Last updated on May 5th, 2024 at 01:54 pm

We have teamed up with Aldi to test out their Mamia baby range from food to wipes to diapers/nappies. We starting with weaning on purees for Baby O using the Aldi’s Mamia stage one baby food pouches. They were brilliant for first tastes.
Now moving forward as Baby O gets bigger and able to chew with his new peggies we are onto solid foods. Mamia has a great range of stages so you can go at your baby’s pace while weaning. We are on Stage 4 with chunks as Baby O is great at eating solids and chewing with his seven teeth already. They do have ages on the packaging to help guide you but this is just a guideline.

At ten months Baby O is loving a variety of food from toast, cucumbers, bananas, broccoli, tuna that we eat and has some favorite Mamia Stage 4 meals for days out, busier nights and on the go eating too!
Mamia Baby Food Stage 4 with chunks include:
Spaghetti with Tomato & Mozzarella Sauce

Vegetable & Chicken Risotto

Vegetable & Beef Casserole

Spaghetti Bolognese

Baby O loves these hot or cold which is great when you don’t have a microwave on hand to heat them up. They clearly are so tasty they don’t need warmed up. Spaghetti Bolognese is everyone’s favorite and Baby O loves the Vegetable & Chicken Risotto.

What I love about the Mamia range of baby food with chunks is that it actually has chunks in it. So many times I have bought baby food that is supposed to be more solid foods or “with chunks” and it’s still pretty much puree or watery. These as you can see below look exactly as if you made them at home and smell like it too when you warm them up. Giving you that added security that they won’t be watery, mush for your baby but full of whole foods.

I love the handy food bowl it comes in too. Pouches are great for purees to pour right into the spoon but it gets a bit tricky when you have chunks and solid food in a pouch, you need a bowl and on the go that gets messy. These are so convenient in their package.

But besides the great taste, it’s the price that will have you smiling too. At £0.95 you have to jump up and down. Some of the competitors for chunky baby food go up to £2 a meal. That’s double more than double the price. Bargain doesn’t mean skimping out on nutrition because Aldi’s Mamia baby meals are packed with organic meat and vegetables.

Baby O is getting better at holding his spoon and feeding himself now too. He really is growing up far too fast on me. So many teeth coming in and he is attempting to crawl, pull himself up and walk around aided. He doesn’t stop chatter and shouting, “mama” all day which is so cute. I love this age.
*In collaboration with Aldi as product testing ambassadors but all photos and opinions are my own.
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