Last updated on May 6th, 2024 at 10:28 am
It doesn’t seem like it should be Friday yet here we are… the weekend upon us. I feel like in some ways I have done so much this week and in other ways I haven’t done a thing. Do you ever have weeks like that? Maybe it’s because I have been to numerous doctors appointments for myself and the kids which has messed up school runs and pick ups. We found we got a lie in one morning as B’s eye appointment was late enough to have one but not early enough to actually get to school for a bit. Then my eye problems made it so B had to go into after school club one afternoon so the hospital could fit me in for emergency appointment. (Apparently I am allergic to something unknown). Here we are having had our routines a bit odd this week and no school on today because it’s HALF TERM!!!! I am shouted that because I can’t wait to just chill out and have some quality time with my two little ones at home. I can’t wait. Nothing major planned but some simple family fun.
Last Saturday, I met up with one of our lovely #littleloves bloggers Life as our Little Family for a playdate with our kids and a photo walk. The kids got along so well which is always a great feeling. We had such a good time talking about the blogging world, parenting, fashion, and it’s just so nice to get together with someone that gets the blogging stuff. My friends and family just don’t get it. They don’t understand why we would share our lives online or style photos for instagram etc. It makes me laugh but it also can be very isolating too. Kerri-Ann and I got lucky with the weather for the kids to run around and play in the park while we snapped photos of each other too. It was a win-win situation. I highly recommend if you have blogger friends near you plan a day out together and help each other get some lovely snaps whether with the kids or not. KA has been so supportive of my blog over the years and I love that blogging has brought us to become friends offline as much as we are online too.

I squealed when this came through the door yesterday. I am almost done with the Grisha Trilogy which I loved but I have been waiting for this latest book to arrive to finish off the Red Queen series I was reading beforehand. I am not usually one to set aside a book to start another but I just might have to jump into this one and finish the trilogy later. Do you start and stop books or finish completely before you read the next one?

I heard it’s not long before BLOG ON in Manchester. I know a few are going and I finally got time to get myself a ticket. It was the first blog conference I ever went to and actually with our beautiful host here, Morgana. She has been my blogging partner in crime for years and I have so many memories of our conferences and blogging related events that we have shared together. She has also taught me so much too. Blog On will always be one of my favorite blogging events to attend and it’s close to home so that makes it all the more worth while. Who else is going?

I have kept pushing myself to do more and more vlogs. I have been attempting to upload one a week for a whole year. I only didn’t upload last week as my eye was swollen shut. lol That doesn’t count right? But I really want to get better at filming and editing. I still have a long way to go. Enough blabbing this week I am sharing How I Organize a Hallway Closet with an H&M Home Haul! Having only one closet in my entire house to hide all our stuff is tough. Here is how I do it and make it look nice too.
Here is a little sneak peak at my outfit this week. I will be reviewing this gorgeous Grey Sweater Jacket along with a pastel pink duffel coat over on Laura Ashley website later next week. KA did a lovely job snapping me here. Thanks lady. I have lived in this sweater because it’s so soft like a sweater and yet looks like a jacket. It also matches everything in my closet because let’s face it normally I am in grey, white or pink. I like the fringe detail around the edging too. I did share a sneak peak of my pink coat on instagram if you want to peak there before the big reveal next week, just click the Follow Me below.

It was our first of many game nights, last Saturday night. I decided I would make it an excuse to do a nice three course meal for our friends coming over. It also was another excuse to design a tablescape too. I love make that little effort to set the table for a special occasion. The food came out so well too. I made Leek and Potato Soup with Roasted Almonds, my first Spanish Chicken Thigh Casserole and Millionaire Cheesecake with crumbled shortbread on top and fresh fruit. I was really pleased with myself. I will be sharing the recipes soon. I used these little glass jars as vases throughout the table and chose a vibrant pink bouquet to decorate it with. What do you think?
The food was good, the company was fab and our first game night went on long into the night with so much laughter I was splitting a gut. We played the infamous Cards Against Humanity game. I always feel so good after laughing that hard. It really is the best medicine. I am a firm believer we live longer if we laugh more.

I have a lovely new giveaway for you all. I absolutely adore The Essential One clothing and they have now launched their toddler range too. I am huge into coordinating and matching my two little ones and you can easily do so with their baby and toddler range for boys and girls. I love it. I think it’s only right to give back to my readers for always coming back time and time again to read my blog and support me. Enter below to WIN £50 Gift Voucher for The Essential One. They even have maternity and nursing clothes too.

Here are this week’s favorite features from my hashtag community on instagram called #LIFECLOSEUP. I can’t believe we are over 43,000+ photos joining in now. WOW!!! Thank you all so much. Pop over and check these feeds out they are dreamy. It doesn’t have to be for little ones either it can be fashion, food, travel, home interiors. All photos welcome!

