Last updated on November 16th, 2023 at 04:55 pm
Welcome to this week’s Pit & Peak of the Week ~ Linky! I have been writing my Pit & Peak’s for months now and have been asked if I would turn it into a linky by a few readers, so here it is folks, I hope you will all join in!
Pit & Peak of the Week is a therapeutic way to vent about that week’s pit and rave about that week’s peak. Life isn’t all bubble gum and lemon drops, so let’s share what’s real, what’s really happening, and as always end on a positive note each week. Some week’s you might not have a Pit, and some week’s you might not have a Peak, that’s ok, share as little and as much as you want.
P&P will open up every Sunday morning until the following Saturday evening, so you have all week to reflect back on the previous week. I would love if you would place the badge below in your post so we all know where you are partying and I will give your post a shout out on Twitter with the hashtag #Pit&Peak.
We are finally on the mend in this house, last week was full of snotty noses, coughing, crying, and one stressed out Mommy. The weather seems to have bucked up a bit. I hope all of you got to soak in the sun’s rays at least a little bit this weekend and got out to play!
Pit: My Pit only came to me this morning, as after a challenging week prior, I was keeping my head down. Granny came to babysit for us so Mr. P. and I could go out with our close friends and go Go-Karting, last night which was great. We got to relive our youth and play like big kids! I really enjoyed it. After 30 minutes of racing around a two storey track, I realized that every time I caught air and slammed back down off the ramp my bum hurt. I thought my tailbone was going to snap off. Little did I know until I got home to put my pjs on that my jeans had rubbed the entire first two layers off my bum, literally. What I thought would be a bruised bum in the morning turned out to be a bum I won’t be sitting on for the next two weeks. Good thing I have enough Sudacrem in this house with two babies around. What a pit!
Peak: If you are a blogger you will know that the Mad Blog Awards are open for voting as we speak! If not, the Mad Blog Awards are for readers, family and friends to share the blogs they love with the community, there are 15 categories in total. This week, week one nominations went live. Congratulations to all those that have been nominated thus far. My Peak this week was the exciting yet shocking tweet I received from @MadBlogAwards that I have been nominated for a few categories. Since I am a new blog I was ever so ecstatic to even be thought of for some of the categories besides new blog. So thank you to whomever voted for me in Family Fun, Best Writer, and Entertaining that was a GREAT surprise to wake up to. If you haven’t had a chance to vote, voting is open till March 14th come vote for your favorite blogs now.
Learn more about Pit & Peak of the Week here, thanks to those that linked up last week.
I would love to hear your Pit & Peak of the Week, come join the party and link up below. Please remember to leave comments on others linking up, linkys only work, if we share the love.

It was me! I’m the voter! And others too I’m sure xxx
Wow, thank you so much! It means the world to me. I am so excited that anyone would even consider voting for me. π
What a lovely idea for a linky – I am going to try and join in next week! Really glad to have found your blog – it’s lovely! x
Thank you ever so much Kiran, that makes me feel so much better. I have only had one person link up to it last week. Was hoping it would catch on as I feel its very different from what’s out there in terms of linkys. Glad you found me too! I am so new that I always wonder are people really even reading my blog. Its a surreal feeling when some says they love it. π Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon, and definitely feel free to link up anytime, it’s open all week. π