Last updated on May 5th, 2024 at 03:11 pm
What a week! No, understatement. What a crazy few weeks we have had. It’s my first #littleloves roundup of 2019 because of it. Time just doesn’t seem to be my friend as we come back from Christmas/New Year from Mexico and attempt to get into a routine.
We have come from high 80s hot weather to freezing cold snow. BoBo (baby boy) has no winter clothes that fit him having left the cold a few weeks ago and grown while we were away. Off to the shops I go in the snow. Brrr!
More unexpected news came this week at the passing of my grandma, my mom’s mother. We are shocked. We are heart broken. It was so unexpected as she was healthy and fit and just went to sleep and never woke up. I thought 2019 wouldn’t have the mark of death that 2018 did for us having lost my other Grandma and Dad in the same year. Just shows you how precious life is and how fast it can be gone so treasure every second you have like it’s your last.
I know though that Grandma lived a full life and was hiking, driving, and cutting her own firewood right to the very end and she inspires me to stay healthy, fit and happy to the end too.
The positive nature in me though is trying to get back to the little things that I love each week. The things that aren’t important in life’s big scheme but the “me time” is very important in the daily sanity of it all.


Last year, I read a book a week. I was so proud of myself because I made it until almost Thanksgiving in November when I faltered a bit from reading because work and preparations for baby’s first Christmas and holiday took over. I am absolutely loving How to Hygge: The Secrets of Nordic Living by Signe Johansen. It’s the perfect time to be reading this for me. It’s calming. It’s bursting with tips and advice on how to simplify life something I really need right now. It’s just brilliant. I keep finding myself picking it up and rereading little bits I want to apply to my everyday life.
I think as a society in certain cultures we are too fast pace, too pressured to do it all and pack as much as we can into a 24 hour period. It can’t be healthy. It can’t be sustainable either. I am the guiltiest of them all. So simplifying life, breaking things down into days rather than hours is a new year’s resolution if you want to call it that. Last years health scare and battle of dizziness continues and I think it’s because I have worked far too many hours in front of a computer and phone screen and not enough of the Hygge!

Unfortunately more of the unexpected happened this week I hit a car with my car. I didn’t want this to a moaning post but it was loud and it scared the kids and it’s what we all heard including half the school playground sadly too. I think I am more embarrassed than anything and more damage done to my car then his.
We have a joke that I always want a white car and every time hubby goes to get me a new car he gets silver or black and I complain that it’s not white once again. Over 12 years, its the same conversation so we now joke about it all the time that I will wreck it just to get that white car. I wouldn’t! But just maybe I can turn this into a positive and paint my whole car white. Doubtful…a bit of wishful thinking! Hubby won’t see it that way.

We are nearing the end of House of Cards. Years late to the party on this one. It got a bit weird like all shows when they go that long. I think there are very few that hold out on the amazing card Game of Thrones included season to season. Everyone is raving about “YOU” on Netflix. What are your thoughts? Is it hooked at first episode or do you have to give it time???

For once I have so much to share here but won’t overload on my first roundup on you. I am working on my wardrobe, in depth, at the moment. I keep going over and over it clearing out things that I don’t need or never wear. Now, I am getting into the hard decisions of what I want to keep and why. There are so many I think one day I might need a lace blouse that goes with leather pants. Sounds nice and even looks nice but will I actually wear this style?
This leads me to wear this style and see why I love it or hate it. If I don’t think I will wear it again it goes. If I realize actually this is comfort and cute. It gets moved to the keep pile.
I also used to categorize my clothes in tanks, shirts, blouses, long sleeve, sweaters, jackets and then coats in a row. Then color coordinate in each category. I know I like it organized. But by being organized I never wear half of what is in there because I don’t have time to dig through ten white tops to see which looks best.
I wonder should I be organizing it in outfits? Or does this limit me too much? I think yes on one hand but on the other so many items I don’t wear because I don’t have to time to sit and try to pair bottoms or tops with them. If there was outfits already formed in your closest wouldn’t it be easier to wear more things just by grabbing the full outfit and throwing it on. Then every few months switch outfits around??? Fashionista what do you think?

I made myself over. I am making 2019 a bit more about me than I ever have before. After having a baby my style, my passions, my skincare, my hobbies kind of went on a back burner like they normally do. It’s time to refresh the closest (currently being done) and buy some new things that make me feel good about myself. So I have been testing out some new makeup looks and even tried false eyelashes for the first time ever.
I am always trying to make a huge effort to simple my days. For the past few years they have just been too chaotic and every minute accounted for and it leads to very stressful weeks.
I also say this each year but I want to do more in the kitchen. I miss my food styling. I miss creating beautiful food and beautiful photos with food. I have been working on starting my “letstalkfoodie” instagram account so pop over and follow along. Hopefully I will have a few new recipes up for you pronto.

If you read this blog now or have done for the past five years, THANK YOU! But more importantly what do you want to see more of here? Do you like the mixture of topics from baby, interiors, food to fashion? Do you want to see more about one particular topic?
Help me, help you!
I’m so sorry to hear about your grandma. I lost my grandad in June and my grandma the April before that.
Then just when we thought the new year could only get better my mother in law died last week.
I think things happen in threes so I’m praying that’s the last of it.
When things like that happen the little things like a minor car crash seem so much worse don’t they. I hope you and your family move on and are able to feel happiness again very soon.
Oh Catherine I am so so sorry to hear that sounds like we both got hard threes in the past 12 months. Not easy life can be hard to swallow so many bad news in one go. I am hoping for us both to have a better rest of the year. They do say int threes. Thanks hun.
Oh Jenny I am so so sorry to hear about your Grandma, it really does show how precious life can be. What a rubbish week you have had with the car accident as well, just what you need my lovely. We finished watching You on Saturday night and it’s brilliant right from the start. Me and hubby were hooked from a few minutes in. Trouble is I have no idea what to watch now, as I always feel sad when we have finished a show. Hope your week is much much brighter for you. Hugs xx
Oh Jenny that first photo of your littles is so so gorgeous. And you look beautiful in your beach outfit. I’m so sorry about your sad sad news and the bump in the car. I love CT makeup and I must order my foundation. And I loved your outfit for our get together. Gorgeous round up. And with regards to what you should post – whatever makes you smile x
Aw Jenny I am so sorry you have had such a rough time, I hope the journey back home is ok for you and the weather isnt too bad! Aw no the crash sounds a nightmare, I have done it before and I was so cross at myself after but these things happen and thank god you are all ok. I wish I had been able to make it to see you last week it looks like you all had a fab time x
Oh lovely what a week. I am so sorry to hear about your Grandma – such sad news. Don’t be worrying about being embarrassed about your crash, as long as you are all safe – we have all been there (me a few times). Have a good week x
I’m so sorry to hear about your Grandma, that must’ve been a shock for you all. And then your car crash too, just be pleased that no one was hurt. Cars can be fixed and the embarrassment will go. I hope you’ve had a better week x