Taking care of your body can be quite the complex thing. With all the different organs and systems making up your anatomy, taking care of each individual area can be time consuming as well!
Thankfully, a sense of healthy living will allow you to approach the required TLC all in one go, but even then, it’s easy to forget just how much attention certain parts of your body really need!
Indeed, no matter your age or how well you live right now, body parts like the ones below need a bit more focus. Make sure you’re taking them into account when you follow a wellness routine or an exercise regime; doing so could make a very beneficial difference to how good you feel in yourself for years to come!

Your Eyes
It might sound quite hard to look after your eyes, but there are lots of things you can do for them. One of the best is to block the amount of UV exposure they get per day. Never look directly at the sun! And if you can, get yourself a trusty pair of sunglasses to go out and about with.
You can also ensure you’re maintaining the optimum distance for healthy vision when using screens. Try to be at least 50 cm away from any screen you’re looking at. You can also match this with a straight back and upright posture for maximum benefit!
You should also make regular visits to the optician to check your eyes are in good health. Never skip an appointment, and if you need to cancel, rearrange as soon as possible.
Your Heart
Your heart is responsible for keeping everything your blood contains pumping round the body. This includes oxygen, which is pretty hard to live without! As such, make sure you’re taking care of your heart health from a young age.
Heart health issues aren’t too common in the earlier years of adulthood. However, the less time you spend on heart care now, the more likely heart troubles will be later.
But how are you supposed to take care of your heart? In various ways. Firstly, make sure it has no trouble pumping. Do cardio activities on a regular basis to keep your BPM low while resting.
You can also start taking supplements, such as Resveratrol, which are great for promoting a healthy heart. Include these as part of your regular diet, and be sure to look into other heart boosting foods, such as spinach and kale.
Your Feet
We’re on our feet all day long. They move us from place to place and any and all of our weight is pressed down on them. They also come into contact with all kinds of bugs and germs. So, depending on how much you have to move per day, that can add up to a lot of pressure!
Repetitive movements are the worst for this. It’s why it hurts to stand for too long. It’s also why your feet can ache after a day walking round a theme park, even if you’re usually fine being upright for hours at a time.
Because of all this, make sure you’re looking after your feet. Watch them for signs something is wrong. This can include discoloration, hardening skin, blisters, corns, etc.. Then, be sure to treat them gently every once in a while. For example, have your own foot spa on hand. You can also use creams and lotions that help keep the skin feeling soft.
Your Ears
Another one of the five senses, looking after your ears is crucial for healthy hearing in later life. Be sure to keep them clean and dry as much as you can. Keep water out of them as much as possible, prevent wax build ups, and take a look at them every once in a while.
Of course, earwax can be a nasty thing to feel in your ear. It can even be quite itchy. However, it helps to keep your ears healthy. As such, don’t remove all earwax from your outer canal during a cleanout. Let some stick around to prevent anything more dangerous from getting inside.
If you want to give your body the holistic touch of care and attention it really needs, make sure you’re paying an extra special bit of attention to the four parts above. They’ll give you some unexpected boosts over the next few years, especially if you spend some energy on keeping them working well at the same time!
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