Last updated on May 6th, 2024 at 10:25 am
It’s the middle of July. I won’t say I am surprised or it has snuck up on us this month as I do every month because for once it hasn’t. I know, shock and awww. I think it’s all down to the fact that we are in America living a slower pace life in the country. Our normal days back in the UK are filled with running errands, house work, laundry, swimming, music classes, and driving all over, here and there without a moment pause. But here in the states, at my parents house, way out in the middle of mother nature; we can just be.
There is nothing to rush out to because we can walk outside everyday and swim in the pool or river, chill with family around us, and enjoy life slowly. It may seem like we are so busy here from my Instagram feed and all our adventures (that I hope you all are enjoying the holiday spam) but it’s all right at our front door. The beach isn’t far or the lake either so these days out are really simple for us to hop in the car and enjoy. I don’t take it for granted not for one second. I am blessed to call this place home. I am so grateful to be able to come home to see my family and be in such a beautiful part of the world. I truly think the kids think so too.
The kids have really grown up lately and changed since we landed a month ago here in the states. At their age, a month is a long time and toddlers change so much at this stage. I have been listening to their voices sound older, their hair go blonder, and their bonding growing ever so close. I think they have had to rely on each other as playmates and company more than ever because it’s just them here. Yes, we have seen lots of friends and family but on days we are just hanging out here it’s just us and my parents. There is no nursery days, no swimming or music classes, and there is no constant interaction with other children out here in the mountains. But I think its good for them especially when we return B will be in school so they can have this extra special time together to grow their sibling bond.
I have mentioned before I am a little nervous about how it’s going to change the dynamics of the kids when B starts school. I hope MM is ok without her partner in crime all day, during the week. I know she will be squealing with delight each day outside his new school while we wait for him to come out. Anticipating those moments have made me so very excited for him to start school among the million other amazing reasons. We have talked a lot about him starting school when we get back to the UK. He couldn’t be more excited.
I love the way my two look at each other when they are playing. MM really looks up to her big brother and following him around like his shadow. Whatever he does, she does. Whatever he eats, she eats. If you want her to do anything you just have to ask B to do it first and it won’t be long before she is doing it right along with him. Her face in the picture above says it all about the love she has for her brother. He is trying to teach her to kick her feet here and she is mesmerized. I know he loves her just as much because he is always watching out for her and trying to teach her everything he knows. If she is crying he is the first to run and get her duck to comfort her even if he caused the crying in the first place.

This month they are loving…
Swimming everyday.
Having Grandma and Papa wrapped around their finger.
Being outdoor everyday.
The Rodeo.
The playground.
Getting together with their cousins.
The beach and playing in the sand.
Driving up and down the driveway in their mini electric police car.
Their Circus birthday party.
There is so much to do here and we had so many things we wanted to do but sometimes we just prefer to kick back and hang out. I could really get used to this slower pace of life. I feel less stressed and I know the kids do too. They seem calmer, more relaxed and easier to handle on most days because they have space and fresh air to run and feel free. I love that we have these summers together. I am blessed to watch them grow closer as siblings and make memories together in the places I made my own childhood memories with my own brother.
Linking up to DearBeautiful for #Siblings
They do look very alike – especially in these photos – very cute #sharewithme
Aww such cuties Jenny and they really do look so alike, especially as they are getting so blonde! Glad you are having so much fun over there!! Xx
It sounds like you are having the most wonderful time. The kids are adorable!
We really are having a blast. There really is no place better than home. Dorothy had it right. hahaha I will be so sad to leave come late August.
Oh wow they look so alike here! I just can never get enough of your photos in the states, I love that you are always outdoors having fun when you are there and it must be so nice to have nowhere to be and just slow right down. These photos of them are just adorable!
Thanks Hayley, I know I thought so too. Glad you liked our holiday spamming. I always think am I boring everyone as I get way less traffic when I am in the states but then again maybe it’s just always that way in summer time. lol It is heavenly to be here and have family all around us. I will be so sad to leave.
Blonde hair cuties!!! It’s wonderful that you have so many things to do over the summer so close to home. Isn’t it wonderful to watch your children play together and truly be “friend”? I love when my son and daughter spend time together and get along without any bickering 🙂
Thanks for hosting
It really is, while every sibling does a bit of bickering it’s a beautiful thing to watch them bond and love each other so much. It’s like having a lifetime best friend in the family when they are close in age like they are. I love it. Thank you for your lovely comment.
Gorgeous post Jenny, they look so happy and sunkissed, it really is a wonderful way for them to spend the summer. And, I think you’re right that some quality time, just the two of them, is so special and important. I can’t get over how grown up MM is looking all of a sudden, and they really do look very alike 🙂 This post made me smile, a lot xx
I think so too Sara. It’s been good for them to rely a little more on each other without extra interaction sometimes. MM has changed SOO much already and we have only been here a month. Always glad to share things that make people smile. Thanks hun. 🙂
Cheeky beautiful babes! They look so alike in these photos and so like their Mummy (Mommy!! xx) xx
I think they look so alike when B has his glasses off. It’s definitely starting too look more like Mommy genes in them both lately. 🙂 I love it. hahaha Thanks.
I love these! and that last photo is gorgeous. Thats so cute about them wondering about their skin colour, and wow yes look at the blonde! My Hal is our blondie 🙂 x
Oh Natalie thank you ever so much. That’s so lovely of you to say. It was the funniest thing to not understand how skin goes tan in the sun. I love my little blondies I didn’t think that either of them would have light hair ever. lol 🙂
I think when we’re so busy, we almost don’t notice them growing up and changing. Sounds like a wonderful summer Jenny, I hope that this has been a reminder to start taking things slower when you get back home! x
I think you are so right Suzanne, when we get busy you don’t notice the tiniest of changes but definitely when we have time to sit and just be you see so much. Definitely going to try to slow down more when we return. I also think I need to start taking me time too that always helps recharge batteries. lol 🙂
First of all I’m loving the holiday spam! Keep them coming. Secondly these shots scream summer fun!! Your two little ones look so alike and MM has become a real little girl all of a sudden. #siblings
She really has grown up a lot lately I can’t believe it either. I am glad you are loving our holiday spam I always loose a few followers and they come back eventually hahaha but it’s worth it. I love sharing our amazing adventures here in the states with everyone. Thanks hun.
It sounds like you are having a lovely time. From the photos it looks like the children really are enjoying themselves. I love that they wanted to was off their tans ;0) x
Thanks Jane we really are living it up in the states as always each summer. It’s amazing to be home surrounded by lifetime long friends I have known my whole life and now watching our own children play together. They are mesmerized on their tans. lol 🙂 It was funny.
Such Summery pics – happy times!
They could be twins in those photos – how utterly gorgeous are they?! Such beautiful summery photos x
I really think they are looking so much like twins lately since MM is getting taller and B is slowing down on his growing spurts at the moment. The age gap and size is closing in for sure. Especially when B has his glasses off.