Last updated on February 11th, 2024 at 09:10 am
I have long been obsessed with Lucky Charms cereal from a very young age. So when I moved to the UK I was sad that they didn’t sell it at first. For the first few years I had my family ship me boxes of the fluffy sugary cereal. I not only ate it for breakfast on occasion but I quite like having a dry bowl of it while watching a movie like my version of popcorn! I was ever so excited when Tescos started selling it on their shelves and I could get it whenever I want. I have made Lucky charm cupcakes in the past but I had an idea for a layered birthday cake using the Lucky charms marshmallows and here my recipe began…
First you get to spent a little bit separating your marshmallows from the wheat cereal into a bowl. I did mind while watching a movie with Mr P. Two birds, one stone and all! I also bought various pastel colored sprinkles to add to the mix. There was no right or wrong way I just used whatever I thought would look nice together. I even added a little edible sprinkle glitter but it didn’t show up to well in my photos. It’s all about variety so you can’t go wrong.
Don’t forget to use your Oxo Good Grips spatulas and measuring beakers just to make it that much easier to get it done right the first time. I am loving the Oxo Good Grips kitchen range with all my baking lately. If you are regular reader you will know I use a variety of their products and I really do think they are 100% worth every penny if you are into your baking and cooking!
Whilst I made this as a birthday cake it can really be used for any special occasion. You don’t have to be a kid to have a love for Lucky Charms clearly and what’s not to love about all the flavors and colors of marshmallow and frosting mixed together. It took all the will power I had to not just eat the whole bowl of separated lucky charm marshmallows.

Lucky Charms Cake Recipe
Two Round Cakes
- 1 cup butter
- 1/2 cup vegetable shortening
- 3 cup sugar
- 5 eggs
- 3 cup flour
- 2 tsp baking powder
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 3/4 cup buttermilk
- 1/4 cup whole milk
- 2 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 cup butter
- 4 cups confectioner’s sugar
- 2 tsp vanilla extract clear if you can find it
- 2 1/2 Tbsp heavy cream
- dash salt
Preheat oven 350 degrees F
Spray two 11 inch round cake pans with cooking spray
In a large bowl, mix together butter and shortening with electric mixer
Add sugar slowly and mix well
Add eggs one at a time and mix well
In a separate small bowl mix together whole milk. buttermilk, and vanilla extract
Add this to the large bowl and mix well
In another separate bowl sift together flour, baking powder, salt
Add this to the large bowl slowly and mix well
Beat all ingredients in the large bowl very well
Evenly distribute cake batter in your two greased pans
Don't over fill, you might have a little extra if you are using a different size pan
Bake 25-30 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean
In a large bowl cream your softened butter until it is smooth (2-3 mins) and the color has lightened
Add sugar, a little at a time, mixing on the highest speed for a few seconds in between
Add vanilla and a dash of salt, mix until well-incorporated
Add heavy cream and mix well
Recipe Notes
For a firmer frosting, add more confectioner's sugar
For a softer frosting, add more heavy cream
Directions to put the cake together:
After you have separated your marshmallows cover them and set them aside, then bake your cakes and make your frosting as per my recipe above. Allow your two cakes to cool in the open air and set aside uncovered so the outer edges become stiff. You don’t want to cover your cakes and lock the moisture in because when it’s time to frost them the cake will pull away with the frosting as you try to smooth it out!
Using a cake stand or a plate which ever you choose, place one layer of cake on it and give it a nice thin coat of frosting on top and the sides. Layer your marshmallows flat on top of first layer. I do mind in a circle pattern making sure no marshmallows are on top of each other. See photo at the beginning. You just want one flat layer of them. Use as many or little as you want for your inside layer. If you separated a whole box of Lucky Charms you will have plenty for the top and decorating if you do half the bowl.
Add second layer of cake on top of your marshmallows and GENTLY press down. Add frosting on top and to all sides, really thick, to seal the entire cake. I bought a piping bag for £3 from Tesco with various tops to use. Using the big star top, I created a star pattern at the bottom where the cake meets the plate and then a mini circle wave on the very top of the cake where I piled on my lucky charms’ marshmallows. You can use whatever pattern you like. I completely made up my stars and waves on mine as I am not very handy with a piping bag yet! Next lesson to learn!
I threw on some sprinkles and edible glitter around the marshmallow center to finish it off and also add a circle of marshmallows on the platter for effect!
Do you have a kids birthday party coming up or even a tea party try my Lucky Charms Cake recipe out and let me know what you think. I love when readers tweet or instagram me, their photos. I always re-share and it’s great to see how others turn out! I love me some food styling photos!
I am linking up with #tastytuesdays and #recipeoftheweek!
Thanks for reading!
This looks so delicious! Very scrummy!
Thanks Ellie. It did taste like the most amazing cake I have ever had in my life. New favorite for sure. I love making up recipes.
