Last updated on May 6th, 2024 at 10:25 am
Since the day Missy Moo was born, Buba’s life has never been the same. No undivided attention is on him. People coming to visit no longer coo over him, they said, “hey buddy,’ and walk pass to coo over his baby sister instead. I can imagine for a two year old this must be so confusing. I have tried my hardest to make sure we still do all the fun activities we did when it was just him, like music, swimming, play groups. For the most part we have, but other than swimming his sister is always with us too.
Recently, I have cut his naps down to one and half hour, he is getting older now and doesn’t need as much sleep during the day. Obviously naptime is Mommy time, and I know this will soon be all over, so I cherish the mini break I get to run around to do my to do list for the house and cutting into that was a bummer at first. But I was excited about one thing, cutting a half hour off his nap gives Buba a half hour with just Mommy everyday now. Time where I can sololy focus on just him. It is great not to have to split my attention. I could tell he really loves this new half hour. He now knows when he wakes up that it’s time with just Mommy. “Mommy, play cars?” is usually his first sentence.
So yesterday while the sun was shining, oh, so bright and warm, I pulled out the double slide we had in the garage from last summer, a few lounge chairs, a soccer ball, his Lightening McQueen scooter, and had the back yard (garden) ready for some spring time fun when he woke up.
I woke him up, and whispered, “Mommy has a surprise for you”. You should have seen his face light up. I took him out back and as soon as he saw everything he didn’t know where to start first. He ran over to his scooter, “I scoot, I scoot.” I couldn’t believe how much he had grown up since last summer when we got him the scooter. We used to push him around on it, now he was scooting all by himself. It was amazing to watch. He is becoming this big little boy so fast.
Then it was jungle gym time! He climbed up the slide, where we played king of the mountain and Mommy mostly played fetch with the golf balls as he rolled each one down the slide, over and over. He thought it was hilarious shouting at me to get them.
Overall, a half hour is a long time for a kid, and dedicating a half hour a day to just him has really been amazing for the both of us. He was laughing so much and melting my heart yesterday with his squeals and “Mommy, this way”. I really look forward to each day, being creative and seeing what activities the two of us can do while Missy Moo finished her nap. It really brought back great memories of the first year of his life, when it was just me and my little boy who is not so little anymore.
Having that one to one time is very special isn’t it. I love his face, he looks so happy. They grow up so fast too.
Completely agree Iona. Makes me sad and excited for the future all at once. Thanks for popping over. 😉
Aww! That’s so lovely you manage to get some one on one time!! Gorgeous photos x
Thank you Kim. I have really enjoyed our little Buba/Mommy half hour this week. So glad it was time to cut his nap a bit. Although not looking forward to having no nap. hahahaha Mommy needs time too. 😉
I really want to have another one when my little miss is a bit older but I worry about how she will cope with not having the attention on her all the time lol
To be honest, Buba has been amazing. He didn’t take notice of her at first, then when he did it was all kisses and I help mommy and running to get her toys or diapers. So very helpful. I love having two especially so close in age. It’s so much fun and not as hard as I ever thought it would be. I am so glad they have each other too! Their bond is amazing to watch. You won’t regret it promise.
He looks so delighted being with his mommy.
He was!!! We had such a good time. Thank you.
Oh bless him, he looks like he had a wonderful time – and it is so important to have some one on one time 🙂 Thank you for linking to PoCoLo x
I agree and I felt bad because up until now I really hadn’t focused on it. But I am trying to be a better mom and make sure it happens and that’s its full of creative fun things to do. I want to make good memories for my kids. 😉
Such beautiful photos of your gorgeous boy. One on one time is so important, how lovely that you manage to get some everyday x
Thank you. I hadn’t really thought about it until recently and it seems to be so good for both of us.
Aww what lovely quality time together. I have a dedicated half an hour with my youngest each week and it goes so fast too. Glad he enjoyed it so much, gorgeous photos.
Thank you so much. Glad you get a chance to do the same. It really is so nice to have the one on one. Too bad there isn’t someone to take the pictures though of just us so I could be in them with him. hahaha
What a clever way to organise some one to one time with your sweet little boy! You can tell he’s having a wonderful time by the apparent joy on his face. Thanks for linking up and sharing your time with your son with Country Kids.
Thanks Fiona. Sorry it wasn’t more adventurous outdoors. We really do struggle to get out and play in the great outdoors with a little one. I can’t wait till Missy Moo is older because she hates her stroller. Then we can be sure to link up every week. lol Thanks for hosting.
I love your photos! Especially the last one where you can see what he can see in his eyes! Happy!
It was a great moment for sure. I love letting him running around the back yard and exploring. It truly shows had adventurous kids can be when let free. He is so fun.
What a beautiful post. It’s such a lovely age,full of wonder and excitement. That
It really is, I love watching him and his sister and seeing what they get so excited about. Oh to be young and innocent. Just fabulous.
pressed post too soon! …That half an hour a day will make such a difference to both of you Zx
hahah I always do that or forget to say something and have to reply a few times. 😉 It really does, seemed small at first and now we both look forward to it so much.
What a lovely post. That truly made go awwwwww… It’s amazing how simple things are at the age and you’re right it doesn’t take long to make them feel special. A great reminder of how the simple things are life are often the greatest 🙂 #letkidsbekids
So very true and the simpler the better for both all around. Thanks for stopping by and commenting.
1 to 1 time is always special. It looks like he had lots of fun in the garden with you. Lovely pics too 🙂
Thanks for sharing #LetKidsBeKids
Thanks for hosting. It’s great to have a space and time where he can run around be free be hyper and have all of mommys attention at the same time.
What a lovely surprise for him to wake up to and so nice that we’re finally getting the weather to enjoy the back garden. Our little girl turns two next week and she’s getting her first scooter and a sand and water table so hopefully we’ll be getting outside more too. #LetKidsBeKids
Wow that’s a lot of outdoor fun to be had. Happy early birthday. Enjoy your outdoor adventures soon!!!! Thanks for stopping by. Hope to see you again soon.
He looks VERY happy with his special time with you 🙂
Thank you we really are enjoying it everyday. Funny how the smallest things can have a huge impact.