Last updated on May 6th, 2024 at 10:20 am
If you have been following me for awhile, you will know we are huge bookworms in this house. We love a good bedtime story or afternoon reading time. But the kids were so very excited when Daddy came home early from work today and plopped down on the couch with a new book from Parragon Books, to read to them. We have been saving it for a special occasion as they both get so excited when we have a new book for them. Daddy coming home early deemed the right time to share it! The Three Little Dinosaurs, Egg Rescue is a fun children’s book about a Dino named Scratch excited to have a new sibling but the egg gets into trouble and needs rescuing. The story line is perfect for families with toddlers and babies alike, especially those that are about to add more members to their family. Buba has already asked does he get another sibling. Umm, don’t think Daddy is ready for that just yet.
This picture does the book review instead! One very intrigued toddler and one very happy baby. Who doesn’t love little dinosaurs? They both quickly curled up in Daddy’s lap when they saw me bring out our new Parragon book after the excitement of him arriving home early from work faded. I love that I don’t have to persuade either of them to read with us, they both willing do so with such enthusiasm.
I was amazing at the stunning illustrations and clearly I wasn’t the only one. Missy Moo was infatuated by the gorgeous, vibrant dinos herself. She kept trying to grab and pick them up, I don’t blame her either they did look real. The colors are beautifully done throughout the whole book. It’s one of our favourites from Parragon, thus far. Charles Fuge, the author really did a great job on the adorable story line and the illustrations to go with it.
I am not one to rave about the same book too long. I like reading new things to my kids and so does Mr P. Too often, the kids want to refer back to the same book and we try to always keep new ones about but this one I don’t mind reading over and over.
Three Little Dinosaurs Egg Rescue by Charles Fuge
See… how amazing are these illustrations? The top photo in this collage is Buba’s favourtie page. He always seems to pick a favourite page from each book we read. I think he just likes it when we go “PLOP” with a funny, loud voice. Oh yes, we are animated readers in this house too. You would never catch me reading in my normal, monotone voice. It’s got to be loud, eccentric and animated for sure. No one wants to listen a boring reader. Mr P is great at reading enthusiastic as well. I think this is why the kids get so engrossed into the story we read them.
Either way, it was a special moment with Daddy home from work, but an ordinary reading moment that I will always cherish. Reading time with our kids is amazing and so good for us all! And although Mr P does a lot of the reading while I listen, and take it all in, I still love to sit and watch my family bonding over a good book!
Check out these other Parragon Books for children:
Juggy Giraffe’s Book comes with a Giraffe Rattle
The Cow Says Moo

What a fantastic book. It looks like your little ones love it. Ill have to look at making a purchase and hope that my littlies love it just as much. Thanks for sharing #TriedTested
The colors and dinosaurs are so vibrant and fun they kids will love it. I would highly recommended it if I didn’t think it was worth it. Promise. We love this one!!!
That looks like a lovely book, and one that I can see both of mine enjoying. Thanks for sharing, and a lovely review x
Thank you Jocelyn. Yes I was really impressed with this month’s book. Great to be a parragon book buddy. We are really enjoying their stories they send.
What a lovely book….
Gorgeous photos… x
Oooooh I love dinosaurs! This book looks great! Popped over via #triedtested
Yes the dinos were a HUGE hit in this house too! Check it out you will love it.
I love the illustrations too, I can see why your children have both taken to it. Looks like such a fun book #triedtested
I love Parragon books, and I am pretty sure all of my children would enjoy this book – the pictures are gorgeous! Thanks for linking up with #TriedTested
Looks like a cute book. My 2-yo is currently obsessed with dinosaurs so we will have to check it out!
Oh yes it’s great for the 2 year old dino lovers!!