Positivity, Sun Shades, and Easter Passing Us By

Last updated on May 5th, 2024 at 02:54 pm

In all my sitting around I am doing these days I have been thinking, life is what we make it. Not that I don’t always try to follow and think they way but lately with my health problems I got wrapped up into complaining and moaning all the time. Pretty much feeling sorry for myself which never does anyone any good does it? I am on a mission to embrace whatever this health problem is and well not let it get me down. I don’t want it to ruin or mask my end of my last pregnancy. I am trying to soak it up these last few weeks because this is the last time I am ever going to be pregnant. I want it to be special. I want my baby boy to be born to a mother who has her head on straight and her thoughts in order. No regrets, no moaning, no more complaining how ever bad it gets in my head (literally in my head, no pun intend).

It’s half term, it started off with bad fevers and up all night sick but we quickly were on the mend and we have had numerous playdates and friends come visit us. Ones we see often and ones we don’t ever get to see. It’s been so nice to have the house full of noice and kid’s buzzing laughter. I love having people over not just hostessing to adults but to the kids friends too. We have had about six children in the house almost every day and it’s been great. I grew up with the house full of kids (mostly my siblings) but always friends too.

We didn’t have much else on the agenda for half term. It was a recharge our batteries, hide from all the rain and get ready for baby boy to arrive. We had one full day of warm sunshine this week too. It was the best day spent just me and my two kids running around the garden. It’s shelted and a sun trap so we were in tank tops and bare feet I kid you not. While it was still cold out front of our house our little oasis kept us hot and cozy. We played ball, garden games, ate lunch and even dinner outside. I wish all of half term would was like that day. I felt so much better for it and the kids did too.


read reading

I am finishing up a book called Lost for Words by Stephanie Butland. If you liked Keeper of Lost Things you might enjoy this little read. It’s a slow starter though be warned. It took me a while to get into it. I am still on track for my book a week and we are now into April. Look at me go, for now until baby comes and it’s another year before I pick up a good book again. hahaha

heard listening to

Have you heard about Robyn Swain Photography? She is based in the NorthWest and I was honored to get to meet her through my lovely friend Morgana. I have been sharing how Morgana and I meet up for work days and how I meet up with a handful of other bloggers that work from home as part of keeping that work community alive and keeping me sane. Making relationships with those that are in the same field really help your own business as well. You can inspire and help motivate each other. In this case, even introducing and sharing clients like Robyn, who has been doing some gorgeous photos for Morgana for her site and whom I used for this post here: How to be Self Employed and part of a Working Community.

^ photo by Robyn ^

watched watch

Have you watched my latest vlog? It’s another Disney adventure and this time it’s my favorite Walt Disney World Theme Park, Magic Kingdom special. Don’t worry I only have one more theme park video to share in the next week or so and all my Disney adventures will be documented. We wanted to share what we loved, tips and advice for each theme park individually because they really are so, so different. Giving you glimpses into each with short videos was better than making a 25 minute long video that no one would watch. Would love you to comment and give us a thumbs up if you like our Magic Kingdom video. Don’t forget to subscribe to, I upload every Wednesday and a few weeks even had a bonus Sunday evening vlog.

wore wear fashion

We were our shades for a whole day. Does that count? Totally cheating here, I haven’t done any fashion post mostly because I am at my stage in my pregnancy at 34 weeks+ that I can’t fit into anything except maybe two t-shirts and black leggings and I am not going to buy anything to wear now as I am always at the end of my pregnancy I don’t see the point. I am hoping that once baby is born and I get back to good health I will have a lot to share with you in the fashion wardrobe sense. I am in need of a huge overall on my wardrobe. It’s been years since I last cleaned it out and while pregnant seemed the perfect time to do it because I couldn’t just try it on one more time and talk myself into keep it. I took out 8 big black trash bags and put everything on ebay. Then I did the same in the kid’s closets too. Ebay please be kind and sell everything for me. Hoping to use all those ebay pennies to get the kids and my summer wardrobe for America sorted.

made making

I created a special Garden Afternoon Tea for a Baby Shower this past week. It was full of luxury cakes and tea without all those sandwiches that get in the way. It’s the perfect spring/summer celebration tablescape. It was featured over on Laura Ashley’s website and I shared my famous Prosecco Punch recipe with it on here for you all as well.

How to Style a Garden Afternoon Tea Baby Shower with Laura Ashley

and lastly to share

With Easter really early this year it feels weird that it’s already been and gone. Unfortunately we had two very ill little ones for it and didn’t get to do much other than watch movies and lay on the sofa. I had a moment of jealousy and guilt wash over me before I went to bed because selfishly I just wanted to get out of the house and have so fun with my kids. It was a nice day for it too which have been far and few between lately. I woke up realizing it didn’t matter we were all together and having some quality snuggles. The kids didn’t care that we kind of let Easter pass us by this year. We can make up for in next year with a one year in tow. So I poured over my lovely little hashtag community #lifecloseup who took Easter to the next level. Click on the photo to see these fab instagram feeds. Share the Easter love with them too!

follow me on instagram

Linking up to Coffee Work Sleep Repeat for #littleloves roundup.

7 thoughts on “Positivity, Sun Shades, and Easter Passing Us By”

  1. You are all totally rocking the shades! Oh how I wish that sun had stuck around, we’re back to rain again. I love an afternoon tea and did both times for my baby shower. I love the sound of your punch, I’m going to take a look. Thank you again for featuring my photo in #LifeCloseUp x

  2. I wish the sun would come out to stay and we could get on with Spring it sure does seem like a long time coming. Oh wow a book a week that is pretty impressive enjoy xxx

  3. I love your Baby shower post it is beautiful, the colours are so pretty and you are so right about positivity it really helps. and you are such a positive person but the last few months could have tested a saint so don’t be to hard on yourself my lovely. And yes any excuse to wear shade I wear mine all the time I hate brightness in my eyes x

  4. We’ve had a whole day in the garden this week! It was glorious – lots of games, water play, running about and just getting fresh air. It was lovely. I love the look of your garden, the decking looks gorgeous and those planters are fab! Wow, a book a week?! That’s amazing! Wish I could do that. Hope you manage to get some downtime before baby arrives. Enjoy the rest of your week xx

  5. Oh wow, your back garden really is a sun trap! Because of the direction our house faces we get most of our sunshine at the front and so hardly go in the back at all!
    So very impressed that with all your health concerns you’ve still managed a book a week. I’m barely managing one a month, oops! x

  6. Your looking amazing lovely. Your blooming! Love the fact the shades came out, I think we had one or two days of sunshine and then back to grey skies and rain! Hope you have had a lovely week. #littleloves

  7. I so need to clear my wardrobe out… although some of it is so old I dont think it would even be debatable! I am trying to find some inspiration in the fashion department so I look forward to seeing you posts in due course. The afternoon tea looks lovely. I am planning a little afternoon tea for the baby’s 2nd birthday so I will be making use of your Prosecco punch. Hope you have had a lovely week xx #LittleLoves


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