Love the little things #49

Last updated on November 19th, 2023 at 12:16 am

It will come as a shock to you all, I know that it’s Friday, another week closer to Christmas and yup, we are all still so sick. Is it even possible to still be so sick after 9 weeks? Or am I just in the longest nightmare of my life and can’t wake up? Even both my kids have been sick for almost as long. The amount of medicines and doctor visits we have had in the last 9 weeks is astounding. I just can’t wrap my head around it. We must just be giving it back to one another over and over again. So whilst I won’t say Happy Friday Everyone like I used to, I will put my jolly hat on for a moment and share with you the #littleloves that we are loving from this past week. Joining the lovely Butwhymummywhy and her supportive linky crew.


I scooped up the magazine Handmade Christmas at the checkout the other day and haven’t put it down. So many great ideas in it and full of festive cheer. I love this time of year. Now, if only I was more crafty to accomplish on those amazing things they recommend inside. I could cover Pinterest with it all. 😉


I am branching out with my music for you all and came upon this one. Catchy and upbeat but verdict still out? What are your thoughts?


I have not had a moment to watch tv but I did get to catch the Hunger Games new movie out with my best friend! It didn’t disappoint and I can’t wait for the next installment. It felt so good to get out and go to movies and dinner with her. We both have been so busy we needed a good catch up!

I hope I am not over kill with my vlog sharing but here is my latest vlog, Christmas Decorating on a Budget. It was my second feature for Mum Talk TV so its not on my own channel so I thought I would share. I basically give you a home tour of all my Christmas decor of my traditional tree, my modern tree, and my pastel christmas tree. Yes, I have three but I share with you tips and ideas on how to do a fabulous show-home Christmas without breaking the bank!


I am saving some of my new clothes haul for next week as I didn’t have a chance to capture them this week being sick I have pretty much lived in sweats. Shhh don’t tell anyone. So the kiddos are taking over today with what they have been wearing. While everyone keeps saying Missy Moo looks like a boy in this, I absolutely love this Smile sweater and thought she looked so cute in it. You can’t see but she had gorgeous flowery tights on to match it. Both kids are adorned in Next clothes lately. There winter collection is the kinda style I love on my kids. I love Buba in navy stripes and solids. It really suits him. They have tons right now. Lately, I have been known to try to strength the time length in each size and when nursery asked me to send them in clothes that fit, I really knew I had gone to far. Bad mommy so the kids got a few new clothes from Santa early.

little loves


I have been baking up a storm this week but can’t share with you just yet as the recipes and photos are for two different companies so I will be sharing them soon as they publish them. In the meantime, I got my craft skills out and made this cars, trucks and trains duvet set for Buba’s bedroom at the Betta Living Event in Manchester. I couldn’t believe I could whip up a duvet cover and matching pillow case in one night. We had a great night though and I learned a lot. What do you think of my sewing skills?

Betta Living Blogger Event Manchester

And lastly…

I have four fantastic Christmas giveaways going on right now. Come check them out and get your entries in to WIN! Many of them will make great Christmas presents too! Just click below!




17 thoughts on “Love the little things #49”

  1. It is a really nasty season and everyone get ill, we too are still recovering.I hope you will feel better soon, all brand new for the holidays! xx Thumbs up for your little thigs, especially the bedroom xx

    • Ahh thanks ignore the sniffles and coughs in my vlog. A woman still has to get the house work, kids fed, and work done! lol Maybe that’s why I am not getting any better. Roll on Christmas week where I am taking the whole week off! 🙂 Look at me …haha

  2. You have been sick for too long! I hope you get checked out and get well soon. I love your vlogs, so keep it up please!
    Missy Moo is just super cute!
    I’m also well impressed at your duvet skills! I don’t think I’d be brave enough to attempt that. Betta Living are just great though. They have a great kids storage option (you may have seen) I know you posted about possibilities, so worth a look if you haven’t seen it. xx

  3. I know what you mean about stretching out the clothes, but I’m surprised you do it too.. Your wee ones always look amazing. I hope you all start to feel better soon -I recommend a nasal spray called First Defence, though it is really more of a preventative thing, I swear it works! Fab duvet set, I bought a sewing machine a few years ago, but it may be a big ball of dust now! Have a great weekend x

  4. I am so sorry you have been so poorly. One of my friends is a dr and she said they are calling this bug the 100 day bug. That sounds like what you have. Mine lasted for 3 weeks and that was tough. I do hope you feel better soon. A really lovely little round up and looking forward to seeing your baking posts. KA x

  5. Wow nine weeks is a long time to be feeling so ill. I totally agree with Mel – Vicks First Defence nasal spray is the only over the counter medicine that I have ever actually known to work. Admittedly you’re supposed to use it at the start of an illness but my dad used it when he’d been ill for a while and it helped to bring it to an end. Bang Bang is definitely a fun song! Right I’m off to have a look at your vlog! Get well soon hon Xx

    • Thanks Sam and thanks for looking at my vlog too! Love the support. Wish I could get better so I could get back to vlogging more. I tend to do a lot more of it in the New Year! Vicks, great advice thanks. *grab keys off to tescos

    • Thank you. Oh it’s not skills I had a coach over my shoulder telling me what’s next. I get frustrated with it as well. lol It turned out better than I expected though.

  6. Poor you Jenny, you have been poorly for ages. I really have no idea how you manage to be sick and still do as much as you do! A real-life Superwoman!
    Wasn’t Mockingjay amazing? I’m so excited for the final film. Xxx

    • Mockingjay was absolutely amazing. I know I am pass the poor me stage and on to the are you kidding me angry sick stage. So I just keep working and taking care of the kids and going on adventures as if I wasn’t sick. I keep thinking if I ignore it it will go away. Think might be the reason I am not getting better hahaah


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