Last updated on August 6th, 2024 at 08:54 am
Buba you are becoming the best swimmer ever. You are getting so brave and now swim so good underwater. I am very proud of you as you wouldn’t put your face under the water willingly in your swimming lessons so you have really come far on vacation. Daily you get ready to go jump in the pool and slide down the slide right into the water to splash about in. Outdoor fun really suits you. You have less tantrums running and being free. The sun has brought on a whole new happiness to you while we have been state side. Mommy is really loving how much fun you are having here and I can’t believe you will be turning 3 years old Wednesday! It really has gone way too fast.
Missy Moo along with your brother you are a true water baby. You don’t want to have floaty arm bands on or even sit in one of those amazingly comfortable floating. The ones I wish I could still fit in and float around lazily in the sun. You want to be a big girl and jump around freely in the pool like your brother. You watch him swim underwater then you dip your own face underneath just to see what it’s all about. The first few times surprised you but you are becoming a pro at it now. Your walking is getting a little better. You have taken more steps in a row and you are getting stronger on your feet. Summer in America is really suiting you with that sun kissed skin of yours, glowing and your blonde hair that’s finally growing.
Together you both are a team but every team has it’s fall outs. There are tantrums, fighting, jealousy, and pushing I won’t deny the truths of having two under two (almost three). But when all that sibling rivalry that is normal fades you have so much love for each other and fun together, especially when it comes to swimming. You share your water toys, you help each other go down the slide into the pool, you take turns running from side to side and bouncing on the side. If I let you both I think you would stay in the pool all day, everyday together; giggling, laughing, splashing, and swimming the days away.
*excuse the grainy iphone photos it was bright out and I didn’t have my big camera with me.

They look like natural water babies and a big well done to Bubba. Massive achivement with the face in the water thing. Z still won’t do it so we keep trying to gently encourage him. Hope you’re having a fantastic time.
We are having a fantastic time thank you so much. Yes it took us forever and then while on vacation he just jumped in the pool and dove under water and has been swimming underneath since. So funny. Z will get it in time. I think they have to decide to do it themselves.
The photos aren’t grainy at all! Sounds like they are both real water babies. It’s lovely watching kids get so much pleasure out of swimming 🙂
I cannot believe how much thee two have grown alike in looks since you have been away! It is crazy! They look so similar now. Mine fight all the time. But the odd moment they do play. Hope they party goes well later!!! xxx
Thanks hunny. Party went amazing. So tired now. I know I completely agree. Everytime I look at photos and the bigger Missy moo gets I feel like I am looking at twins. Lol
Happy 3rd birthday wishes to Buba for today. Hope you have a fabulous party.
Loving the photos of your 2 water babies, they both loook so happy in the pool.
Thanks Izzie!!!! We have had a great celebration. So tired now. They never want to ever get out of that pool. I swear!!
Gorgeous photos, they look such happy children. It’s great to hear how confident your little boy is at swimming.
Thanks Sarah. Yes he really has gone so much better now that we have been in the pool always everyday!
Looks like they are having a fab time, in every photo they look so happy! x
Looks like they’re having a fab time, you all look so happy in every photo! xx
Thank you hun. They have become pool babies and never want to get out. So cute watching them get better at swimming and playing in the water.
Lovely photos, it sounds like they are changing so much, just in the time you have been away. I hope Buba has a fantastic birthday today and you enjoy his party 🙂
Party went great. As soon as I recover I will be blogging about it. Lol the kids have changed so very much since we have been here. I can’t believe it.
Ah this is so cute! Looks like you guys are having so much fun. I bet you don’t want to come home. Are you looking forward to it or dreading it? Sounds like your bubbas have had an awesome summer!
No it will be so hard to come home for sure. I love summer a here and am so grateful we get to stay here every summer for two months until the kids start school then just the six week summer term. It’s amazing. Making the most of it too!
Happy birthday Buba! 3 is such a wonderful age.It great that they’re both so confident in the water and enjoying each others company so much. My lot bicker but are still best of friends too x
There will always be sibling fighting. I am one of eight so I know all to well how that goes. Thanks hunny we had a great pool party today for him. So tired but was a great day.
Such lovely photos! Happy Birthday little one! So lovely to have those memories – it goes so fast! Thank you for hosting 🙂 x #sharewithme
Thanks Caroline. Yes it really does go way too fast. I can’t believe it.
Popping back from share with me…your taco pie is making me hungreeee!
Hahahah thanks. It’s so easy to make too. Try it!!
Swimming is so much fun for kids to do together! It’s wonderful to hear that they are so good at it too 🙂
I know I am a swimmer and love being in to the water so I am so grateful that both of my babies are water babies too.
What a lovely post! The photos look as good as if you’d taken them with a DSLR! Bubba is really gaining confidence in the water, well done little man!
Thank you. Yes he sure has changed a lot since we have been here. Both have. I am still trying to figure that Dslr out too. Hahahah
Aww sounds like they are having a lovely time on holiday and clearly both love being in the water! Xx #sharewithme
Yes they do just like their momma. We are making the most of it for sure and doing as many USA adventures as we can as well as see as many family and friends as we can. So busy busy. Will need a vacation to recover.
So sweet, it’s great how much their swimming has improved from their amazing holiday!! They look so alike in that bottom photo!!
I know I think they look more and more alike every single day. Crazy. Yes lots of great swimming going on here. We are making the most of it for sure.
So lovely to see their beautiful smiling faces. They look like they’re having a ball. Gorgeous. And happy birthday buba!!!
Thank you so much. We had a grand day for Buba today and we are tired but it’s been great. They are having so much fun here. It will be hard to come home for sure.
Sounds like you are having a fab time still! We took Diggory swimming for the first time when we were on holiday and he loved it. He was so chilled out 🙂 I’m looking forward to taking him more now that we’re back, hopefully the weather will be nice enough for the local outdoor pool soon! xx #sharewithme
Yes do. They love it do much splashing around. So good for them. I can’t believe how much Buba has come out of his shell now swimming and playing outside so much.
Aw, they are so lovely, and look and sound like they’re having a blast.
Leisure swimming time is definitely what we need for N as he’s been going through a bad swimming patch, so want to help him out before classes start back in Sept.
Ya I think giving them the freedom to swim about no structure in between terms really is a big help. Shows them it can be really fun and Buba surprised me by advancing on his own without my guidance. Thanks hunny we are having so much fun. Be hard to go back to the UK. Lol
Looks like you are all having a fab time stateside and it is doing you all the world of good, well done Buba on the swimming. #sharewithme
Thank you. Yes it really has been truly amazing. I am so grateful I get to spend our summers here. Already can’t wait until next year. So many great adventures.
Aww lovely photo’s and how lucky to spend the summer with your parents! I moved away from mine, not too far a three hour car journey but it’s too far to visit often. It’s not nice living far away from parents especially when we have children. Looks like you’re making the most of your time with them xx
Thanks Carolynne. I know I can relate that’s why we stay every summer and make the most of it. It’s been fantastic. In America three hours is like going for a takeaway hahaha but I can understand it’s not easy to just pop over with kids in the car that long all the time. It is hard not having them close. So true.
Aww so glad they are doing so great in the water! At their age I was terrified of the water!
Thanks. My hubby and his entire family are scared of water so I took them at five weeks old for swimming lessons both of them have been amazing in water since but really got confident and great this summer in America having the pool to swim in everyday helps.