Last updated on May 6th, 2024 at 10:21 am
Goodbye May! Hello June!
We are all glad to see the end of May it’s been a weird month for us are parents and as a family. We have had a few severe mishaps that have us all in a funk. I think our family captures (lacking thereof) is a perfect example. Our weekends have been busy doing separate things with the kids or work or each other so we haven’t had the chances of us four being all together to really capture us together. I hate months that we don’t have a lot of time as a whole family but sometimes work and life it just happens. We have had a few ER/A&E visits with the kids. I am hoping that things really do come in threes as we have had three incidents between B choking severely on a grape involving the heimlich from Daddy (so scary), MM waking up one night not breathing very easily diagnosed with croup and then another visit to hospital after cutting her frenulum completely in half from falling off a chair. Phew, we say I have had some stressful few weeks with worry is a total understatement.
On a happier note, the kids have been getting super excited for our upcoming summer in America. I have been getting things ready for MM birthday party. I can’t believe she will be four in a few weeks. It will be her very first birthday party with her own friends from her own class at school. She is growing up so fast as is her brother. It won’t be long before he is turning six the end of the summer too. My babies are flying through milestones and birthdays. I wish sometimes life would just slow down just a little bit more.

The sunshine for golf.
Planning our USA adventures as he is coming this year!
Preparing for our garden renovation (hopefully next week).
Finding a great blog life balance (Speaking at Blog On Sept all about it).
Reading books again. It’s been too long.
Trying a few new recipe and sharing more of them here.
Reading chapter books (how they grow up so fast).
Riding his bike without training wheels.
Getting all his spelling right 20 weeks in a row.
Baking and cooking in the kitchen with Mommy.
Having brother at home for half term.
Learning to swim without armbands or a noodle. (Got her 10 meter badge this week).

Even though it’s been a really hard month with the kids and parenting, I couldn’t be more grateful for my little family. We have had some great moments in between all the madness too. With half term and a bank holiday merging together we have had lies in every morning. The kids then come into our bed at 8am and we giggle, we cuddle, we read, or we lie there a bit longer snoozing together. I think my favorite moment of the month was family movie night where we pulled the duvet over us all on the living room floor and watched Trolls together. (featured on my ig stories). I am sharing more of our family everyday moments on my ig stories on the weekends so I hope you are all enjoying more of those too.
I have a lot coming up in June and some family adventures to share with you too coming up. I took a big step back from sharing and being online (minus IG I love you too much). It felt good to focus on the house, the family, and me solo. I really needed that head space to figure out a few things for work, a few things for our family and moving forward what I wanted to share with you all here in this space. I hope you enjoy your family adventures I will never stop sharing those but as the kids get older and not at home I want to share with you more of home and food inspirations too.
I hope all of you will follow our family adventures in the states this summer. We are so excited that this year Daddy will be with us for two weeks at the start. Three of my brothers will be there to visit too. It’s going to be the best summer yet! I can feel it. I love how much there is to do back home and now the kids are getting older we can do even more things like visit the water parks and theme park near my parents house. Go play in the Falls that we hike to each summer and so much more!
Don’t forget to check out our beautiful Creator Lucy, and our Cohosts: Alex, Charlotte, Fritha, Katie and Lucy. They all take such amazing, beautiful family snaps and I love following along each month to see how the kids have grown and changed and all that they get up to together as a family.
Oh Jenny these are gorgeous! I’m sorry you’ve had such a tough month and my fingers are crossed for no more hospital visits for you. I’m going to Blogon in Sept (my first conference!) and I look forward to your talk x #meandmineproject
You are so lucky to be heading to America every year. I wish we could do a bit more traveling. I am looking forward to you speaking in September. Lovely meeting you at Blog On, too. x #meandmine
Oh my goodness Jenny what a month you’ve had. Holly had a bad case of croup, it’s really scary. Gorgeous photos, those flowers are so colourful. I love to follow your america adventures, your IG just makes me want to jump on a plane every year x #meandmine
Oh Jenny, three visits to A&E in one month!? My goodness, you poor things!! How scary for you all. So glad both kids are okay though. I love the photo you did manage to capture though, perfect for May! xo
I know it’s getting a bit crazy but hopefully that was it and we have no more for a long while. Sometimes things just keep falling at the same time. In this case, quite literally. OH thanks wish we had more time there it was beautiful.
What a month you have had. I hope the kids are recovered from all their episodes! Really gorgeous photos – love the vibrant colours of the flowers. I love IG too – it’s definitely my favourite platform.
Oh my goodness, I’m sorry to hear you’ve had so many hospital visits! Hopefully that’s it for now. Good for you for having some time off from the online world, I think we all need a break sometimes. These photos are stunning! xx
What a beautiful photo Jenny, and what a gorgeous area for photos too.
Thank you so much Debs. I wish we took more that day, there. It’s such a gorgeous place.
Sorry to hear May was not great. Hopefully June will be much better. We’re currently in the middle of a garden renovation. It’s driving me mad and i’m impatiently waiting for it to finish lol x #meandmine
Loved the photo but sad to hear people have been having accidents! Athena cut her lip tie a few months back – it was horrible but I think most kids do it at some point!
Yeah, you are right. I didn’t realize how many kids do it and how common it was. It heals fast though thankfully. Thanks hunny.
You always get some gorgeous photos no matter how busy you’ve been! So sorry to hear about all your family mishaps, the grape incident is super scary. Flo turn four in a few weeks too! They grow up too fast! x
Oh bless you Jenny, sounds like a busy and stressful month! I hope June is kinder to you all, and everyone is all ok! Gorgeous photos! #meandmine xx
Lovely family photos in amongst the tulips. Glad B and MM are all okay now – what a scary and stressful time you’ve had. Well done to MM on getting her 10 metre badge and to B on riding his bike without training wheels. Hope next month is a better one for you! #meandmineproject
Beautiful, bright, colourful pics 🙂 Hope June is a little less stressful for you. The movie night sounds such fun, we watched Trolls not long ago and loved it xx #meandmineproject
Gorgeous photos Jenny. So happy and summery with the flowers x
Love the colours in the picture-the flowers and you all look gorgeous! So sorry to read of all the a&e trips you had.Heres to a much less ‘eventuful’ June! X
Yes I am hoping for a long boring, chilling July and August too. lol