Last updated on May 5th, 2024 at 02:48 pm
This weekend is exciting, it’s our last one before we head to America next week for the entire summer. So it’s basically our last summer weekend in the UK this year and it looks like it’s going to be nice weather until the day we leave before the rain returns. And even then it does look like it’s staying warm for a few weeks ahead. It’s been the best summer since I moved here twelve years ago and it’s been so lovely. Not that I can go out in it much with a newborn but looking out my window hasn’t been grim yet since he has been born. Maybe baby boy brought us the sunshine with him.
We have been super busy packing for five of us for six weeks. I normally am already the week before we leave but with the hot weather the kids have been getting things out of the suitcases to wear here and use now. I have a few million loads of laundry now to do before I put it back in the suitcase for our trip. They are going to have to wear leggings and jumpers until we leave so it’s all clean and ready. It’s been a while since I last packed for a baby and I forgot how much stuff you need whether it’s a day out or six weeks gone. I fear I wont’ have any room in my own suitcase for my stuff since we have to share. Baby on lap should get a suitcase allowance just not fair they need the most stuff.
So I am working hard this weekend to get a few last minute work projects done before we fly and taking my first ever two weeks off work in five years. I know that’s crazy. But don’t worry I will be on instagram as normal because well I just can’t live without you people hahaha. I hope you will enjoy following us along this summer on our woodland adventure in the big mountains.
I have finished Pretty Is which I thought was a good, easy read. Perfect for those many feeds in the armchair. I just bought Mortal Instruments series for my trip. It’s young adult fancy style but I love that for holiday reading. Takes my mind off work and everyday to do lists and relaxes me. It was recommend to me by my friend so I look forward to jumping into those as I ordered them to be delivered to my parents house, they are there waiting for me already. So this final week here, I have been working through my magazines. I go through phases where I read them all the time and then I just pile them up waiting for a rainy day to catch up. This week, has been on catch up.
Did you hear Baby Boy turned two months old. I don’t know what’s going on lately but time is on speed dial and milestones are being hit left and right lately in our house. Last week, MM turned 5 years old and we had a great Unicorn birthday party for her. This past week baby boy hitting two months which just doesn’t seem possible. And tomorrow is B’s first ever school friends birthday party before we fly back home to America. Phew, that’s a whole lot of celebrating. Baby boy is getting so big now and doesn’t look like that little scrunched up newborn baby anymore. He is cooing and smiling and starting to kick his legs when he gets excited. Babies change so much each week at this stage and I really have enjoyed documenting him and just soaking it all up. Would love you to check out our two month update below and don’t forget to subscribe and give a thumbs up please!
Have you seen our Fourth of July Celebrations too? We have been partying like there is no tomorrow here even if it’s just at home and just with family. Those are the best kind of parties too. We really had a chilled out (hot) fourth of July. I decorated the house all out and put on a pool disco party for the kids. There were flags everywhere on our house, hubby was a bit nervous we would get egged hahaha but it was just a nice time together. Baby boy’s first fourth of July. We watched fireworks on the ipad just to give it some authenticity. I do miss the fireworks and huge parades back home though too. Maybe one day we will get the kids to see a proper 4th of July celebration in the states.
I have some fun recipes coming up for summer time and I can’t wait to get back in the kitchen and to get back to food styling. I am working on a recipe planner for this space so that it’s not so far and few in between. Do keep an eye out for kid’s healthy summer treats, light healthy dinner options, healthy desserts to cool you down and more! In the meantime, check out some tasty cocktails for summer here.
I have always had this thing for hats but never brave enough to wear them. I can’t tell you how many I have bought over the years and just felt silly in them and hid them in the back of my closet. As I embrace my new body shape and trying to boost my body confidence up after having a baby, I am branching out to try new styles in my wardrobe too. There are styles I have wanted to wear for years and at my age I think well, why not try it? Who cares what others think right? I may have borrowed this beauty from the lovely Kerri-Ann at Life as Our Little Family but I might be digging a few of my own out for summer holidays. What do you think?
It’s been parks, parks, parks after school these past two months with the heat soaring around us. The kids have had more fresh air already this year than any other summer and we are about to hit America for even more. I always find if we hop on scooters and bikes and go the park after school to blow some steam off the kids are always in a far better mood. It’s like they have contained themselves with good manners, quiet time, and hard work all day in the classroom they are bursting with energy to release come 3pm. We are fortunate to have a bunch of parks on our estate so we have been park hopping like made these past few weeks and baby boy is racking up the stroller miles too. Hoping this helps Momma a bit too with the baby weight. We have overall just enjoyed getting outside more with no rain. These two have the greatest adventures together and I can’t wait until baby boy is running after them soon too.
That gin lemonade sounds fantastic! I don’t envy you on the packing front. My kids love the park, ask them where they want to go and the park is what they’ll tell you!
Oh mine are the same it’s good that they love the outdoors and fresh air to play in so much. I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Ah your 4th July sounds amazing and I love that you celebrated baby boys 1st 4th of July too, I cant wait to follow your US trip it always looks so amazing I bet your Mum is so excited. This weather is so amazing and I agree getting out to a park is a great way to burn off energy especially in the weather x
Anything to celebrate the day and have fun with the family. lol I can’t wait to be home too. She is really looking forward to us all being home for sure this year.
I can’t imagine what it must be like to pack for you all for 6 weeks, that’s a long time! I can’t wait to hear all about your America adventures, I bet celebrating 4th July got you all in the mood. Have a safe journey and enjoy your 2 weeks off x
Oh you look beautiful in your hat!! I love hats but always feel a little silly in them, I need to be a little more confident. I am trying to pack for our holidays but the weather is so nice I keep needing to take stuff out of our cases!! Have a great trip home and enjoy your break.
That Gin Lemonade sounds soooo good and oh gosh what a busy few weekends you have had. I hope the flight goes well and that you have the best summer x