Last updated on August 6th, 2024 at 08:43 am
Buba, how adventurous have you become? I am astonished. I never thought a water spray park would be your thing but you continue to prove me wrong. It was more than your thing, it was your utopia for sure. This past week we have been sitting in 90 degree weather and spending our days at places like this only to arrive this past weekend back in the UK, back in the rain, back in the cold. Buba you don’t really know what to make of our two month vacation to America. I assume as you get older you will get used to it but this year you keep asking questions whereas last year you didn’t realize it. You haven’t stopped asking me “Now where we going? Who are we staying with tonight? What friend are we seeing? Are we playing with this person or that…? (continuing to add every name of family and friends we saw along the way). Is Daddy flying now or are we going to the airport?” It really is endless. I keep reassuring you this is home and that we were just visiting mommy’s family but I don’t think you understand as to you it’s been your norm. You definitely surprised me with your memory skills though as soon as we got home you were quick to point out all your favorite places and who lived where and who drove what color car. I was completely taken back too when we took you to the park and you remembered how to get there and where the next one was in adjacent. You are such a clever little boy!
Missy Moo, you are hilarious. You are starting to be quite the comedian, must have spent way too much time with your Grandpa in America! You think everything is funny and your smile could really melt the coldest hearts. I love watching you at the moment being silly and laughing at yourself. You find your brother just as hilarious and the two of you could cause asthma attacks laughing back and forth at one another. Just ask your brother, he has had many because of your fits of laughter. But I won’t stop it ever, it’s too genuinely beautiful to listen to. You were in awe of the water spray park this week but not as confident as you normally are with new things. You stayed out of the powerful sprays and on the edge with the dribbles, although you kept trying to drink the water instead of play in it! There is never a dull moment with you my little lady!
You love for each other continues to grow and with so much going on in the USA and all the play dates with various family and friends’ kids neither of you had time to bicker or fight over anything. It was a blessing in disguise one I was so very grateful for as the only parent on board this vacay with the two of you. Buba you were ever so worried about your sister climbing up on this high rock and came to sit next to her, protect her and ask if she is ok, the loving big brother that you are! Missy Moo you are sassy and excited that you got up so high without being told to get down. You wanted to tell your brother all about your accomplishments when he ran over and joined you. It was a bittersweet moment between the two of you. We are home only a day or so and already you both have resumed your shouting over toys, and normal sibling banter. Maybe the key to a perfect sibling relationship is to always be traveling and visiting people, keeps both of you so occupied there is no time for it. But it’s normal and I am prepared for more of it, just please wait until the jet lag is gone! Thanks, Love Mommy!

Their memories really are amazing at this age! I remember when Bubby was that age and he used to blow me away with his memory! He would be talking to his daddy on the phone and would grab a Happy Meal toy and tell his daddy who all he was with when he got it. My mom had taken him trick or treating at a church (a trunk or treat really) when he was almost 3 and months later we drove by that church and he said “Nana, look that’s the church we went trick or treating at”! I looked at my mom, and she confirmed that it was in fact the same church. It’s so wonderful that they were so cooperative on your vacation…lucky you! You may not get so lucky when they are older lol! But at least when they are older they are a bit more self sufficient, requiring less guided play, and wanting to do more stuff without mommy “hovering” lol!
oh yes so true. WOW that’s amazing memory. No when they get older mommy and daddy will leave them with grandma and grandpa in idaho and go on trips like to vegas for a weekend! hahahahah Can’t wait.