Last updated on November 19th, 2023 at 01:09 pm
Over the years and I do mean years, we have taken our family photo each month to capture where we are and what we are doing together. The end of each year I print them out into family albums so we can pour of 12 months worth of growing, adventures, and memories. One of my favorite things to do is flip through old ones and see how we added each child and how each child bonded and fit into our family, each time. As a new family of five we want to continue to do this again this year.
While there is still snow outside while you are reading this, we spent most of January in the sunshine in Mexico. I am hoping our little family snaps in the sun will brighten your day and motivate you to book your summer holidays rather than make you click away in frustration of the current climate outside.
We kick started this year by celebrating my husband’s 40th birthday in Cancun, Mexico. A special place that’s dear to us as this is where we met 12 years old now. We went back to that very spot where I stood and looked over at him and our eyes met. It was emotional, magical and good to get back to where it all started.
The kids absolutely loved having some winter sunshine to soak up the rays and live in the pool. Grandma even joined us on our holiday this time and I have to say I never want to go on a holiday without her again. It was so nice having her there with us to make memories with us and the kids loved having that extra attention.
Unfortunately upon our return from Mexico, my grandma passed away, my mother’s mother. It meant baby boy and I were just getting on UK time after three flights and four countries to get back from Mexico (don’t ask) that we were back on a few planes (three more) to get to the west coast of America for her funeral. I am grateful I could be by my mother’s side and say goodbye to my Grandma with my siblings and extended family all together but we only stayed four days which meant more planes and more jetlag coming back to the UK in the same week. To say, baby boy and I are turned around and confused on what day or time it is, is a complete understatement.
Therefore we find ourselves at the end of the month and we didn’t get any family snaps in the snow! I was hoping that we could grab one today to show you just how drastic our month has been from hot sunshine to deep snow and back again.

Golfing in the sunshine in Mexico.
Celebrating his 40th Birthday in Mexico.
Sipping and sitting poolside in January.
Everything about our winter vacation in Mexico.
Getting to see all her family and home in America.
Watching baby boy change and grow everyday.
Waterslides in Mexico.
Going on a bike ride with Daddy along the beach.
Making a snowman with sister after school.
Having Grandma with us in Mexico.
Playing on the beach in the sand.
Playing in the snow in the backyard.
Tasting the snow!
Swimming in Mexico!
Trying to learn how to crawl.

As you can see we have had so much fun whether it’s been in the sun or in the snow. You can’t beat having two extreme weathers in the same month. Now, I am only hoping February brings lots of sleep and rest for us all. Here is to another amazing year sharing our family snaps and hoping you love watching us grow and change together as a family of five too!