Last updated on May 6th, 2024 at 10:21 am
What a half of a year it’s been so far for 2017 and this little family of mine. We have had some amazing ups and some amazing downs but all in all it’s been a great six months together as a family. We have been each other’s rocks and each other’s constant entertainment.
The month of June is always jam packed beyond belief for us for some many reasons. We have had MM’s birthday celebrations, packing and preparing for America, end of the school year festivities for B like sports day, summer fairs, and even more with MM preparing for school with uniforms, meeting the teacher and her first taster day at school! Oh yes, and that preschool graduation photo that made me cry my eyes out in front of half a dozen people unexpectedly. Yes, that happened!
Not only have we been busy with the kids stuff we have redecorated our master bedroom, renovating the garden (see my ig stories for daily updates) had some house things like a leaky roof, plumbing problem and a boiling tab installed too. Do I even add in there I have worked more hours in the last two weeks than ever before. Nope, it’s not needed just look at the bags under my eyes. I have pulled two nights pass 3am and two pass midnight which almost killed me.
We love a busy life that’s no secret here. We are on final countdown for our seven week trip to the states to see my family and friends back home for the summer. I can’t wait. I hope you will enjoy all our travels and keep up with us on instagram and ig stories too. I love sharing both of my worlds with you all.
Golf competitions.
Gearing up for our American trip.
Planning his 40th birthday in Dubai.
Buying new patio furniture.
Garden Renovations.
Master bedroom Renovations.
Feeling herself again after a tough year.
Planning our days out in America with the kids.
Losing both his front teeth.
Packing for America.
Finishing his second year of school.
Showing his sister around his school.
Having her first teacher meeting and seeing her classroom.
Trying on her new school uniform.
Graduation photos and practice at preschool.

It never sees to amaze me how fast time goes by each year the kids get a bit older. Or maybe it’s each year I get older or a little of both. It’s been an emotional one with MM turning four and all these school preparations have snuck up on me. I can’t imagine not having her at home during the week with me and doing all our classes together. It was the same when B started school and I couldn’t imagine just one child at home instead of two. I know I will adjust and it will become second nature. I think it’s knowing she is my last baby off to school that these like baby milestones are officially over for our little family of four.
Family Project January
Family Project February
Family Project March
Family Project April
Family Project May
Don’t forget to check out our beautiful Creator Lucy, and our Cohosts: Alex, Charlotte, Fritha, Katie and Lucy. They all take such amazing, beautiful family snaps and I love following along each month to see how the kids have grown and changed and all that they get up to together as a family.
So pleased you are feeling better after your tough year lovely. These are gorgeous happy bright photos xx
Thanks it’s been a long few months but summer is here to recharge us. Ahh so kind of you.
Gorgeous photos, look at that blue sky! I can’t wait to follow your America adventures, you always have so much fun x #meandmineproject
It was amazing day and the sun keeps coming in and out lately. Wish it would just stay out for us all the time.
Such lovely sunny photos Jenny x
Thank you so much Laura so kind of you.
Lovely sunny photos. All looking very summery in your sunglasses! A busy time with all your home renovations. Hope it all comes together as you hope for! #meandmineproject
Oh what a gloriously sunny set of photos! I’m so glad you’ve had a good month and it sounds like the summer is going to be wonderfully exciting and full of adventures 🙂
It has been weird with the weather that’s for sure. I had jeans and winter coat on this morning now a skirt and tank top. ??? Very strange but can’t wait to be home for sure.
Beautiful photos. Look forward to hearing all about your trip to America. One place I’d love to visit most x
Oh can’t wait to share it too. It’s amazing back home I love it there. So grateful to get my summer with the kids.
These are such lovely summery photos this month. It sounds like you’ve had a busy one though! Toby has been gearing up for starting school too – I just bought his uniform today! I’m looking forward to seeing your America updates too – I always love seeing what you get up to over there, it looks like so much fun 🙂 #MeandMine
Wow it certainly sounds like it has been a very busy month for you all. The end of preschool days is very emotional. Hope you all have a wonderful time Stateside over the summer. I love that last photo of you all 🙂 #meandmineproject
The colours in your thumbnail photo immediately pulled me in this month, love that yellow t-shirt! Funnily enough I was wondering if you were about to head home again as it was nearing that time of year, having done the reverse commute many times I can imagine how much your family must be bursting to see you. Hope you have a great trip!