Last updated on March 4th, 2024 at 08:20 pm
It’s happy friday everyone! Hurray! Only three more sleeps (as you would say in the UK) and we are off to the good ole U.S. of A!!!!!!! There was a drum roll in there, could you tell? I have never been so excited in my life. I get to go home and see my family but even better they get to meet my daughter for the first time ever! It’s a really big deal this time and all my siblings are flying in from all over to be there too. I can’t wait to blog about it all from state side.
I am a huge fan of fast, easy recipes the whole family will love. If you haven’t checked out my blog before I share a recipe every Tuesday for parents looking for that quick fix the whole family can enjoy from baby to toddler to adults. I am ever so excited I am now a #bookbuddy for Parragon cookbooks. I haven’t put it down since it arrived. I am so excited to test out some recipes and google over all the amazing food photography in it. Definitely one to read!
I have been so behind on my tv shows lately but finally I watched the finales of Grey’s Anatomy, Made in Chelsea, and Nashville. Three great series ending all filled with packed drama gearing up for next season. That’s the only thing that sucks about summer all the good shows end and we have to wait until September for their return.
Phillip Phillips – Home
If you have been following LTM long you will notice, I have found a new love for food photography and styling photos. I have a long way to go before I am taking photos for recipe books but maybe someday I will get there! These turned out fantastic just in time for my mother-in-law to come visit and join me for a cup of tea. Click the photo for the recipe. They are super easy to make as are all my recipes and ones even the kiddies will love! Who doesn’t love, apple, cinnamon and sugar together?
Ok, I give full permission to laugh, I was being down right silly here but it’s fun to be silly sometimes. These are a few things I have picked up recently and haven’t had them off. I am usually not a fan of sketcher but these silver and gold sandals are so comfy and look good on. I grabged this dress and these sunglasses from Next, my necklace is Oasis, and my cardigan is Forever21. I was trying to find my inner Audrey Hepburn, does it show?
And lastly…
We had the pleasure of celebrating Missy Moo’s 1st birthday all month long with birthday parties, cake smashing photo shoots, poems, and dinner out with just the family on the actual day. I have found it really emotional, her turning one. I know that she is my last baby and therefore it is bittersweet but hard to let go of the baby era. There will be no more baby bump, no more breastfeeding, or no more first foods. The cooing is gone and in place of it I hear little girl noises and words now. I have two toddlers now. How did that happen? So before I leave you all to join my USA family for the next two months, I say goodbye to my last baby, being a baby. Somehow going away for so long just makes it sadder, because she turns one, we leave and two months later return and she will be so different by then.

Your food photography is incredible Jenny! I am in awe of how fast you pick things up and how quickly you get so good at them.
Hope MM had a lovely birthday! xx
Thank you. She did have a great birthday although had to have mmr shots on it and wasn’t too good of a mood today for it. Boo. Hopefully Sunday is alright and especially Monday! I wouldn’t say I have picked it up just yet but hopefully getting past cringe photos!!! lol thanks for hosting lovely.
Best of luck with your trip Jenny, no doubt ye will have a blast once ye get there!! Her cake smash looks like great fun, I regret bit doing this when Amelia turned 1! She is only my first, but I was very emotional when she turned one aswell! I still call her my baby, she is not walking, so until that happens I will still consider her my baby!! Xx
I agree, no walking we can keep them young as long as possible. lol Thank you. I am so excited.
Love the song. Very much up my street. Food photography is something on my never-ending list of things I’d like to learn – yours are great. Enjoy your holiday. Emma
Thank you so much Emma so sweet of you to say. I am really really getting into it but a long way from being great at it yet. Need more props hahaha And light in my house. Great song indeed! 😉
Ahh I’m so excited for you heading back home to see the family and that they get to meet your littlest too!!! Have a great time!
I think your food photos look brill and those cinnamon apple things look amazing! Can’t wait to read your blogs from abroad 🙂 #littleloves
Thanks hunny. I can’t wait to blog from the other side. Lol glad everyone will be waiting for USA posts! Lol
I’m trying this commenting out again Jenny! I wanted to say loving your little loves this week – yay for chanelling Audrey Hepburn! I didn’t know Sketcher made anything other than trainers – I presume they are flat sandals? Your food photography has come on leaps and bounds I wish I could take better food pics but I don’t have a DSLR and my kitchen does not make as pretty a backdrop! The dessert looks lovely although I’m not a huge fan of filo – too crispy for my fussy tastes! As to babies growing up – well EJ is turning two next month and he has changed so much in the last 11 months but I love it because his little personality is so much stronger now!! Happy 1st Birthday to Missy Moo! Sam X
Thanks for the birthday wishes and coming back to comment again. I took commentluv plugin off as it was messing everything up. Hurray for being two. Such a fun age. Thanks for the food photography compliments. I use my iPhone ALOT for mine and just out scrapbook paper, or pieces of wallpaper down for a backdrop. My counters aren’t nice either. Get creative with it. It’s so much fun styling them as much as cooking. Just need to get to be a better cool so I have more food to photo. Lol
Firstly it was SO lovely to meet you last week. You were so so sweet and wish I could have spoken to you properly.
Your dress is beautiful, and I love your hair up like that.
Well done on your food photography, you do seem really passionate about it.
I love the look of the one pot cookbook. I had one but the recipes were so faffy and everything took so long to cook.
Have a wonderful time back home. Sounds like it is going to be so emotional but wonderful and special all the same xx
Oh thank you Lauren. Your comment just made my night. So sweet of you. Yes we will have to catch up more next time!!! Lol I know it’s a weird obsession food and styling photography but I am loving it all the same.
You must be down to one more sleep now, how exciting! I hope you have a wonderful time!
I love one pot cooking, mostly because I’m a bit lazy and it saves on the washing up.
Love the pics of you, gorgeous xx
One pot, 30 minutes, is my kind of recipe book! Lol yes only one more sleep if you call it that. We leave at 3am. Yikes.
I remember Phillip Phillips being on American Idol (I think?) but haven’t heard anything from him since … I quite like that song though!
Have a great time with your family, I look forward to reading all about it xx
I know me too and I loved his winning song at the end of the show so glad I found this one. Thanks I am so very excited. Only a few hours to go and we leave!
Good bye for a short while Jenny, I hope you are having a sage journey with your little ones. You will have a lovely time and be completely spoilt by your family, should I say poor daddy for staying behind and missing two months of fun? You’re food photography is fantastic, real talent coming through. I may have to pop it on my Christmas wish list. x
hahah Thanks Kerri you are so sweet. No, goodbyes I will still be blogging from state side not as often but as much as I can to keep up and share my real home with everyone. So stay tuned. Share With Me will still be going on too tomorrow!!!! I am loving styling photos and doing food photography but I just need to learn a bit more on my camera and need WAY MORE props! lol Now I am always hunting for props while I am out and about over clothes. So funny.
Hope you’re have a great holiday! I want to eat those apple cinnamon squares now please!