Prepare Your Car for a Stress-Free Summer Vacation

Last updated on June 21st, 2023 at 12:44 pm

Sometimes, bringing your car along when you’re on vacation can be a good idea. It gives you mobility and time flexibility; it also saves you from needing to rent a car at your vacation destination. The best part is you don’t have to drive your car all the way—you can have it shipped ahead of you using a service like Amerifreight or Montway.

Besides looking for car shipping companies and reading Amerifreight reviews, there are other things you should do to ensure you and your family have an enjoyable time on your vacation. Here’s a list of things to do to prepare your car for a stress-free summer vacation.

Prepare Your Car for a Stress-free Summer Vacation:

Check the Engine Oil

Engine oil lubricates the moving parts on your car, minimizing friction and keeping the car components running smoothly. This also means your car is less likely to overheat, even on long drives. Over time, your engine oils start to burn off, reducing their effectiveness in keeping your car components running.

Not replacing your engine oil can lead to serious damages, potentially costing you a fortune down the road. Checking your engine oil levels regularly can help you determine when it’s time to replace it. To do that, follow these steps:

–          Take the dipstick and insert it into the oil tube

–          After a moment, withdraw the stick from the tube and take note of its level

The dipstick often has two labels: “add” and “safe.”

If your engine oil reaches only the “safe” level, you’re still good to drive. On the other hand, if it’s at the “add” level—well—it’s pretty clear what you have to do.

Note: Some cars have a different way of checking oil levels. To make sure you don’t commit any errors, look for your car manual; there should be instructions on how to check your engine oil levels there. If not, ask a certified mechanic to check the levels for you.

Check the Tires

The tires are one of the most overlooked car parts. People only pay attention to them when they’re near the end of their tread life. This is often why so many people end up stranded in the middle of nowhere during road trips.

While hiking with your kids can be a joyous and exciting experience, it’s a completely different story if you have to hike from one town to the next because of a busted tire. To avoid experiencing this on your vacation, do the following before you head out:

–          Make sure your tire pressure is optimal for your travel

–          Have your tires rotated to balance out the wear on them

–          Check the tread wear and see if it has enough life in it to sustain your travel

If there’s anything worse than a flat tire, it’s a flat spare. Perform the same procedures on any spare tire that you’re bringing along to save you from the frustrating error of a flat tire.

Take a look at the Ultimate Road Trip Planning Guide for more tips to make your summer vacation a great one

Check the Coolant

Auto cooling systems are regulated by coolants inside your vehicle. It absorbs the heat from your vehicle, keeping your engine safe. The less of it you have, the more likely it is for your engine to blow a gasket. Regularly checking your car’s coolant levels can help you avoid this unfortunate situation.

You don’t have to open the radiator cap to check how much coolant you have left. There are markings on the side of the reservoir that help you determine the engine coolant levels. If the level is still at “full,” you’re pretty much still good to go on the adventure. But if the marker starts to go below 50%, it may be time for you to add more coolant to your engine.

Make Use of Travel Brochures

There is a lot to be gained from reading a well-informed travel brochure. You can learn about the type of roads you’ll be driving on, the type of climate you’ll be facing, and plenty of other facts. Especially if you’re traveling to a different country, a travel brochure may come in handy. Not only are they portable and lightweight, but they also don’t require you to be constantly connected to the internet—which may not always be possible when you’re traveling outside.

Knowing the type of road you’re going to face during your travels can save you from getting into unwanted, costly accidents. You can start your search online or visit a bookstore or library to get the physical copy of the brochure you need.


Planning a trip with family and friends can be such an exciting experience. Nevertheless, it’s important to always be prepared in case an emergency were to occur.

If you’re planning to bring your car along on the journey, make sure to check all its components and confirm that everything is in optimum running condition. This will improve not just your overall vacation experience but your car’s lifespan as well.

Safe journey! 


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