommy! xxx #livingarrows

    • Thank you so much Vikki so sweet of you to say that. They really are a great team. All siblings bicker but I love that they always want to be together. Picnics are our favorite and we have even been doing morning and afternoon snacks outdoors lately. Seems like the rain is back tho boo.

  4. I love seeing photos of brothers and sisters playing together – it reminds me of my brother. It’s so nice that Buba wants his sister to play with him.

    • Me too, my brother and I were very much the same as my two are now. I love watching them learn and grow together as a team. I hope it continues into adulthood like my siblings and I have.

  5. Aww bless them, they’re just both so happy it’s completely infectious! I love Missy Moo’s smiles, she’s clearly a most contented little soul!

    • Hahaha I think so too Carie. She is so content and relaxed all the time whereas Buba is so the opposite high strung and nervous about alot of stuff. I often wonder if its a first and second child thing or if it’s just they are completely opposites.

    • I know, I can’t believe it either. It’s crazy how fast it goes. I can’t believe it’s almost June where has 2014 even gone? Scary isn’t it?


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