Last updated on November 19th, 2023 at 01:02 pm
Anyone else finding it hard to get kick started this year? It’s now February and normally by now I am running a hundred miles an hour. I have a year planned from holidays, to days out to work schedules, and more. I am that person that plans every second of her life in advance. Lately though, I am not that person. I have changed.
I feel like the days are dragging way too quietly and trying to finding what I should be doing is taking longer than normal. One of those times where you start one thing, then another, “oh the doorbell goes,” start something else and nothing is actually getting done. This is where I am out this week.

I have been pouring over more interior inspired books and magazine this week. We have SO many projects that have kicked started at the same time from new carpet in the living room, built in entertainment shelving units being designed and the loft designs too. As soon as we get our planning permission in, it’s all go! Then I am finishing the garage off with finished walls, better lights and LOTS of shelving since we won’t have a loft to hide everything in now too. Yup, you read right, a lot going on. I need loft office and loft bedroom for 8 year old boy recommendations too please???

So I thought I would try something new to get inspired and try to spark something within me. I decided trying podcasts out see if someone talking in my ear while I was typing away or cleaning the house or in the car would help me out of my funk.
I did reach out on twitter and facebook asking for recommendations so if you have please any comment below. PLEASE!
But to start off, I decided to start with a voice I am familiar with. My lovely friend Alison Perry from Not Another Mummy Blog has an amazing podcast and the perfect voice to listen to… She has so many great episodes and guests she interviews too. Check her out!

We took a quick trip to Spain to see friends. Why not watch our latest vlog? Don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss another one of our videos from travel to babies to fashion hauls. What do you want to see more of?

HATS… I am wearing a hat who would have thought? I haven’t really been brave enough to wear hats as I wasn’t sure they suited me. I think maybe black hats just don’t suit me but when I found this £2 white hat on ebay and wore it everyday of holiday, I was hooked. Sadly it got thrown in the pool by the kids far too many times so didn’t make it home. I am on the look out for a good white hat??? Know any good hat shops or seen any good white hats????

Epic fail…I was supposed to be back in the kitchen this week and it didn’t happen. It’s been months since I had a whole day of cooking, baking, food styling, photographing food and sharing them with you. I find it hard to do recipes in between naps and bedtime and daytime light to get a good snap too. But Baby O is starting nursery in September for a few days a week and that is going to free up some time for those drool worthy recipes again I promise.

It’s been a tough thirteen months having lost so many close family members but I am hoping to get my mojo back and that 2019 will be kind to be ahead.
This week turned out to be begging for lots of recommendations for various things from interiors to fashion to podcasts but that’s Let’s Talk Mommy. We love chatting about all subjects and all passions here. What is your favorite subject we share here? What do you want to see more of here?
What kind of podcasts are you looking for? I listen to lots, though mostly business related ones really.
That shape of hat really does suit you. I think KA would be the perfect person to ask for hat shopping recommendations! xx
Oh learning, business, parenting, funny any really just to rest my eyes I am always working on computers, on my phone working or playing or googling or reading a book or doing puzzles but all of it is eye tiring podcast thought could entertain me but rest my eyes. List away girl…
I’ve felt like it’s taken me forever to get going this year so far too! I’m still taking things slowly, though I’m trying to trust that that’s just what’s needed at the moment. Perhaps with all the renovations and travel you have planned this year this is your rest-time before all the busy-ness begins? I hope 2019 is kinder to you too Jenny – last year seemed to be such a tough one for you. Looking forward to following what you get up to over the next eleven months as always 🙂
You’ve had such a tough time Jenny, I’m really hoping the rest of 2019 is much kinder to you.
I really need to try Podcasts, I’ve never listened to one yet and everyone seems to love them.
I think it will be I have high hopes for it. I haven’t done many since this post haha I can’t get over some voices I need to look into it further or get some good ones recommended.
I think you starting the year off slowly is totally understandable Jenny, you’ve had such a tough 2018. I don’t think that we are designed to go 100 miles an hour all the time and rest periods are so important. When you’re grieving, everything is tiring and it’s hard to focus on anything. Be kind to yourself and take things slowly, you’ll get there. xx
I’m all about summer hats but can’t seen to find a decent winter hat, that one looks perfect for you, and your Spain dress is gorgeous! Your vlog makes me want to book and holiday so badly, I miss the warm sun on my face.
Take it easy my lovely, you’ve had a tough year with everything, so be kind to yourself and enjoy your family. Sending a big hug xxx
You totally rock that hat! I can’t pull hats off, but I still wear wooly hats in the winter. I’m so ready for the sunny days to come now, I’m done with winter. x
You’ve had a tough start to the year lovely so taking some time to slow down and reflect was probably what you needed. Podcasts are really fun to listen to, I find they are either fitness or business related for me. I don’t listen to any chatty ones. What are you looking for? Here’s to making lots of plans for the year ahead x
I need either informative, learning something new or funny to chill parenting ones make me laugh.