Last updated on November 19th, 2023 at 01:09 pm

It’s been five years of documenting my babies together from when I first gave my eldest son a sister. Fast forward five years later, when I added another sibling to the family tree, we are still documenting them together each month. A project that motivated me to regularly capture them together, write how they have been forming bonds and growing relationships between them.
There is something so special about the dynamics of siblings. Watching them together play, laugh, chat, and create a home life together is mesmerizing without sounding too cheesy.

I have always wanted more than one child. Not only to love another child as much as I do the first one but to give them siblings. I have a lot of siblings myself as I am from a huge family and growing up with siblings has been the best childhood experience I could have asked for. I am so grateful that I have been blessed with giving my babies each other.
So enough mushiness at the start of another year of documenting my babies together as siblings on a monthly basis. I have loved joining in with Dear Beautiful and her gorgeous babies sharing this project with “The Siblings Project” community as she moves it to instagram using the hashtag instead of a linky, I will continue to share and join in. I hope you all still enjoying watching and reading about my siblings growing up together.
Since we took a bit of time off this holiday season, I didn’t many photos of the three of the kids together. BoBo was usually taking a nap while we were in the pool and then we are out on days out taking family photos or just enjoying time together with no cameras in their face. But here are a few sibling snaps of them along the way.

Our winter holiday to Mexico in the sun.
Swimming with dolphins.
Going on the waterslides at Ventura Park.
Big brother and sister feeding baby brother.
Taking a bath in a huge hotel jacuzzi tub with all three.
Sharing their Mexico adventures at school for show and tell.
Having Grandma on holiday with us.

We are sad that the holidays are over both Christmas/New Year, my birthday and hubby’s big 40th birthday too. We are sad to say goodbye to the hot weather in Mexico where Mommy and Daddy met and we had such a gorgeous holiday with Grandma in tow too.

I enjoyed taking a step back and just watching my babies play in the pool and on the beach together. Having so many days with all three was lovely as the older two are at school during the week and don’t get to play with baby boy as much as they do on holiday. I think baby boy felt spoiled this time with them all to himself. They even gave him a new nickname as Grizzle just doesn’t suit him anymore so hence forth he is called, “BoBo”. It’s funny how nicknames form and change over the years by various family members. I wonder if this will be the one that sticks. How awesome that would be that it came from his siblings.
Oh the holiday looked so good and Bobo has grown so much and looks like he adores his big brother and sister. Our baby is still referred to as the baby and he’s nearly 2. I think we will always call him the baby 🙂