That would make such a lovely birthday cake, I love the idea of using lucky charms on top, so colourful. And you definitely can’t go wrong with some very nice frosting. Fab photos!!
Thanks hunny. Oh yes and the lucky charm layer in the middle of the cake adds that yummy marshmallow taste to the cake. So yummy. My new favorite cake!
Oh this is amazing! You are so talented. I can just see you making mini versions of these for future school bake days! xx
Oh yes I am very very fond of making cupcakes! Love a good celebration or even a tea party just for some cupcakes. lol Thanks darling.
It looks amazing! I’ve never tried Lucky Charms but the effect is very pretty, it would make such a gorgeous little girl birthday cake, or possibly something for Easter!
I was just thinking that this morning that it would be great for Easter too! It has a layer of lucky charms in the middle too so adds that marshmallow taste to a already yummy cake flavor!!! My new favorite.
They used to sell these here when I was a little girl, but I haven’t seen them for years! Very creative baking!
I have heard of the cereal but never tried it. I love the cake, so pretty
This looks incredible Jenny! Your photography and styling is so good now too 🙂 x
Ahh thanks Becky. I was actually really disappointed how these turned out. But hopefully the styling is getting better for sure. Practice practice! Although not sure how much more practice my waistline can take. lol
Such a fun idea! My friend would adore this, she’s a lucky charms fiend
Me too, great friend. hahaha Lucky Charms are the best.
That looks yummy, and so pretty too. Send me a slice PLEASE! I wonder what I could bake with Capt Crunch. heehee
Oh you could make captain crunch treats (like rice krispy treats but with captain crunch I bet) Those would be yummy too! lol I love sugar cereal but funny enough I never let me kids have any. lol It’s my secret treats.
That looks fit for a princess, so girly and delicious looking. Popping by from Tasty Tuesday
Thanks for stopping by Fiona! It was the best cake I ever made. So yummy.
Oh my WORD Jenny this looks INCREDIBLE. Lucky Charms are just about my most favourite things in the world. Please make this for February and bring it with you. 😉 x
hahaha You may have guessed one of your surprises then! lol I am all about the lucky charms. They are my favorite. I could live off them.
Oh how fun! I never would have thought to use Lucky Charms in a cake!!! You are so crafty!!!
I would put lucky charms on my steak if I could. I think I could live off them! This is my new favorite cake!
I’ve never actually tried Lucky Charms! And had no idea they sold them here either, this looks absolutely amazing! I want some now!! x
hahah Yes they do. Get your buns down to tesco hunny. they are the best! I could live off them I think. This is now my new favorite cake too! Turned out amazingly delicious.
This is so cute! I love hybrid cakes, of a favourite thing made into a cake. How to make something you love even better?! Make it into a cake, obvs! Beautiful photos too x
Thanks Sarah so sweet of you. My thoughts exactly. I love mixing my two favorite things together. Why not. Lol
I need to come and visit you for cake, this looks amazing!
Yum, yum, yum! You are so clever Jenny, this looks divine!! X
Very pretty cake Jenny 🙂
Never tried Lucky Charms – but I want to now. That cake looks delicious!
I love LC cereal but after having this cake the cake version is so much better. YUMMY! Definitely try both though.
I looks really yummy, great recipe x #ShareWithMe
Jenny this looks so so beautiful!!! Super yummy too!!!
What a cute-looking cake! I have never seen that cereal before, but it looks great to decorate the cake. I also love your pink cake stand. xx
This looks amazing and so yummy! I would never have thought of making a cake with Lucky Charms! x
What a pretty cake! I’m sure it tastes really great too. Off to pin it now 🙂
I used to love Lucky Charms as a little girl – didn’t realise it was being sold again so will have to get myself a box! That cake looks awesome! 🙂
Yum!! And it is pink and glittery too, so that makes it even better! Super professional, as always Jenny! Xx
They used to sell Lucky Charms over here when I was a kid and remember eating them with glee! I’ll have to pick up a box for my daughter as a treat now I know
I can get them. The cake looks fab! Great pics! #sharewithme
Oh this looks amazing! I haven’t had lucky charms in such a long time… The pictures are beautiful too. Thanks for hosting #sharewithme. Some really great blogs!x
Thanks Amy so great of you to stop by and thanks for the lovely comment. The cake turned out better than I imagined and was scrumptious. I may have ate too much of it. lol oops
Looks amazing! My children would love this. #sharewithme
Hahah I wouldn’t ever share my lucky charms with the children. I am selfish that way. lol hahaha This is my new favorite cake too! The marshmallow and cake flavors together are so yummy.
This was a blast from the past for me too I used to love lucky charms. Jenny, your cake making and photography skills are excellent. This looks like something from a magazine. More importantly it looks delicious. Excellent post
Thanks hunny that’s so sweet of you. I was actually really disappointed with the photos but the taste of the cake really made up for it. I ate until I was in a food coma! lol My new favorite cake for sure.
I love this – what an amazing, happy looking cake!!
