Last updated on May 6th, 2024 at 10:26 am
The middle of May, how did that happen? I roll over to check the time this morning and peak at instagram like I do every morning and realized it was May 15th…it really shocked me. In my mind, at the latest, it could be May 9th or 10th right? The days seem to be all rolling into one big blur now. I guess a week of horrible bugs that plagued us last week really messes up time for us. We were lucky enough to go for a long bank holiday weekend to see our friends in Spain the week before we all got sick. So we kicked started May with sunshine, warmth, swimming and catching up with close friends.
The kids always have a blast when we go to Spain. B especially is close to my friend’s daughter who is the same age as him. We have been seeing glimpses of MM getting jealous sharing her brother when he gets close to friends. I really do feel bad for her sometimes because it’s good for him to run off and make his own friends but so sad she feels left out and left behind by him. It’s only because she really doesn’t like sharing her brother at all. I couldn’t help but laugh a few times over the weekend we were there when she would run after them and shout that he was her brother like our friends didn’t know it. Trying to claim her best friend back in the process.
I was talking to a friend the other about the changes of instagram (don’t get me started on that now) but she was looking through photos of our Spain trip and found the one above which has become my favorite photo ever of them together. If you look closely, they are blowing kisses and holding hands together and this is the view into their affectionate world. I have always been super close with my own siblings and we are a hugging and kissing kind of family when we greet or part but these two take affection so much further. They are ALWAYS holding hands, kissing, hugging, arm around each other, tucking each other into bed at night, saying I love you, and more. I love that they love each other both in their hearts and out loud.
As they get older, they get more independent from me but not of each other. I know that when they go swimming or play in play areas they stick together like glue. They play together. They are creative together. I can sit on the lounge chair while they spend hours figuring out different water games to play and cannonball competitions. I know I can sit in a soft play area have a lovely coffee with Mr P while they run off and entertain each other. I noticed they are amazing to each other when we are traveling, out for the day or playing at the park.
But when we are stuck inside, in the same living room all day on a rainy, cold day, I have noticed this sibling team can get quite ratty at each other. It’s some bizarre chemical reaction where they just bicker over what to watch, what to play, what to do, or get fed up with cabin fever and take it out on the other. I think all that gushing about how inseparable they are and affectionate they are to each other makes me look like a total liar on these kind of days. . Are your children like this?
Either way, I am so grateful that when we travel they are so good to each other. They experience the various cultures and worlds we live in together, side by side. It always makes me look forward to holidays with them whether I am on my own or with Mr P I know we will all have such a great time together. That’s what really makes a family holidays so special. I can’t wait for our summer travels to America again this summer. 

Traveling to Spain to see friends.
Swimming on holiday and in their new sprinkle/paddling pool.
Sunshine. Sunshine. Sunshine.
Wearing sandals. (my kids love wearing no socks).
Playing giggle wars (their favorite game, not mine).
These two couldn’t fulfill my life and challenge me more all at the same time. They fill my heart with joy and love for each of them and their love for each other is such a great (bonus) gift of life. I never thought giving my son a sibling would be as great of a gift to him as it is to me. As a mother of two, I feel so blessed and grateful to have them in my life, watch them grow and be apart of something magical. That’s really what life is about, family! Not the latest handbag or going out on the town. Not lying on the beach, alone with a good book even though that is nice for a mini break. To me, it’s the giggles that fill the car when we go on days out. It’s the splashing and laughter coming from the bath tub at bedtime. It’s the slight snores I hear from each bedroom when I turn the lights out at night. It’s all those little things, we should register in our memories as they grow. Sometimes I don’t think I stop enough in my busy life to soak up just how lucky I am to have these two siblings and all they bring to our life, together and individually.
What gorgeous lovely sunshiny shots of them Jenny. They look so happy and having so much fun. I am glad you all had a lovely time with your friends. I loved looking at your photos on instagram. xx
Thanks lovely wish everyday could be sunny and nice so we could always capture them like this, happy, free and running wild. They love it and I love no whining, crying or fighting. Outside is so much better for my two. It was a lovely getaway wish we had stayed longer though.
Such lovely photo’s and you can really see how much she adores her big brother in that first one! X
I’ve just had Isabella (4) in tears because Martha (2) didn’t want to go upstairs to play in their bedroom; it’s crazy because they bicker and fight – they are obviously close and are great company for each other.
Aren’t the little daredevils jumping in the pool?
Hope the lurgy has passed and everyone is feeling better now.
such lovely pictures! my two are not fans of wearing socks either haha #sharewithme
Too funny, what is with kids not liking socks! hahah I love it. Glad mine aren’t the only ones. Although I think I can relate much rather wear flip flops all year if I could.
Beautiful pictures, Jenny! You can really see how much the two of them adore each other. They’re very lucky to have such a close-knit bond. Thanks so much for hosting #sharewithme this week. I’ve truly enjoyed sharing your space weekly, and I can’t wait what to see what other adventures you’ll have ahead. Thanks for being a lovely host!
Thank you for all your amazing support for so long. I can’t tell you how much it means to me. I hope to still see you here on LTM and keep sharing your amazing writing over on Mummy Fever Share With Me. I would hate to see SWM end here.
Such lovely pics – the bickering over what to play or watch made me smile, my two big ones were deep in role play after school yesterday and bickering about what each character should or shouldn’t wear as they had their own ideas lol #sharewithme
It’s funny when they bicker like this because they are in fact trying to do something together just have different ideas about how to go about it don’t they sometimes?
Aw, those photos are so adorable! It’s so lovely that they’re so close too. I’m really close to my brother – even now we ‘get’ each other completely. x #sharewithme
Awww these photos are so gorgeous, I love how they are holding hands and clearly so close on each photo! Looks like you have had a wonderful, sunny time in Spain, I’m very jealous sat here with the heating on! #sharewithme
Beautiful photos of your adorable little ones… Sounds like a fab holiday for you all which makes me jealous, I’m craving for another holiday. My kids are the same, they can be each others best friends in spite of all the bickering they do at times. I guess it’s just normal for siblings. #sharewithme
Aww they look like they’re great little friends, how lovely. Looks like you had a wonderful time in Spain too 🙂
What gorgeous sunny photos – I’m desperate for some sunshine!!
I love seeing how close you guys are, such a happy little family! #sharewithme
What a lovely way to be out and enjoying the fresh air. It certainly looks warmer in Spain. Hope the sickness is now past too. #sharewithme
What wonderful photos. They really do have a a great bond – they’re adorable together.
Aw how lovely. I think all siblings are like that, really loving one day and at each other’s throats the next. I was like that with my sisters and BP and LP are like that all the time!
OH yes true sibling love hate relationships that last forever.I love it. Thanks hunny for stopping by and commenting.
Beautiful words and beautiful pics as ever Jenny… they’re growing up so quick! #sharewithme
Thanks Carol, they really are getting too grown up on me. I can’t stop it sadly. 🙂