Last updated on March 4th, 2024 at 08:19 pm
Buba you are 3 years old now and I know no one changes over night but it truly does seem like you have grown up so much lately. Your eyes sparkle that little bit more over fun things, your laughter is a little louder and harder when you find something funny, your hugs are that much tighter and more often and I am truly enjoying every minute that you are growing up.
Missy Moo, my cute little walker. You find joy in the simplest things. Your smile melts the hearts of everyone but you also have started to become a toddler now. You have a diva side that shrieks out loud when you don’t get your way and you even bit your brother for the first time ever today. I was not impressed, I will not have a biter in this family. You got in big trouble and Buba has been steering clear of you today and I don’t blame him. I want my sweet little doll back. I know it’s all part of growing up and hopefully this will be a one off time. You are too cute to be nasty. On the plus side, you are getting really good at swimming now as we are constantly in the water. You stick your own face under and doggy paddle so well. My little water baby your swim teacher will be so excited when we return.
You both have been swimming and splashing all week, both laughing your heads off. But it’s moments like this where we have a little picnic outside underneath the big tree and gaze over the river in peace together that I also treasure. You both seem to be taking in the great outdoors here, in all it’s wonderment. I think the river rapids puzzle you both and the eagles flying over head amaze you both too. We don’t have long left here at gramma and papa’s house so we are making most of it each day with mini adventures before we embark on the next part of our summer in Seattle.

Gorgeous. They seem to be growing up south over the summer. Love their summery glow x
Thanks I know they look so cute with their little tans and blonde hair. Do funny we call them farmer tans.
Aww Jenny, what a beautiful selection of photos. They are so adorable and Missy-moo is getting so big! She’s had a proper sprout over the summer! x
Thanks so much Debs. I know I think so too. She finally got A LOT hair all the sudden so it really makes her look older and her walking is amazing, came on all the sudden and she hasn’t stopped. Love USA summers too so much nice weather they are both so golden brown and their hair is pure white. lol
Gosh doesn’t Buba look grown up in that first picture – I’m sure birthdays aren’t supposed to age them overnight! Your holiday just sounds blissful I’m sure you’re making the very most of your last few weeks.
Thank you so much Carie, yes I am really trying to! We have the county fair this week and next we fly to Seattle to finish off our trip with a bang of Zoo, Aquariums, more family and friends and of course summer adventures before we return to the UK! I agree, I can’t believe how much it seems Buba changed overnight.
Every week it looks like you are having the most amazing time on your holiday – I hope you enjoy the rest of it and look forward to seeing some pictures from Seattle!
Thanks Sarah. We really are having so much fun. Can’t believe we only have a week left in Idaho and then off to Seattle where our usa summer will come to an end and we will return to the UK. Eeek going to be tough to leave all the amazing weather and adventures.
Gorgeous Jenny, it sounds like you are just having the most idyllic summer. x
Thanks Katie, we really are and I am so grateful we get to do it every summer during the kids holidays when they start school too. Always great to catch up with friends and family and be in my own culture for a bit.