My boys would be all over this, face first! Looks amazing, fantastic food styling hon! xx
Wow that looks delicious! One of my girls has a birthday in January, I may well be popping back to look at this again then! x
Love love this! I think Z would try to polish the lot off!
Like I did! hahaha I think I was in a cake coma for a week! lol But it was so worth it. So delicious.
I think your cake looks amazing Jenny, but I have to be honest with you, there is no way I’d give my kids these for breakfast. Breakfast shouldn’t be the colours of the rainbow 🙁
Oh gosh I guess i should have made it clear I would NEVER give my kids these for breakfast or anytime of the day. They are hidden in the cupboard for mommy and daddy only. I am strict on the no sugar for my tots.
Grace says – This cake looks so good and very pretty too. We’d love you to link this up to our Wednesday linky #minicreations as it is very cool 🙂 #sharewithme
Thanks Grace. I thought minicreations was for things the kids made? Always love linkying up though.
This cake looks gorgeous and so pretty. I showed it to Lucas and he thought it looked MEGA yummy but it was pink!!!! He’s currently got an aversion to everything pink because “Mum, I’m not a girl!!!!” #sharewithme
Hahah tell him the inside was lined with orange, green and blue lucky charn marshmallows though!! The pink can be left out anytime !!! Lol
I’ve never tried Lucky Charms – as you say, you couldn’t get them here until recently which meant growing up they seemed like this exotic food as I only saw them in films and on tv! That cake looks beautiful xxx #sharewithme
Thanka darling. They are sugary and sweet. Wouldnt give them to my kids and we were allowed them growing up. But i eat my fair share for sure now. Lol
That looks fabulous! So pretty, and your photos are amazing 🙂
Thanks Sara. I could have done better. The lighting was all wrong and i was rushed with the kids. Etc. Excuses i know. But i need to get better. Lol
I love lucky Charms cereal so this sounds heavenly to me!! Not sure I have the patience to seperate out the charms from the cereal, but then that may just be because I don’t have much patience for anything right now! looks delish though, I could really do with a slice! xx
It was the best cake i ever tasted. My two favorite things together. Whats not to love? Yes you need patience but it actually doesnt take that long.
Wow, looks yummy Jenny and such a pretty cake xx
Thank you hunny. I owe you some for having to cancel. We need to reschedule soon! lol
Hello there, your cake is a thing of beauty-wow! I have never tried Lucky Charms but we are heading to the USA next year so will definitely be trying some then! Lovely photos too x #sharewithme
Thanks hunny. They now sell them in the UK at tesco if you fancy trying beforehand. they are great in cake!!!
So beautiful! Thanks for linking up to #tastytuesdays
Love love love this! And now I want Lucky Charms- I’ve only ever seen them on the TV!
x x x
Get your buns to Tesco my lovely. They sell them now. So yummy but the cake is EVEN better!!!! lol
You know despite having been to the US lots of times I’ve never actually had Lucky Charms. The cake looks scrumptious – yummy frosting and all the decorations are so pretty! Would be a perfect grown-up birthday party cake 🙂
They sell them at Tesco now so you can get them here. Whilst I wouldn’t give them to my kids to eat I love having a bowl for a late night treat! lol The cake turned out fantastic.
It looks really yummy 🙂 thank you for detailed instructions! I’m quite bad at baking… I like it but it hardly ever works out…
I can bake but cooking is still up in the air. Hahaha i am no chef. All my recipes are fast and easy!! Promise.
I have heard of lucky charms but never seen them before. Your cake looks delicious, so pretty. What is the vegetable shortening you used in the recipe (I am not a baker- can you tell?) x
The cake looks absolutely amazing! I don’t think I’d be able to make it look as good as yours, as my icing skills are terrible!
Oh I promise I only do the easy stuff. I make it up as I go along because I have never done it before.
I’ve never had Lucky Charms but see it in the imported sections in supermarkets. It looks like such a lovely cake, all friendly and colourful! x
Thank you. Yes I was ever so excited they have them in the UK now. Yummy to bake with!
It looks delicious . . . this lady is dieting hard but I could really fancy a good slice of that!
Oh my Jenny, this looks absolutely scrumptious! I love the addition of the marshmallows and I’m also rather partial to that pink cake stand – sets the cake off beautifully 🙂
Thanks hunny. Got it from Tesco! I love it too. The flavors turned out amazing together.
Sugary, delicious and gorgeous to boot! My kind of cake for sure!
Thanks Shae. I really think I could eat it daily. So yummy.
That cake looks really tasty, I had lucky charms a couple of times as a child but didn’t know you could get them in the uk, I fancy making some gooey frosting sweetie topped cupcakes now! #sharewithme
Do it. So yummy. Cant ever make too much cake especially during the holidays.
Very pretty and I love all your gorgeous photos! Xxx #sharewithme
Thanks Sam, it has turned into my favorite cake ever now. So yummy