Yes, cousins only four days a part! My sister’s son but my sister and I are ten years a part so I never thought we would bond over having the same age kids. It’s been amazing.
Ah so lovely that the cousins had the chance to meet up and spend some time together. I sometimes wish that my two had cousins their own age and sad that my sister and I came to parenthood a decade apart but c’est la vie. X #silentsunday
Yes I only wish we lived closer so they could grow up together like I did with my same age cousins! It’s hard to be far away. Yes I can relate to that as my sister is 10 years older than me I never thought our kids would be the same age.
Ahhh cute faces, are they cousins?
Yes, cousins only four days a part! My sister’s son but my sister and I are ten years a part so I never thought we would bond over having the same age kids. It’s been amazing.
What lovely smiling faces
Thank you so much. They are so cute together. So grateful we got to come home and them have the chance to get to know each other and bond.
Such a sweet photo, they both look so happy! x
Thank you. It was so cute watching them bond! They are only four days a part. So lucky to be home and them get together.
Ah so lovely that the cousins had the chance to meet up and spend some time together. I sometimes wish that my two had cousins their own age and sad that my sister and I came to parenthood a decade apart but c’est la vie. X #silentsunday
Yes I only wish we lived closer so they could grow up together like I did with my same age cousins! It’s hard to be far away. Yes I can relate to that as my sister is 10 years older than me I never thought our kids would be the same age.
Such happy faces, what a cute pair
Thank you Zena. They are so cute together. Only four days a part!