Linking with CoffeeWorkSleepRepeat for #LittleLoves
I wish I was going to Blog On but yet again it falls on a day when we have a triathlon booked! Boo.
It looks like you and KA had such a lovely time, Trentham Gardens is beautiful, we just love it there.
I’ll have to watch your vlog, I need to reorganise our whole house, there’s stuff everywhere!! xx
Trentham Gardens is one of our favourite places, looks like you had a lovely day out and so pleased the weather stayed nice for you! Have a great week 🙂
It sounds like you have had a lovely week. I have never been to a blogging event and Im tempted to try Blogon as Im not too far from Manchester – hmmm we will see.
Have a lovely weekend x
That table looks stunning. I’m usually pretty strict about finishing one book before I start another, but only because I think I’d get confused otherwise haha. Hope your eye makes a full recovery soon! x #LittleLoves
Oh your dinner table! How beautiful! I love cards against humanity too – you can’t beat a good games night. I love your sweater jacket too – you always look beautiful and I am so pleased to hear you’re going to Blog On – I am too, it’s my twice a year northern jolly and I love it! x
I love the sound of your games night. You looked to have a lot of fun at Trentham gardens. Can’t believe we visited on the same day! I was tempted by blog on as I’m not far from Manchester.
I love your outfit and adore your H&M closet makeover. It looks so tidy. I really need boxes like this for our craft stuff. I really wanted to go to Blog On, but I am so nervous about going. I’ve not yet met any other bloggers so I’m being a bit of a fraidy cat! Hopefully I’ll get a whiff of confidence and buy a ticket. It sounds like you’ve had such a lovely week. I love playing Cards Against Humanity. I’m glad your dinner went so well. #LittleLoves
Sounds like you have had a wonderful week.. Your dinner party sounds like it was a big hits live the table decoration. Have a wonderful weekend xx
That photo of you in the doorway is gorgeous. Your tables always look so inviting, love the bright pink. I saw that book pop up on a site I review for yesterday and immediately thought of you. I was going to request it to review, but definitely need to read the other books first. Have a great half term x
I wish I was going to Blog On, bet it will be fab. Love the photos from your day out, you always look so stylish. I have the urge to organise my house, but as our extension isn’t fully decorated yet I can’t. Fingers crossed it won’t be much longer! Enjoy your half term! xx
I need to get Cards against Humanity as I have heard so many good things about it, and I definitely agree about laughter being the best medicine. Your day with KA at Trentham looked lovely. And yay for Blog on, will be lovely to see you again Jenny. Have a fantastic chilled out half term x
Ooo, I’m dithering over BlogOn. I never really learn very much but I do like a good gossip and catchup with everyone. What to do??!!
Blog On sounds like it would be amazing – I got as far as looking up train times but on a Sunday there was no way I could make it and get back so I shall just be stalking you all on Instagram!!
I hope they can figure out what you are allergic to so it doesn’t keep happening, poor you. I’m going to Blog On this will be my 3rd time, I couldn’t imagine not going. Your table looks stunning ! #LittleLoves
My favourite kidswear brand has to be NEXT. I love the quality and how the clothing are always in fashion and modern.
Loved reading your post. It’s always good talking to someone who gets the whole blogging world. Lovely photos! x
My favourite kids brand is next, they always have the best quality clothing
Love next’s clothes for the kids
We actually like the clothes in Asda for children!
I hear you with people who just don’t “get it.” My friends are like, you make money doing this? How? So many of them think it’s just a hobby! Your photo walk sounds amazing. I need to do that more often. And being a mom… I think every week feels like I have done so much but so little!
I love H&M kids clothes
Yay, so glad you’re going to Blog On, I’m going too. Love your Laura Ashley picks, they look great. xx
You’ve got such an eye for beautiful things, Jenny. Your table looks stunning and your outfit is just gorgeous. So stylish and how much fun to have a little photoshoot with a friend who gets what this whole blogging lark is all about. #littleloves
I love lots of brands for Kids Clothing. One of my favourites is Zara Kids.
I really like the i love mint I range
I really like Debenhams for kids clothing and their sales are great
Lotty & Lysh online hand made in cornwall
Oh I will have to check that out. Never heard of them. Love handmade clothes so unique and special.
I don’t think you can fault Asda George for kids clothes!
Good choice, wish we had one closer I usually buy Tesco F&F instead only because we have three near us. hahaha One of my fave tops of MM is Asda though. So nice.
I love George at Asda for everyday clothing and Debenhams or Monsoon for special occasions x
Oh yes we love Monsoon too. They have some beautiful clothing. Asda is fab too wish ours was slightly closer to go to but worth the trip.
My favourite kidswear brand is Next as they are individual and good quality.
I like Gap and Next for my son